This page (revision-2) was last changed on 29-Aug-2024 18:08 by Olaf Bohlen

This page was created on 24-Aug-2021 10:02 by Admin

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
2 29-Aug-2024 18:08 505 bytes Olaf Bohlen to previous
1 24-Aug-2021 10:02 255 bytes Admin to last

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Behind this website sits a little server with a bit of complexity:
This system is a SunFire T5220 server with a SPARC T2 Processor running at 1.4GHz, having 8 cores and 8 threads each. The system also has 128GB of RAM and a bunch of Harddisks and SSDs.
[ setup/hope-eenfach-de.png]
This system used to be a Sun Microsystems T5220 Server which git replaced in August 2024 with a more modern Sparc T4-1. 
The old system was called "toy", because initially it was just a toy for me - I thought I would stop doing self-hosting. However it turned out to become very productive.
So, the new system is called "hope", because I hope I can use it for at least another 12 years - that's how long "toy" was used by me.