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Session to introduce the practice of Retrospectives, how we use them and show some examples of real Retrospectives artefacts. This will also include facilitating a retrospective at the end of each day and running a Real-Time retrospective throughout the 4 day session.


The latest version of slides for the session are available here

Facilitation Materials Needed

Different retrospectives will need different materials
* A 'round the circle' impact feedback session should have an object (e.g. small football) to throw around the room - whoever has the object is the speaker
* The stop/start/continue format requires sticky notes (ideally different colors), sharpie pens and flip-chart or magic whiteboard paper
* The timeline and real-time retrospectives require sticky tape to create the timeline and the same materials as stop/start/continue format

Facilitation Guidelines

  • Before the session starts, set up a time line retrospective in a visible and accessible space in the learning facility.
    • Draw a long line that represents the 4 day time line
    • Mark a + and a - above and below the line
    • Make sticky notes and sharpies available near the timeline
    • Introduce the real-time retrospective early on the first day and encourage people to add to it as and when they experience something positive or negative or would like to feedback something positive or negative
  • Each day should also finish with a retrospective. It's up the the facilitators to use whatever exercise they would like to. It is recommended to try some different flavors rather than finish with exactly the same exercise each day. Some examples include:
    • Day 1 - a round the group impact feedback (say one thing that impacted you)
    • Day 2 - a stop/start/continue retro
    • Day 3 - a do more of / do less of / continue / stop / start retro
    • Day 4 - a timeline retro
  • Each retrospective should be introduced by one of the facilitators, have a time boxed period for individuals to add their input and a group alignment / discuss to identify clusters / themes and corrective actions