Atsushi Odagiri
2012-01-02 02a504e06198ed48f7783c28e9931ed94818959c
commit | author | age
4a8c36 1 import binascii
CM 2
02a504 3 from repoze.who._compat import AUTHORIZATION
AO 4 from webob.exc import HTTPUnauthorized
4a8c36 5
CM 6 from zope.interface import implements
cb5426 8 from repoze.who.interfaces import IIdentifier
CM 9 from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger
4a8c36 10
CM 11 class BasicAuthPlugin(object):
c51195 13     implements(IIdentifier, IChallenger)
4a8c36 14     
d85ba6 15     def __init__(self, realm):
4a8c36 16         self.realm = realm
CM 17
c51195 18     # IIdentifier
CM 19     def identify(self, environ):
4a8c36 20         authorization = AUTHORIZATION(environ)
CM 21         try:
22             authmeth, auth = authorization.split(' ', 1)
7dfea7 23         except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack
40a968 24             return None
4a8c36 25         if authmeth.lower() == 'basic':
CM 26             try:
27                 auth = auth.strip().decode('base64')
7dfea7 28             except binascii.Error: # can't decode
40a968 29                 return None
4a8c36 30             try:
CM 31                 login, password = auth.split(':', 1)
7dfea7 32             except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack
40a968 33                 return None
7dfea7 34             auth = {'login':login, 'password':password}
CM 35             return auth
4a8c36 36
40a968 37         return None
4a8c36 38
c51195 39     # IIdentifier
CM 40     def remember(self, environ, identity):
41         # we need to do nothing here; the browser remembers the basic
42         # auth info as a result of the user typing it in.
43         pass
45     def _get_wwwauth(self):
02a504 46         head = [('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="%s"' % self.realm)]
c51195 47         return head
CM 48
49     # IIdentifier
50     def forget(self, environ, identity):
51         return self._get_wwwauth()
53     # IChallenger
54     def challenge(self, environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers):
55         head = self._get_wwwauth()
4daaea 56         if head[0] not in forget_headers:
c51195 57             head = head + forget_headers
CM 58         return HTTPUnauthorized(headers=head)
7dfea7 59
97cfa2 60     def __repr__(self):
396eef 61         return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
TS 62                             id(self)) #pragma NO COVERAGE
97cfa2 63
515c69 64 def make_plugin(realm='basic'):
d85ba6 65     plugin = BasicAuthPlugin(realm)
CM 66     return plugin