Chris McDonough
2015-03-18 e3e87ac4fde343683b1475c024de11ab1edcbb74
2015-03-18 Chris McDonough
appease nonsupport of 2.5 under pylonsproject jenkins
tree@ e3e87a commitdiff
2014-12-27 Steve Piercy
Merge pull request #1517 from stevepiercy/1.1-branch
tree@ 8c2672 commitdiff
2014-12-27 Steve Piercy
backport. closes #460, #552
tree@ 942fe9 commitdiff
2014-12-27 Steve Piercy
Merge pull request #1508 from stevepiercy/1.1-branch
tree@ bb8208 commitdiff
2014-12-27 Steve Piercy
cherrypick from master, pin Sphinx to 1.2.3
tree@ 8101b2 commitdiff
2014-12-26 Steve Piercy
cherrypick from master, pin Sphinx to 1.2.3
tree@ 105dd6 commitdiff
2013-09-20 Chris McDonough
subrepo dance
tree@ 359743 commitdiff
2013-09-14 Chris McDonough
use most recent theme version
tree@ c6583b commitdiff
2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Shut up Travis-CI's bitching.
tree@ 3b0bf4 commitdiff
2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Pin another stray dependency.
tree@ fd5bf4 commitdiff
2013-09-10 Chris McDonough
resolve conflict
tree@ e6436f commitdiff
2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Update theme.
tree@ bfdf4f commitdiff
2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Update theme.
tree@ 5275bf commitdiff
2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Use the 'pylons_sphinx_latesturl' extension.
tree@ 57e43d commitdiff
2013-08-17 Blaise Laflamme
updated sphinx theme
tree@ 35b7c1 commitdiff
2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Restore 'tests_require'.
tree@ bfaf6b commitdiff
2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Mark docs as outdated.
tree@ 882200 commitdiff
2013-08-16 Blaise Laflamme
updated sphinx theme
tree@ 7115a6 commitdiff
2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Update to latest theme.
tree@ 9b491d commitdiff
2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Pin compatible dependency versions.
tree@ 004e0c commitdiff
2013-08-11 Blaise Laflamme
updated doc _theme
tree@ 14fbbd commitdiff
2013-01-06 Chris McDonough
reluctantly give up on jython
tree@ 24d026 commitdiff
2013-01-05 Goodwill Coding
fix up sphinx config: - add correct latex_additional_files so pdf no long...
tree@ be0ec0 commitdiff
2012-09-16 Chris McDonough
more pinning as time has moved on
tree@ c36024 commitdiff
2012-09-16 Blaise Laflamme
fixed typo
tree@ 0e3456 commitdiff
2012-09-16 Blaise Laflamme
fixed git submodule update for docs
tree@ bb9b00 commitdiff
2012-05-09 Chris McDonough
unnecessary pins
tree@ c17c8c commitdiff
2012-05-09 Chris McDonough
march on with the times
tree@ 0c5b51 commitdiff
2012-05-07 Blaise Laflamme
added sphinx theme as submodule, added rtd hack to update theme
tree@ d31208 commitdiff
2011-12-15 Chris McDonough
prep for 1.1.3
tree@ f9c4f3 commitdiff
2011-12-15 Chris McDonough
fix tox.ini with latest requirements for this version, get rid of troubleso...
tree@ 879ae2 commitdiff
2011-12-09 Chris McDonough
try to protect against shell commands being invoked if imported during inst...
tree@ 6873b1 commitdiff
2011-11-27 Blaise Laflamme
fixed git ref
tree@ f460fb commitdiff
2011-11-27 Blaise Laflamme
fixed version number
tree@ 2347d2 commitdiff
2011-11-27 Blaise Laflamme
fixed version number
tree@ 41622a commitdiff
2011-11-27 Blaise Laflamme
updated doc theme workflow
tree@ 9ad6dc commitdiff
2011-11-27 Chris McDonough
use the right branch for github urls
tree@ f4ed95 commitdiff
2011-11-15 Blaise Laflamme
updated docs for rtd
tree@ 874320 commitdiff
2011-10-01 Chris McDonough
Merge pull request #304 from michr/1.1-branch
tree@ 3a5a43 commitdiff
2011-10-01 michr
make sphinx compile strictly by turning all warnings into errors and fix up...
tree@ cf9972 commitdiff
2011-09-28 Chris McDonough
tree@ 9b439b commitdiff
2011-09-28 Michael
fix up all the ..note and ..warning sphinx errors excluded _themes/README.r...
tree@ 5f7559 commitdiff
2011-08-17 Chris McDonough
prep for 1.1.2
tree@ ee885a commitdiff
2011-08-17 Chris McDonough
fix changes
tree@ 49e25a commitdiff
2011-08-10 Chris McDonough
- Fixed an issue with the default renderer not working at certain times. S...
tree@ 07980e commitdiff
2011-08-17 Chris McDonough
- Fix ``pyramid.config.preserve_view_attrs`` to not choke when the view it ...
tree@ 8c900d commitdiff
2011-08-13 Chris McDonough
prep for 1.1.1
tree@ 0cbf22 commitdiff
2011-08-12 Rocky Burt
merge exc_info feature from 1.0 branch
tree@ 72e780 commitdiff
2011-07-22 Chris McDonough
better steps
tree@ 47a6bb commitdiff
2011-07-22 Chris McDonough
add epub and pdf maker scripts
tree@ 2519ab commitdiff
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