Steve Piercy
2018-09-22 2a45fe74f9598b4e726ab17ce17948d4e709894b
2018-09-01 OdinsGenre
Update basiclayout.rst
tree@ a01c73 commitdiff
2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
link to
tree@ 7e2cc0 commitdiff
2018-05-16 LuisCastilloH
Update GitHub URLs for tutorials
tree@ fa9291 commitdiff
2017-10-28 Steve Piercy
Synch source files with cookiecutter
tree@ 522315 commitdiff
2017-08-04 Steve Piercy
update zodb wiki files to synch with its cookiecutter using context manager
tree@ 2aa217 commitdiff
2017-07-27 Steve Piercy
update zodb wiki files to synch with its cookiecutter
tree@ 1ed4cc commitdiff
2017-06-27 Steve Piercy
Update all external links per `make linkcheck` - Most are changing http to ...
tree@ 7b1612 commitdiff
2017-06-26 Steve Piercy
change to https - use correct URL for code st...
tree@ 19d341 commitdiff
2017-06-16 Steve Piercy
remove trailing slash
tree@ 80ce00 commitdiff
2017-06-16 Steve Piercy
Use HTTPS for
tree@ 2cd6a6 commitdiff
2017-06-11 Steve Piercy
fix out of range error
tree@ fa1377 commitdiff
2017-06-11 Steve Piercy
update src files and synch emphasize-lines for alchemy wiki tutorial
tree@ 2c0e3e commitdiff
2017-06-11 Steve Piercy
synch emphasize-lines with src files for zodb wiki tutorial
tree@ 909ae0 commitdiff
2017-06-11 Steve Piercy
Update src files for ZODB wiki tutorial - ref #3081
tree@ 85623b commitdiff
2017-06-10 Steve Piercy
Merge pull request #3059 from chrismorales/pyramid_tm_3052
tree@ a50351 commitdiff
2017-06-02 Steve Piercy
mid-release cycle will be the death of me
tree@ 1aa283 commitdiff
2017-06-02 Steve Piercy
append ` --checkout master` to cookie cutter command
tree@ c3bb23 commitdiff
2017-06-02 Steve Piercy
use shortcut for github URL; update RELEASING.txt - refs: #3042
tree@ d179ce commitdiff
2017-05-24 Chris Morales
updated documentation showing the pyramid_tm.explicit_manager being set
tree@ 7c20d8 commitdiff
2017-05-24 Chris Morales
updated the emphasis in the tutorial docs for the definingmodels.rst
tree@ 81fa04 commitdiff
2017-05-24 Chris Morales
updated references for the models that have references for the config.settings
tree@ d83888 commitdiff
2017-05-23 Fang-Pen Lin
Also replace script tags appear everywhere
tree@ c5538e commitdiff
2017-05-17 Steve Piercy
adjust emphasize-lines range
tree@ ad6b57 commitdiff
2017-05-13 Steve Piercy
Merge branch 'master' into change-to-localhost
tree@ 5f3b95 commitdiff
2017-04-28 Steve Piercy
update cookiecutter README.txt throughout docs -
tree@ 68f673 commitdiff
2017-04-24 Steve Piercy
update user prompt for cookiecutter repo_name - refs:
tree@ 6ff6fa commitdiff
2017-04-16 Aleph Melo
Fix #2927 - Change to listen = localhost:6543.
tree@ 6d120e commitdiff
2017-04-15 Jeremy Chen
tree@ 9d961d commitdiff
2017-04-15 Jeremy Chen
tree@ edf568 commitdiff
2017-04-15 Jeremy Chen
tree@ 4b743a commitdiff
2017-04-15 Jeremy Chen
tree@ 67ac6c commitdiff
2017-04-10 Jeremy Chen
replace deprecated cgi.escape() with html.escape()
tree@ 1bd681 commitdiff
2017-03-14 Steve Piercy
add Mako to options for pyramid-cookiecutter-starter
tree@ 6204d8 commitdiff
2017-03-01 Steve Piercy
use correct directory name for cookiecutter generated README.txt
tree@ 3ec0fc commitdiff
2017-02-28 Steve Piercy
update pyramid-cookiecutter-starter prompts and reformat presentation of al...
tree@ 2cd381 commitdiff
2017-02-03 Steve Piercy
update links and reST syntax for mod_wsgi
tree@ ce8894 commitdiff
2017-01-16 Michael Merickel
update mod_wsgi tutorial to use a cookiecutter
tree@ 7af933 commitdiff
2017-01-16 Steve Piercy
Update Windows docs - Installation overhauled - update project.rst to remov...
tree@ 7ed8e2 commitdiff
2017-01-10 Steve Piercy
update docs per
tree@ 47e51d commitdiff
2017-01-10 Michael Merickel
fix unittests in wiki2 to work without deps on py2 and py3
tree@ fb7a98 commitdiff
2017-01-01 Steve Piercy
Remove notes about cookiecutter installation, as they now remove sudo for m...
tree@ b867c8 commitdiff
2016-12-27 Steve Piercy
undo update for tutorials/modwsgi - This requires changes with virtual envi...
tree@ b648ef commitdiff
2016-12-27 Steve Piercy
tutorials/modwsgi/index - update for cookiecutters
tree@ 2afc74 commitdiff
2016-12-24 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/tests update files
tree@ f4bfa2 commitdiff
2016-12-24 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/authorization update files
tree@ 7293d3 commitdiff
2016-12-24 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/authentication update files
tree@ 266dea commitdiff
2016-12-24 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/authentication update files
tree@ 4eb7f0 commitdiff
2016-12-24 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/views update files, line number range
tree@ bb5ba0 commitdiff
2016-12-23 Steve Piercy
fix reST syntax
tree@ 446fae commitdiff
2016-12-23 Steve Piercy
wiki2/src/models - update files
tree@ 34a21b commitdiff
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