Bowe Strickland
2018-10-26 29e4dce0a2ba187091b4644e2003297300162673
2018-10-26 Bowe Strickland
tree@ 747717 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
middleware: Avoid passing extracted 'identity' to 'remember' during egress.
tree@ 455778 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
Reuse 'DEFAULT_DIGEST' declared in 'repoze.who._auth_tkt'.
tree@ 275d13 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
Wrap long lines.
tree@ 565160 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
Remove import fossils.
tree@ 2d1f2c commitdiff
2016-04-20 David Tulloh
Added alternate hash support to auth_tkt plugin
tree@ 7483ec commitdiff
2016-04-19 David Tulloh
Expand tests to cover alternate digests
tree@ b70ba3 commitdiff
2016-04-18 David Tulloh
Modified _auth_tkt in line with paste upstream
tree@ fcf53b commitdiff
2016-05-28 Tres Seaver
Silence deprecation from setuptools re: 'entrypoint.load(False)'.
tree@ 49809a commitdiff
2014-12-15 Juraj Variny
Fix test assertions that slipped when merging
tree@ 6e8328 commitdiff
2014-12-15 jurov
Merged with master, fixed imports for py3
tree@ 8729b3 commitdiff
2014-12-12 Tres Seaver
Throw in towel on unit test assertion names.
tree@ 826ba0 commitdiff
2014-12-12 Tres Seaver
Suppress deprecation of SafeConfigParser on Py3k.
tree@ 6866db commitdiff
2014-12-12 Tres Seaver
Remove cruft, restore test coverage to 100%.
tree@ d13829 commitdiff
2014-06-11 Marco Martinez
Amend unit tests to account for userdata dictionary
tree@ 8f8dfc commitdiff
2014-06-03 Juraj Variny
Change identity['userdata'] into a dict and save it urlencoded in the cookie.
tree@ 0fa6f9 commitdiff
2013-12-17 Tres Seaver
middleware: don't barf when wrapped generater yields no items.
tree@ 19d219 commitdiff
2013-11-13 Tres Seaver
Make cookie expiration date RFC-2616 compliant.
tree@ 4f3525 commitdiff
2013-04-26 Tres Seaver
Parse INI-file configuration using SafeConfigParser.
tree@ 1d7c19 commitdiff
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Note rationale for optional CONTENT_TYPE vs. required REQUEST_METHOD.
tree@ dc6b78 commitdiff
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Janitorial (imports, docstring formatting).
tree@ 279d0f commitdiff
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Coverage for r.w._compat.must_encode.
tree@ a07901 commitdiff
2013-02-12 Dag Høidahl
Support requests with no CONTENT_TYPE.
tree@ a5135a commitdiff
2012-11-09 Tres Seaver
Work around Py32's hashib nannyism.
tree@ 4cc78d commitdiff
2012-11-06 Tres Seaver
tree@ 87e79d commitdiff
2012-09-26 Chandrashekar
Added ability to check with SHA-1
tree@ 9f7532 commitdiff
2012-03-24 Tres Seaver
Use stdlib's warnings.catch_warnings instead of rolling by hand.
tree@ 679dbc commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Deprecatino clean on Py3k.
tree@ 5bdad5 commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Suppress ResourceWarning spew under Py3k.
tree@ c272ce commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
More deprecation suppression for 'cgi.parse_qs'.
tree@ 03dd2f commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Suppress deprecation warnings under Py3k.
tree@ 9c1e6f commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Get log levels set correctly no matter the order in which tests run.
tree@ e05ebf commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
100% coverage under both 2.x and 3.2.
tree@ d6fa0a commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Back to 100% coverage under 2.x.
tree@ ff80e0 commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Wrappers for '{de,en}codstring' under Py3k.
tree@ 513d65 commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Coverage for repoze.who._auth_tkt.AuthTkt.
tree@ 0b4b05 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Ensure that identity dict contains decoded values.
tree@ 330d95 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Add 'must_decode' smackdown.
tree@ cc04ed commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
tree@ 79b475 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 3.2) for _compat.
tree@ bf5b5a commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 2.x) for _compat.
tree@ a37aff commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
tree@ 00c816 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Note userdata anomaly / bug.
tree@ 12946e commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Normalize non-exception from urlparse under Py3k.
tree@ d6517c commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Normalize handling of appiter-as-bytes.
tree@ bc538a commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Moar centralized compat imports.
tree@ 53987b commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
tree@ 5d3ddc commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Portable itertools {i,}zip_longest behavior.
tree@ ac4267 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Centralize compatibility imports in repoze.who._compat.
tree@ adef05 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Portable base64 {en,de}coding of basic auth header.
tree@ a90306 commitdiff
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