Olaf Bohlen
2023-03-21 0cfd14f46c75d2eef2ed792f2cb27c68415a6be1
commit | author | age
d99f23 1 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
OB 2 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
3 metadata:
267308 4   name: cookierecipes.de.eenfach.olbohlen
d99f23 5 spec:
OB 6   group: de.eenfach.olbohlen
7   names:
267308 8     kind: CookieRecipe
OB 9     plural: cookierecipes
10     singular: cookierecipe
d99f23 11   scope: Namespaced
OB 12   versions:
13     - name: v1
14       served: true
15       storage: true
16       schema:
17         openAPIV3Schema:
267308 18           description: "The CookieRecipe CRD is a k8s demo for enhancing functionality, it will not (unfortunately) provide you real cookies in the end..."
d99f23 19           type: object
OB 20           properties:
21             apiVersion:
22               description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
23                 of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
24                 internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
25               type: string
26             kind:
27               type: string
28               description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
29                 object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
30                 submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
31             metadata:
32               type: object
33             spec:
34               type: object
35               properties:
36                 description:
37                   type: string
38                   description: please describe the cookie
39                 source:
40                   type: string
41                   description: where does this come from? (grandma, mum, the internet...)
42                 ingredients:
267308 43                   description: this list provides required ingredients for this recipe
d99f23 44                   type: array
OB 45                   x-kubernetes-list-type: atomic
46                   items:
47                     type: object
48                     properties:
49                       name:
50                         type: string
51                         description: specifies the ingredient
52                       amount:
53                         type: number
54                         description: the amount
55                       unit:
56                         type: string
57                         description: the unit for the amount
58                       remarks:
59                         type: string
60                         description: additional remarks, i.e. "grandma always used to..."
61                     required:
62                       - name
63                       - amount
64                       - unit
65                 steps:
66                   description: the actual preparation steps
67                   type: array
68                   x-kubernetes-list-type: atomic
69                   items:
70                     type: object
71                     properties:
72                       order:
73                         type: integer
74                         description: the order number of the step
75                       instruction:
76                         type: string
77                         description: the instruction text for this step
78                     required:
79                       - order
80                       - instruction
81                 temperature:
82                   type: integer
83                   description: temperature for the oven
84                 sanescale:
85                   type: boolean
86                   description: if true or not defined, use Celsius-scale, else use Fahrenheit
87                 preheat:
88                   type: boolean
89                   description: shall the oven be pre-heated, assume yes if undefined
90                 duration:
91                   type: integer
92                   description: the amount of time in minutes to bake the cookies
93               required:
94                 - ingredients
95                 - steps
96                 - temperature
97                 - duration