2015-07-25 516b36dd03cec26a3b34997fa78da3a321347965
2015-06-22 marquex
Fixed time not decreasing added buttons for controls
tree@ 182c2b commitdiff
2015-06-21 marquex
Create static mode. CSS cleanup
tree@ a3a33b commitdiff
2015-06-20 marquex
Completely removed JSX from src
tree@ d76f7b commitdiff
2015-06-19 marquex
Some more clean up
tree@ 9fb8e8 commitdiff
2015-06-18 marquex
Some clean up
tree@ c7776a commitdiff
2015-03-06 Loic CHOLLIER
Move css to the root so that it's not ignored in npm package
tree@ 967ba7 commitdiff
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