From 01e6a072c589f7e8f3bf5d2678b945927516fd70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Bride <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 11:33:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #324 from honghuac/development

 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/defaults/main.yml         |   17 
 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/pre_workload.yml    |   30 
 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.bak        |  185 ++++++++++
 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.yml        |  138 +------
 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/remove_workload.yml |    6 
 ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/templates/  |  612 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 855 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/defaults/main.yml b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/defaults/main.yml
index cfd5cf1..cdfbcd1 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/defaults/main.yml
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 ocp_project: fuse-ignite-{{guid}}
-quota_requests_cpu: 5
-quota_limits_cpu: 13
+quota_requests_cpu: 12
+quota_limits_cpu: 20
 quota_requests_memory: '6Gi'
 quota_limits_memory: '20Gi'
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 mq_password: topSecret
 ##########          community syndesis          #################
@@ -73,17 +74,17 @@
 ##########          supported fuse ignite       #################
-product_name: fuse-ignite-1.4
+product_name: fuse-online-72
 # Corresponds to GPTE fork of community syndesis master branch
 #   This branch implements the following:
 #       1)  DCs in a paused state
-ignite_template_name: "{{ product_name }}"
+#ignite_template_name: "{{ product_name }}"
-fuse_ignite_is_yaml: "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/fuse-online-image-streams.yml"
-syndesisio_sa_yml:  "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/serviceaccount-as-oauthclient-restricted.yml"
-syndesisio_template_yml: "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/fuse-online-template.yml"
+#fuse_ignite_is_yaml: "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/fuse-online-image-streams.yml"
+#syndesisio_sa_yml:  "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/serviceaccount-as-oauthclient-restricted.yml"
+#syndesisio_template_yml: "{{syndesisio_url}}/resources/fuse-online-template.yml"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/pre_workload.yml b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/pre_workload.yml
index 036a472..b7bc16e 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/pre_workload.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/pre_workload.yml
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
 #     var: groupadd_register
 #     verbosity: 2
-- name: Create user Quota - clusterresourcequota
-  shell: |
-        oc create clusterquota clusterquota-"{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}" \
-"{{ocp_username}}" \
-        --hard requests.cpu="{{quota_requests_cpu}}" \
-        --hard limits.cpu="{{quota_limits_cpu}}"  \
-        --hard requests.memory="{{quota_requests_memory}}" \
-        --hard limits.memory="{{quota_limits_memory}}" \
-        --hard configmaps="{{quota_configmaps}}" \
-        --hard pods="{{quota_pods}}" \
-        --hard persistentvolumeclaims="{{quota_persistentvolumeclaims}}"  \
-        --hard services="{{quota_services}}" \
-        --hard secrets="{{quota_secrets}}" \
-        --hard"{{quota_requests_storage}}"
-  ignore_errors: true
+#- name: Create user Quota - clusterresourcequota
+#  shell: |
+#        oc create clusterquota clusterquota-"{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}" \
+#"{{ocp_username}}" \
+#        --hard requests.cpu="{{quota_requests_cpu}}" \
+#        --hard limits.cpu="{{quota_limits_cpu}}"  \
+#        --hard requests.memory="{{quota_requests_memory}}" \
+#        --hard limits.memory="{{quota_limits_memory}}" \
+#        --hard configmaps="{{quota_configmaps}}" \
+#        --hard pods="{{quota_pods}}" \
+#        --hard persistentvolumeclaims="{{quota_persistentvolumeclaims}}"  \
+#        --hard services="{{quota_services}}" \
+#        --hard secrets="{{quota_secrets}}" \
+#        --hard"{{quota_requests_storage}}"
+#  ignore_errors: true
 - name: pre_workload Tasks Complete
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/remove_workload.yml b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/remove_workload.yml
index a6c9182..2c4dbac 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/remove_workload.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/remove_workload.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
     msg: "Pre-Software checks completed successfully - Removed"
