Javier Marquez
2017-03-01 11612b608143c1607f33ff40c43c6f9db5e073ba
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Run linting for test files too
tree@ 9eae92 commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Add more tests
tree@ 25757d commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Extract test functions for getting time values
tree@ f3c055 commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Do not skip long running tests
tree@ 34dbeb commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Add more tests
tree@ 39e146 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Trigger onBlur with value initally set to null
tree@ 794700 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Make component react to UTC or Locale prop updates
tree@ 64fc6a commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Add test for updating dateFormat
tree@ 89e532 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Remove Mocha test files
tree@ 931984 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Use Jest and Enzyme for testing
tree@ 290be5 commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Do not use ES6 syntax since running Node 5 on Travis
tree@ a1ac7d commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Clean up test files
tree@ 42cbbd commitdiff
2017-02-05 Simon Egersand
Clean up for improved consistency
tree@ 6f922e commitdiff
2017-02-05 Simon Egersand
Add lint rule for consistent spacing before blocks
tree@ 9f1b61 commitdiff
2017-02-04 Simon Egersand
Add tests for closeOnSelect prop
tree@ a3c370 commitdiff
2017-02-04 Simon Egersand
Extract test util function isOpen
tree@ 963148 commitdiff
2017-01-10 Simon Egersand
Disable rdtOld for year view
tree@ e9db5f commitdiff
2017-01-10 Simon Egersand
Bug fix for isValidDate
tree@ bdad6c commitdiff
2017-01-01 Simon Egersand
Fix test bug using hardcorded 2016
tree@ 3e7db8 commitdiff
2016-12-21 Simon Egersand
Properly set lower/higher case with timeFormat
tree@ cf1e72 commitdiff
2016-11-17 Simon Egersand
Fix for months not being able to be rendered
tree@ 98310d commitdiff
2016-11-15 Rémi
Add support for disabling months and years according to isValidDate
tree@ c306f2 commitdiff
2016-11-09 Ted Scharff
Add support for inputting UTC times.
tree@ 049c33 commitdiff
2016-09-12 Simon Egersand
Fix for invalid moment object as input value
tree@ 0eb496 commitdiff
2016-08-31 Simon Egersand
Add option to pass in string array as className
tree@ 386942 commitdiff
2016-07-28 Loris Guignard
Fix value calculation when increasing/decreasing over min/max values
tree@ ef2929 commitdiff
2016-07-28 Loris Guignard
Fix value calculation when increasing/decreasing over min/max values
tree@ 4ed404 commitdiff
2016-07-20 Loris Guignard
Add test case
tree@ 9bb4f7 commitdiff
2016-07-19 marquex
Adds the closeOnTab prop.
tree@ 9012e8 commitdiff
2016-07-01 Gabriel Kobyz
Increased time interval fof 'long increase/decrease time'
tree@ a79e6b commitdiff
2016-06-13 marquex
Updates test suite.
tree@ a8a17a commitdiff
2016-04-19 marquex
Month and year pickers don't show the time in input anylonger.
tree@ 92a2c6 commitdiff
2016-02-29 marquex
Only try to open the calendar when it is closed.
tree@ 39f4bb commitdiff
2015-11-09 marquex
Fixes name class.
tree@ 2d8253 commitdiff
2015-10-15 romainberger
Add onFocus props, test and documentation
tree@ aca9e6 commitdiff
2015-10-14 marquex
Merges addition of strictParsing attribute.
tree@ 692390 commitdiff
2015-10-13 marquex
Removes references to min/maxDate and allows to reset the picker value.
tree@ 7c26ac commitdiff
2015-10-13 Nikolai Brendler
Add a 'strictParsing' prop which uses Moment's strict parsing.
tree@ 0eb226 commitdiff
2015-08-20 marquex
Accepts invalid values for the input. onBlur is not trigg...
tree@ 62fd2f commitdiff
2015-07-30 marquex
Finished tests
tree@ 59314a commitdiff
2015-07-25 marquex
React is global now in tests to make them work in travis
tree@ 516b36 commitdiff
2015-07-25 marquex
Made React global to fulfill tests
tree@ 15436d commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
React object is injected in tests in order to make Travis CI work 2
tree@ c0f376 commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
React object is injected in tests in order to make Travis CI work
tree@ f7132d commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
Fixing travis
tree@ d8b0ea commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
Fixed peerDependencies
tree@ c51574 commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
Fixed a wrong include in tests
tree@ b4f456 commitdiff
2015-07-24 marquex
Fixes timepicker not showing when dateFormat=false. Added tests.
tree@ 0d9dc7 commitdiff
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