Steve Johnson
2012-12-31 e91085ec75ddbeb793bec305eb693dad03c34518
Mention ZopeTxnExt and pyramid_tm in tutorial

If this page is found via web search while trying to configure
SQLAlchemy from scratch without a scaffold, it is helpful to
mention pyramid_tm as a requirement somewhere. Otherwise, a
hapless user such as your humble author might spend lots of
time wondering why his sessions aren't getting committed after
his requests despite his best efforts to properly configure
SQLAlchemy and ZopeTransactionExtension.
1 files modified
3 ■■■■■ changed files
docs/tutorials/wiki2/installation.rst 3 ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -303,6 +303,9 @@
- you are willing to use :term:`url dispatch` to map URLs to code.
- you want to use ``ZopeTransactionExtension`` and ``pyramid_tm`` to scope
  sessions to requests
.. note::
   :app:`Pyramid` supports any persistent storage mechanism (e.g. object