-- name: Remove user Quota - oc delete clusterresourcequota  "clusterquota-{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}"
-  shell: oc delete clusterresourcequota clusterquota-{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}
-  ignore_errors: true
+#- name: Remove user Quota - oc delete clusterresourcequota  "clusterquota-{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}"
+#  shell: oc delete clusterresourcequota clusterquota-{{ocp_username}}-{{guid}}
+#  ignore_errors: true
 - name: Remove user Project
   shell: "oc delete project {{ocp_project}}"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.bak b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1fe0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+- name: check if user is cluster admin
+  shell: "oc get project default"
+  register: default_project_result
+  ignore_errors: true
+  changed_when: false
+- name: user granted access rights
+  fail:
+    msg: "User does not have cluster-admin rights to install Fuse Online"
+  when: default_project_result is failed
+- name: Create project for workload; project =  {{ocp_project}}
+  shell: "oc new-project {{ocp_project}} --display-name={{ocp_project}}"
+- name: "Label namespace"
+  command: "oc label namespace {{ocp_project}} AAD='{{guid}}'"
+- name: Make sure we go back do default project
+  shell: "oc project default"
+# Note; depending on the environment, OCP projects may or may not have default limit ranges
+- name: Delete default limitrange
+  shell: |
+    oc delete limitrange {{ocp_project}}-core-resource-limits -n {{ocp_project}}
+  ignore_errors: true
+- name: Create a new limitrange
+  template:
+    src: templates/limitrange.yaml.j2
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}_limitrange.yaml
+- shell: |
+    oc create -f /tmp/{{ocp_project}}_limitrange.yaml -n {{ocp_project}}
+# ######                 Fuse Online            ##########
+- name: Create serviceaccount-as-oauthclient
+  shell: "oc create -f {{syndesisio_sa_yml}} -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: Create syndesisio template; {{syndesisio_template_yml}}
+  shell: "oc create -f {{syndesisio_template_yml}} -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: delete temp dir if it exists
+  file:
+      path: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}
+      state: absent
+- file:
+      path: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}
+      state: directory
+- name: Load fuse-ignite-is
+  shell: "oc create -f {{ fuse_ignite_is_yaml }} -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: Create the syndesisio app
+  shell: |
+      oc new-app {{ignite_template_name}} \
+      -p ROUTE_HOSTNAME=fuse.{{ocp_project}}.{{ocp_apps_domain}} \
+      -p OPENSHIFT_MASTER={{ocp_domain}} \
+      -p OPENSHIFT_PROJECT={{ocp_project}} \
+      -p OPENSHIFT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=$(oc sa get-token syndesis-oauth-client -n {{ocp_project}}) \
+      -p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE={{ocp_project}} \
+      -n {{ocp_project}}
+- name: "Resume {{with_items}}"
+  command: oc rollout resume dc/"{{ item }}" -n "{{ ocp_project }}"
+  with_items:
+    - syndesis-db
+    - syndesis-oauthproxy
+- include_tasks: wait_for_deploy.yml
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+    - syndesis-db
+    - syndesis-oauthproxy
+- name: resume todo
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/todo -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - todo
+- name: Scale up broker-amq
+  shell: |
+      oc scale dc/broker-amq --replicas=1 -n {{ocp_project}}
+- name: resume broker-amq
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/broker-amq -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - "broker-amq"
+- name: resume syndesis-meta
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-meta -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - syndesis-meta
+- name: resume syndesis-server
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-server -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - syndesis-server
+- name: resume syndesis-ui
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-ui -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - syndesis-ui
+- name: resume syndesis-prometheus
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-prometheus -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - syndesis-prometheus
+# ########################################################
+# ######        Coolstore Catalog Service       ##########
+- name: Add the view role to the default service account
+  shell: "oc policy add-role-to-user view -z default -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: Copy catalog service configmap to known path
+  template:
+    src: templates/app-config.yaml
