Ravi Srinivasan
2019-07-04 2aa4b3aa529163a93565d8b56a8060fa9d6b2f48
2019-07-04 Ravi Srinivasan
increased jenkins pipeline timeout value
tree@ 2aa4b3 commitdiff
2019-07-04 Ivan Chavero
ch04s06 Project needed for the GE
tree@ e86f9e commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Minor fix to unit test
tree@ 1af3be commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:RedHatTraining/DO288-apps
tree@ 8faae1 commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Fixes after author test
tree@ 2ca6c3 commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ravi Srinivasan
introducing lint breakage in the books app
tree@ d23578 commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Introducing broken unit test
tree@ ccd7ba commitdiff
2019-07-03 Ivan Chavero
Add post-commit app
tree@ 7142a5 commitdiff
2019-07-02 Ravi Srinivasan
Added TODOS for GE 8.6
tree@ 835453 commitdiff
2019-07-02 Ravi Srinivasan
Adding books microservice for GE 8.6
tree@ f3b017 commitdiff
2019-07-01 Richard Allred
removing bin from ignore
tree@ 1deac4 commitdiff
2019-06-27 Richard Allred
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:RedHatTraining/DO288-apps
tree@ 4beef1 commitdiff
2019-06-27 Richard Allred
adding go-hello for ch5 lab
tree@ 9fd8a3 commitdiff
2019-06-27 Student User
update of hello-world-nginx image for UBI
tree@ c08808 commitdiff
2019-06-26 Ravi Srinivasan
Jenkinsfile cleanup
tree@ 9b71dd commitdiff
2019-06-25 Richard Allred
adding html-helloworld application
tree@ 05a50b commitdiff
2019-06-25 Ravi Srinivasan
Added TODOS for Jenkinsfile
tree@ c675da commitdiff
2019-06-25 Ravi Srinivasan
added code for GE 8.4
tree@ 079d4e commitdiff
2019-06-21 Ravi Srinivasan
Importing todo-single app for Lab 6.5
tree@ fe67a6 commitdiff
2019-06-19 Richard Allred
adding back thorntail dependencies
tree@ e347c8 commitdiff
2019-06-19 Richard Allred
Merge pull request #1 from imcsk8/update-java-serverhost
tree@ 899e2d commitdiff
2019-06-19 Richard Allred
revert unnecessary pom changes
tree@ 95e865 commitdiff
2019-06-19 Richard Allred
tweaking dependencies for thorntail
tree@ 240c81 commitdiff
2019-06-19 Ivan Chavero
ch04s04 Update java application for thorntail
tree@ ce90e8 commitdiff
2019-06-18 Ivan Chavero
Fix swarm to thorntail migration
tree@ dec011 commitdiff
2019-06-17 Ivan Chavero
Update wildfly swarm to thorntail
tree@ 3aedff commitdiff
2019-06-17 Richard Allred
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:RedHatTraining/DO288-apps
tree@ 169ee8 commitdiff
2019-06-17 Richard Allred
adding java app
tree@ 0f618d commitdiff
2019-06-14 Student User
rhel7-info sample converted into UBI
tree@ d038f7 commitdiff
2019-06-12 Student User
Change ch03s02 custom image to be ubi-based
tree@ 810051 commitdiff
2019-06-12 Richard Allred
Adding s2i-scripts directory
tree@ 030f33 commitdiff
2019-06-11 Fernando Lozano
sources for custom image from chapter 01
tree@ a47866 commitdiff
2019-06-07 Ravi Srinivasan
Deleting all apps apart from those used in Ch1 and Ch2 labs
tree@ a387a3 commitdiff
2019-06-04 Ravi Srinivasan
Fixed typo in Dockerfile for hello-java app
tree@ 9853ab commitdiff
2019-06-04 Ravi Srinivasan
refactored hello-java app to use thorntail
tree@ be6db3 commitdiff
2019-06-04 Ravi Srinivasan
Changed app name to hello-java and deleted junk files
tree@ de6647 commitdiff
2019-06-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Fixed copy pasta bug in Dockerfile
tree@ b13f8d commitdiff
2019-06-03 Ravi Srinivasan
revert registry back to registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:8.0
tree@ eb85bb commitdiff
2019-06-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Replaced dnf by yum and disable RHSM
tree@ 0f812b commitdiff
2019-05-31 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated Dockerfile for hello-swarm to use UBI images
tree@ d97095 commitdiff
2019-05-24 Richard Allred
Updating to quay.io image
tree@ 87287c commitdiff
2019-05-23 Richard Allred
added simple README
tree@ 3f9626 commitdiff
2019-05-23 Richard Allred
initial commit with apps from course repo
tree@ 497620 commitdiff
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