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Social Contracint

Session to introduce the practice of Social Contracting, how we use it and show some examples of real Social Contract artefacts. This will also include a short interactive exercise for each table group to do some team formation and write a social contract.


The latest version of slides for the session are available here

Facilitation Materials Needed

  • Teams in table size of 4 to 6
  • Sticky Notes - large (A5) sized of different colors
  • Sharpie Pens (1 per person) on each table
  • Flip-chart or Magic Whiteboard paper
  • Tape or bluetac to fix paper to wall (if using flip-chart paper)
  • Recordable buttons with batteries

Facilitation Guidelines

  • Present the slides to introduce Social Contracting, what it is, why we use it and share some Labs stories
  • Present the residency examples provided in slides and encourage any Labs people present to talk about their experiences of using the practice
  • Kick off the interactive exercise:
    • In table groups, take the opportunity to (once again) say hello to each other
    • Talk about how they want to work with each other this week and capture key behaviours on large sticky notes to form the social contract
    • Encourage everyone to sign their social contract
    • Encourage each table to come up with a team name (to help the idea of team identity)
    • Encourage each table to use one of the recordable buttons to record their team noise (to help with the cultural and fun aspects we want to inject into the atmosphere throughout this enablement)
  • Overall group Social Contract
    • Have each group playback key points in their Social Contract and call out any that they would like applicable to the whole group. One of the the facilitators should capture these as a Group Social Contract
    • Again, encourage everyone to sign the big group Social Contract