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# Exercise Title

> In this exercise; we will monitor the core of the OpenShift Cluster. Watch for spikes in memory usage, harddisk space and other cluster stats.



## Learning Outcomes
As a learner you will be able to
- Do thing 1
- Do thing 2
- Do thing 3

## Tools and Frameworks
> Name of tool - short description and link to docs or website

1. [Jenkins](https://jenkins.io/) - OpenSource build automation server; highly customisable through plugins
1. [Ansible]() - blah blah ...

## Big Picture
This exercise begins cluster containing blah blah


## 10,000 Ft View
> This should contain the goal of the exercise; with enough information that advanced learners could use this to build the exercise without much guidance. The information here

2. Highlevel instruction 1

2. Highlevel instruction with ref to `file-a` to keep learners in supportable mode

## Step by Step Instructions
> This is a fairly structured guide with references to exact filenames and sections of text to be added. Include pictures and code snippets where appropriate. Over describe _why_ we're doing things

### Part 1 - do some things
> _prefix of exercise and why we're doing it_

2. Do thing using tool X.
2. Insert blah into `file1.txt`
export SOME_THING=biscuits
2. Open console and navigate to `New Item` and click it ![new-item](./images/new-item.png)

### Part 2 - do some other things
> _prefix of exercise and why we're doing it_

3. Do other things


## Extension Tasks
> _Ideas for go-getters. Advanced topic for doers to get on with if they finish early. These will usually not have a solution and are provided for additional scope._

- Add Auth to your application
- Do some other stuff

## Additional Reading
> List of links or other reading that might be of use / reference for the exercise

## Slide Links

- [Intro](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/179Bz9GzHIcDxwb4RxxlQUESfqES4hArU1puGUjkAOoI/)
- [Wrap-up](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n6f_A3i5019lZYmCBNhl9O-S3xxjpHDT5I7ZoCqYyHo/)
- [All Material](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13YIiKuzBmr9mGzg4bsEns5yVWx_Zc8Hs)