Jim Rigsbee
2019-06-12 539780d0e437387cb6a961e2f6a60351d0df8711
2019-06-12 Jim Rigsbee
Merge pull request #12 from oybed/rhtraining/exercise1/mo...
tree@ 539780 commitdiff
2019-06-12 Øystein Bedin
Updating to use openshift-applier v2.0.10
tree@ ea4a6e commitdiff
2018-05-21 Donal Spring
Merge pull request #10 from makentenza/mongo-fix
tree@ 516c30 commitdiff
2018-05-20 Marcos Entenza
Add memory requests for MongoDB
tree@ f37082 commitdiff
2018-05-16 Donal Spring
Merge pull request #1 from Tompage1994/exercise3/mongodb
tree@ c1848e commitdiff
2018-05-09 tpage
Changing to an ephemeral mongodb
tree@ 327469 commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
ADD - mongodb template for ci
tree@ a47792 commitdiff
2018-04-17 donal
FIX host_vars namespace
tree@ 7e95ac commitdiff
2018-04-17 donal
UPDATE - new playbook layout based on the discussions with Global team
tree@ c9eb0a commitdiff
2018-04-07 donal
rename the slave
tree@ c89c02 commitdiff
2018-04-06 donal
FIX - casl applier for openshift-applier
tree@ 04eacd commitdiff
2018-04-05 donal
leaving the manual applier install on
tree@ 09f041 commitdiff
2018-04-05 donal
Adding ignore for stuff....
tree@ aec88f commitdiff
2018-04-03 donal
INIT - creating skeleton repo some basic config for exercise 1
tree@ 62813b commitdiff
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