Bowe Strickland
2018-10-27 6e49871feaa1a60549206cf5512c9fb7f3d5fd56
2018-10-27 Bowe Strickland
Throw 401 for security denial for unauthenticated
tree@ 323fa9 commitdiff
2018-10-26 Michael Merickel
fix new lint errors from flake8
tree@ 25737f commitdiff
2018-10-19 Michael Merickel
leave a shim in for pyramid_zcml compatibility
tree@ aff6ee commitdiff
2018-10-19 Michael Merickel
move predicate-related code into pyramid.config.predicates
tree@ d579f2 commitdiff
2018-10-18 Michael Merickel
move action-related code into pyramid.config.actions
tree@ e4c057 commitdiff
2018-10-18 Michael Merickel
fix the dummy request to support the new accept apis
tree@ d3fe14 commitdiff
2018-10-18 Michael Merickel
move docs for argument before example
tree@ 66a767 commitdiff
2018-10-17 Steve Piercy
Update docstring of pcreate to universal pyramid-cookiecutter-starter
tree@ 44ae73 commitdiff
2018-10-17 Michael Merickel
fix the docs for route_prefix_context to avoid showing up...
tree@ e14661 commitdiff
2018-10-16 Michael Merickel
fix scaffold tests
tree@ 2d369c commitdiff
2018-10-15 Michael Merickel
fix lint on src
tree@ a54bc1 commitdiff
2018-10-15 Michael Merickel
remove bare excepts
tree@ 4d838f commitdiff
2018-10-15 Michael Merickel
format source using black
tree@ 0c29cf commitdiff
2018-10-15 Michael Merickel
move tests out of the package
tree@ 3670c2 commitdiff
2018-10-15 Michael Merickel
move package to src folder
tree@ 2b0249 commitdiff
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