Michael Merickel
2018-10-04 1f307db52785634d6667fde8de0273d5e0612310
2018-10-04 Michael Merickel
remove deprecated set_request_property
tree@ 1f307d commitdiff
2018-09-27 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into deprecate-pickle-sessions
tree@ f4404b commitdiff
2018-09-19 Colin Dunklau
Add a test with a different configurator instance
tree@ 2cc524 commitdiff
2018-09-19 Colin Dunklau
Add registry arg to pyramid.renderers.get_renderer
tree@ 1281a5 commitdiff
2018-09-16 Michael Merickel
deprecate signed_serialize and signed_deserialize
tree@ ba5ca6 commitdiff
2018-09-16 Michael Merickel
deprecate pickleable sessions, recommend json
tree@ c31883 commitdiff
2018-09-09 Steve Piercy
grammar fixes
tree@ 0011d5 commitdiff
2018-08-22 Domen Kožar
add_notfound_view: use HTTPTemporaryRedirect as default
tree@ b5422e commitdiff
2018-08-10 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3325 from mmerickel/fix-unpickle-crash
tree@ 5488da commitdiff
2018-08-10 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into feature/more-samesite-work
tree@ 3ee04c commitdiff
2018-08-10 Chris McDonough
address review comments by rayedo
tree@ 0ad05a commitdiff
2018-08-08 Michael Merickel
catch other pickle errors when loading content
tree@ a9cd71 commitdiff
2017-06-29 Michael Merickel
fix circular imports with predicate config
tree@ 52fde9 commitdiff
2018-08-04 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3318 from mmerickel/pshell-setup-generator
tree@ 6174a7 commitdiff
2018-08-02 Chris McDonough
ignore these tests on pypy, see https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/32...
tree@ 54533f commitdiff
2018-08-01 Chris McDonough
tree@ ea8120 commitdiff
2018-08-01 Chris McDonough
implement samesite option for AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy and CookieCSRFSto...
tree@ 87771a commitdiff
2018-07-29 Michael Merickel
enable the setup function in pshell to wrap the command lifecycle
tree@ 990fb0 commitdiff
2018-06-29 Gerard
Redoing some changes. My bad ;)
tree@ 3b7ed4 commitdiff
2018-06-28 Gerard
Typos changed
tree@ eab50d commitdiff
2018-06-15 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'pr/3303'
tree@ ba3015 commitdiff
2018-06-14 Benjamin Gmurczyk
Update `request_param` kwarg documentation for `add_route` config method
tree@ 939165 commitdiff
2018-06-11 Jason Williams
Add httpexception for status code 308
tree@ 56cbb5 commitdiff
2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into feature/session-samesite-lax
tree@ 34bbcc commitdiff
2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
add versionchanged markers
tree@ beafcc commitdiff
2018-06-06 Bert JW Regeer
samesite no longer requires bytes
tree@ 6c8ad4 commitdiff
2018-05-25 Michael Merickel
remove the permission arg from add_route
tree@ 7b6eb3 commitdiff
2018-05-25 Alex Gaynor
oops, py3 here too
tree@ bc8728 commitdiff
2018-05-25 Alex Gaynor
python 3 fix
tree@ bd1cfa commitdiff
2018-05-25 Alex Gaynor
fix tests
tree@ 3d3dee commitdiff
2018-05-25 Alex Gaynor
Set the samesite flag to Lax by default on session cookies
tree@ 2d9390 commitdiff
2018-04-06 Bert JW Regeer
Replace MIMEAccept with acceptparse.create_accept_header
tree@ 12a58d commitdiff
2018-04-06 Bert JW Regeer
Add failing test for MIMEAccept in httpexceptions
tree@ 62dbd4 commitdiff
2018-05-16 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3279 from huntcsg/master
tree@ 7267a4 commitdiff
2018-05-16 Hunter Senft-Grupp
Updated CHANGES.rst and fixed versionadded to be correct
tree@ f6aee3 commitdiff
2018-05-14 Hunter Senft-Grupp
Add Configurator context manager 'route_prefix_context' to allow for adding...
tree@ efd61e commitdiff
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Sets, when you absolutely, positively want those extra microseconds back
tree@ 19beea commitdiff
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Update the building of status_dict, now that both the base server and clien...
tree@ 5a99ad commitdiff
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Move base server and client error codes and titles to the base classes. Add...
tree@ 391275 commitdiff
2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
use the RequestContext instead of app.threadlocal_manager for scripting
tree@ e49227 commitdiff
2018-04-17 Michael Merickel
document the current query behavior on url generation
tree@ d384ac commitdiff
2018-04-12 jonathan vanasco
updated unset_cookie
tree@ 073fac commitdiff
2018-04-11 jonathan vanasco
updated `delete_cookie` docs with `name` instead of `key`
tree@ 41662f commitdiff
2018-04-11 jonathan vanasco
updated docs/interfaces to note change in webob 1.7 of `set_cookie(key` to ...
tree@ fab055 commitdiff
2018-03-16 Hong Yuan
Fix secret length in doc of SignedCookieSessionFactory
tree@ 13734a commitdiff
2018-03-13 Steve Piercy
remove stray backtick
tree@ c0fb3b commitdiff
2018-03-08 Heron Rossi
Fixing another import path regarding cherrypy version change
tree@ 305dc4 commitdiff
2018-03-08 Heron Rossi
Fixing formatting and import errors
tree@ a3a9d7 commitdiff
2018-03-08 Heron Rossi
Adjusting cherrypy WSGI Server import path according to new release
tree@ e8678d commitdiff
2017-11-16 John Wu
Update factories.py
tree@ e33241 commitdiff
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