2018-04-16 e351bf9cb34df51e911e9aa46450ad6da8561f77
2018-04-16 donal
SOLUTION to exercise 3
tree@ e351bf commitdiff
2018-04-16 donal
ADD - template for tdd
tree@ 991fcf commitdiff
2018-04-16 donal
ADD final test
tree@ 839b8a commitdiff
2018-04-16 donal
UPDATE with develop branch tests
tree@ 12f5dd commitdiff
2018-04-16 donal
ADD more tests for the store
tree@ a663e9 commitdiff
2018-04-13 donal
ADD a load more tests for the store
tree@ cacd92 commitdiff
2018-04-13 donal
ADD more fe tests cuz I love tests now :)
tree@ 0517f2 commitdiff
2018-04-13 donal
ADD some new testing for the actions
tree@ 4e5008 commitdiff
2018-04-13 donal
ADD some new testing for the actions
tree@ efef31 commitdiff
2018-04-13 acammies
solution for TDD
tree@ 6191f0 commitdiff
2018-04-13 donal
Update todo method rename
tree@ 78ee82 commitdiff
2018-04-13 acammies
added tests for important button and flags
tree@ 2fa8ab commitdiff
2018-04-12 donal
WIP - Doing solution
tree@ 8a2c1e commitdiff
2018-04-12 donal
Re structure of the tests for ease
tree@ 9d6970 commitdiff
2018-04-11 acammies
Aidans magical component overview added
tree@ 77911d commitdiff
2018-04-11 donal
ADD a ton of test
tree@ c89de6 commitdiff
2018-04-10 donal
Applier changes
tree@ 0b9a3c commitdiff
2018-04-10 acammies
test minor textual changes
tree@ 827ecd commitdiff
2018-04-10 acammies
added more tests, simple functional or snapshots on all
tree@ b0b888 commitdiff
2018-04-10 acammies
added some more funky functional unit tests
tree@ 90ac1e commitdiff
2018-04-10 acammies
cleaned up a bunch of leftover comments, also more FUNCTIONAL tests
tree@ b03f98 commitdiff
2018-04-09 acammies
added more tests
tree@ 7a7144 commitdiff
2018-04-09 donal
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
tree@ e46d98 commitdiff
2018-04-09 donal
more fixes ot the applier content
tree@ 0dfea8 commitdiff
2018-04-09 donal
remove mongo from fe
tree@ eb7f73 commitdiff
2018-04-09 acammies
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
tree@ 7a4036 commitdiff
2018-04-09 acammies
adding more basic unit tests
tree@ 111f2f commitdiff
2018-04-09 donal
Adding the openshift applier
tree@ 6e9b12 commitdiff
2018-04-09 donal
Adding the openshift applier
tree@ 2c08e4 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
change config
tree@ a58152 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
change config
tree@ 616774 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
change config
tree@ b96132 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
FIX nexus location for ocp
tree@ 8a49cf commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
ADD template for dev / test env connection
tree@ 9734f8 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
ADD script with deets for Jenkins
tree@ 14c6d7 commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
FIX - build folder name to dist
tree@ 265abe commitdiff
2018-04-08 donal
Adding publish to nexus
tree@ 84dbdc commitdiff
2018-04-07 donal
Update to package.json scripts
tree@ 28917b commitdiff
2018-04-07 donal
FIX some stuff and tidy up so app is presentable
tree@ 128c44 commitdiff
2018-04-07 donal
ADD mock todo add for no BE connectivity
tree@ 1d0cfc commitdiff
2018-04-05 acammies
material ui buttons all pretty now, styled css
tree@ d963a4 commitdiff
2018-04-05 acammies
flag now displays as inline block, no double calls
tree@ 637b4a commitdiff
2018-04-05 acammies
XofYItems is now in a separate component
tree@ 26aabc commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
slight tidy up and prep for Aidan work
tree@ 9e628c commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
slight tidy up and prep for Aidan work
tree@ 9be30f commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
Adding the mark complete functionality
tree@ ba91cd commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
Tidy up of the delete flow
tree@ 3b0900 commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
ADDING delete functionality
tree@ 68b54e commitdiff
2018-04-04 donal
FIX broken vuex stuff
tree@ e38844 commitdiff
2018-04-04 acammies
to be fixed, vuex model
tree@ 8f43d3 commitdiff
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