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A date and time picker in the same React.js component. It can be used as a datepicker, timepicker or both at the same time.

This project started as a fork of https://github.com/quri/react-bootstrap-datetimepicker but the code and the API has changed a lot.


Installation :
npm install react-datetime



render: function() {
return ;
See this example working.


Name Type Default Description
date Date new Date() Represents the inital dateTime, this string is then parsed by moment.js
dateFormat string "MM/DD/YY" Defines the format moment.js should use to parse and output the date. The default is only set if there is not timeFormat defined.
timeFormat string "MM/DD/YY" Defines the format moment.js should use to parse and output the time. The default is only set if there is not dateFormat defined.
input boolean true Wether to show an input field to edit the date manually.
locale string null Manually set the locale for the react-datetime instance. Moment.js locale needs to be loaded to be used, see i18n docs.
onChange function x => console.log(x) Callback trigger when the date changes
viewMode string or number 'days' The default view to display when the picker is shown. ('years', 'months', 'days', 'time')
inputProps object undefined Defines additional attributes for the input element of the component.
minDate moment undefined The earliest date allowed for entry in the calendar view.
maxDate moment undefined The latest date allowed for entry in the calendar view.


Different language and date formats are supported by react-datetime. React uses moment.js to format the dates, and the easiest way of changing the language of the calendar is changing the moment.js locale.

var moment = require('moment');
// Now react-datetime will be in french

If there are multiple locales loaded, you can use the prop locale to define what language should be used by the instance:
js <Datetime locale="fr-ca" /> <Datetime locale="de" />
Here you can see the i18n example working.


Any help is always welcome :)

MIT Licensed