Michael Merickel
2018-10-10 4a9f4f43684c3a754f43935b97013057340c305d
2018-10-10 Michael Merickel
deprecate range support
blob@ 4a9f4f commitdiff | diff to current
2018-09-10 Michael Merickel
enable sorting of offers
blob@ 30f79d commitdiff | diff to current
2018-09-04 Michael Merickel
fallback to __contains__ if a media range is supplied
blob@ dd3572 commitdiff | diff to current
2018-09-04 Michael Merickel
support multiple types in the route predicate
blob@ 2497d0 commitdiff | diff to current
2018-08-08 Michael Merickel
fix deprecated usage of request.accept in AcceptPredicate
blob@ 121f45 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-06-29 Michael Merickel
fix circular imports with predicate config
blob@ 52fde9 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-12-05 Matthew Wilkes
Create a new ICSRF implementation for getting CSRF tokens, split out from t...
blob@ a2c7c7 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-12-06 Michael Merickel
move predicates into top-level package instead of inside config
blob@ c7974f commitdiff | diff to current
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