Rachid Belaid
2012-03-18 c2a5f8ab1dcec36082c5fd4902e63ac1e82c173a
Suggestion : giving at least the name the command to use as an indication .
Even if this information it's not enough, when you read the doc via pdf that give you which command to use without having to jump of section. I find it better for the learning flow of the reader than jumping around.
1 files modified
2 ■■■ changed files
docs/narr/project.rst 2 ●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
Using the Interactive Shell
It is possible to use a Python interpreter prompt loaded with a similar
It is possible to use the ``pshell`` command to load a Python interpreter prompt with a similar
configuration as would be loaded if you were running your Pyramid application
via ``pserve``.  This can be a useful debugging tool.  See
:ref:`interactive_shell` for more details.