Simon Egersand
2018-02-07 63e0b0b2fc6f361b5ac4751eb05bc5983aea5873
2017-07-27 Simon Egersand
Remove maintainer wanted ad from README
tree@ f31f3d commitdiff
2017-07-23 Simon Egersand
Add maintainer wanted ad to README
tree@ a685d6 commitdiff
2017-07-09 Simon Egersand
Remove npm download counter from README
tree@ cfbaff commitdiff
2017-04-25 Simon Egersand
Use correct @types-react version
tree@ 041467 commitdiff
2017-04-25 Simon Egersand
Remove moment as dependency (clean up after PR)
tree@ b46c6e commitdiff
2017-04-25 Karol Janyst
Update typescript definitions (#312)
tree@ 752fa8 commitdiff
2017-04-24 Simon Egersand
Bump version to 2.8.10
tree@ 7392ed commitdiff
2017-04-21 Simon Egersand
Increase click area of arrows for changing day/month/year
tree@ c82df8 commitdiff
2017-04-12 Josh Beckman
Update the dist files with new modules
tree@ be31e2 commitdiff
2017-04-12 Josh Beckman
Update examples to create-react-class
tree@ 8ada71 commitdiff
2017-04-12 Josh Beckman
Use PropTypes from module instead of React
tree@ 0cae6c commitdiff
2017-04-12 Josh Beckman
Use create-react-class, drop React.createClass
tree@ 84755c commitdiff
2017-04-08 Simon Egersand
Fix broken reference to LICENSE in README
tree@ 9077b2 commitdiff
2017-04-08 Simon Egersand
Bump version to 2.8.9
tree@ 7d7b99 commitdiff
2017-04-08 Simon Egersand
Reference correct file in build task
tree@ a87306 commitdiff
2017-03-26 Jordan Cardwell
fixed test that was used to document existing bug
tree@ 436734 commitdiff
2017-03-26 Jordan Cardwell
check date.month() for current active month
tree@ c987d1 commitdiff
2017-03-01 Javier Marquez
Fix clicking calendar being recognized as click outside
tree@ 11612b commitdiff
2017-02-27 Javier Marquez
Bump version to 2.8.7
tree@ 7750ac commitdiff
2017-02-27 Javier Marquez
Merge pull request #276 from arqex/master
tree@ 8b74e5 commitdiff
2017-02-27 Francisco javier Marquez Lopez
Format CalendarContainer code properly
tree@ bad3cd commitdiff
2017-02-27 Francisco javier Marquez Lopez
Updates react-onclickoutside dependency and creates the Calendar container ...
tree@ e09432 commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Run linting for test files too
tree@ 9eae92 commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Add more tests
tree@ 25757d commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Extract test functions for getting time values
tree@ f3c055 commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Do not skip long running tests
tree@ 34dbeb commitdiff
2017-02-13 Simon Egersand
Add more tests
tree@ 39e146 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Trigger onBlur with value initally set to null
tree@ 794700 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Add info on how to use as Timepicker/Monthpicker etc.
tree@ 8e5d74 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Update version 2.8.6
tree@ a6752b commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Revert "fix for #163 (componentWillReceiveProps() is not honouring old stat...
tree@ fee412 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Revert "Respect closeOnSelect property"
tree@ d6f9b1 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Update version 2.8.5
tree@ be9654 commitdiff
2017-02-10 Simon Egersand
Respect closeOnSelect property
tree@ 433f26 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Specify Travis instance timezone
tree@ d121f4 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Make component react to UTC or Locale prop updates
tree@ 64fc6a commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Add test for updating dateFormat
tree@ 89e532 commitdiff
2017-01-10 Simon Egersand
Add file extension
tree@ 660b61 commitdiff
2017-01-02 Simon Egersand
Update license with correct year and author
tree@ f27cdd commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Remove Mocha test files
tree@ 931984 commitdiff
2017-02-09 Simon Egersand
Use Jest and Enzyme for testing
tree@ 290be5 commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Do not use ES6 syntax since running Node 5 on Travis
tree@ a1ac7d commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Clean up test files
tree@ 42cbbd commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Generate Sourcemap and clean up Gulpfile
tree@ f75765 commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Clean up gitignore file
tree@ 0b2514 commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Update mocha dependency version
tree@ 99ccfd commitdiff
2017-02-06 Simon Egersand
Add info on local development to README
tree@ 8055e6 commitdiff
2017-02-05 Simon Egersand
Update version to 2.8.4
tree@ c5aa9b commitdiff
2017-02-05 Simon Egersand
Clean up for improved consistency
tree@ 6f922e commitdiff
2017-02-05 Simon Egersand
Revert "Add support for Yarn"
tree@ e899b6 commitdiff
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