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Open Innovation Labs Enablement CI/CD Exercise

Repository hosts the Labs Enablement material. It is a working skeleton that learners will use in conjunction with the enablement-docs.

Basic usage

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Log on to an OpenShift server oc login -u <user> https://<server>:<port>/
  3. Install the required openshift-applier dependency:
    bash ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
  4. Run the play book using
    bash ansible-playbook roles/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml -i inventory/

Running a Subset of the Inventory

  1. See the docs in casl-ansible
  2. The only required tag to deploy objects within the inventory is projects, all other tags are optional
  3. Here is an example that runs the tags that provision projects, ci, and jenkins objects:
    bash ansible-playbook roles/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml \ -i inventory/ \ -e="filter_tags=jenkins,ci,projects"