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/app-config.yaml
+- name: Load catalog service configmap
+  shell: "oc create configmap app-config --from-file=/tmp/{{ocp_project}}/app-config.yaml -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: Copy catalog service (with db) template to known path
+  template:
+    src: templates/coolstore-catalog-mongodb-persistent.yaml
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/coolstore-catalog-mongodb-persistent.yaml
+- name: Build and create catalog service
+  shell: |
+      oc new-app \
+      -f /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/coolstore-catalog-mongodb-persistent.yaml \
+      -p CATALOG_DB_USERNAME=mongo \
+      -p CATALOG_DB_PASSWORD=mongo \
+      -n {{ocp_project}}
+- name: resume catalog-service
+  shell: oc rollout resume dc/catalog-service -n {{ocp_project}}
+- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
+  static: no
+  vars:
+    pod_to_wait:
+      - catalog-service
+# ########################################################
+- name: Annotate the empty project as requested by user
+  shell: "oc annotate namespace {{ocp_project}}{{ocp_username}} --overwrite"
+- name: Give ocp_username access to ocp_project; user = {{ocp_username}}
+  shell: "oc policy add-role-to-user admin {{ocp_username}} -n {{ocp_project}}"
+- name: workload Tasks Complete
+  debug:
+    msg: workload Tasks Complete
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.yml b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.yml
index c1fe0b1..6741a58 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/tasks/workload.yml
@@ -11,132 +11,56 @@
     msg: "User does not have cluster-admin rights to install Fuse Online"
   when: default_project_result is failed
 - name: Create project for workload; project =  {{ocp_project}}
   shell: "oc new-project {{ocp_project}} --display-name={{ocp_project}}"
+# credentials for accessing
+#- name: Create project for workload; project =  {{ocp_project}}
+#  shell: "oc create secret docker-registry rhcc --docker-username={{oreg_user}} --docker-password={{oreg_pass}}"
 - name: "Label namespace"
-  command: "oc label namespace {{ocp_project}} AAD='{{guid}}'"
+  command: "oc label namespace {{ocp_project}} AAD='{{guid}}' --as={{ocp_username}}"
-- name: Make sure we go back do default project
-  shell: "oc project default"
+- name: Make sure we go back do {{ocp_project}} project
+  shell: "oc project {{ocp_project}}"
-# Note; depending on the environment, OCP projects may or may not have default limit ranges
-- name: Delete default limitrange
+- name: List existing CRDs
   shell: |
-    oc delete limitrange {{ocp_project}}-core-resource-limits -n {{ocp_project}}
-  ignore_errors: true
+    oc get crd
-- name: Create a new limitrange
+- name: Ensure the following directory is refreshed in remote, /tmp/{{ocp_project}}
+  file:
+    path: "/tmp/{{ocp_project}}"
+    state: absent
+- file:
+    path: "/tmp/{{ocp_project}}"
+    state: directory
+- name: Register a new CRD for Fuse Online
-    src: templates/limitrange.yaml.j2
-    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}_limitrange.yaml
-- shell: |
-    oc create -f /tmp/{{ocp_project}}_limitrange.yaml -n {{ocp_project}}
+    src: templates/
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/
+- script: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/ --setup
+- name: Grant installation permission to user
+  template:
+    src: templates/
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/
+- script: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/ --grant {{ocp_username}}
 # ######                 Fuse Online            ##########
-- name: Create serviceaccount-as-oauthclient
-  shell: "oc create -f {{syndesisio_sa_yml}} -n {{ocp_project}}"
-- name: Create syndesisio template; {{syndesisio_template_yml}}
-  shell: "oc create -f {{syndesisio_template_yml}} -n {{ocp_project}}"
-- name: delete temp dir if it exists
-  file:
-      path: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}
-      state: absent
-- file:
-      path: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}
-      state: directory
-- name: Load fuse-ignite-is
-  shell: "oc create -f {{ fuse_ignite_is_yaml }} -n {{ocp_project}}"
-- name: Create the syndesisio app
-  shell: |
-      oc new-app {{ignite_template_name}} \
-      -p ROUTE_HOSTNAME=fuse.{{ocp_project}}.{{ocp_apps_domain}} \
-      -p OPENSHIFT_MASTER={{ocp_domain}} \
-      -p OPENSHIFT_PROJECT={{ocp_project}} \
-      -p OPENSHIFT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=$(oc sa get-token syndesis-oauth-client -n {{ocp_project}}) \
-      -p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE={{ocp_project}} \
-      -n {{ocp_project}}
-- name: "Resume {{with_items}}"
-  command: oc rollout resume dc/"{{ item }}" -n "{{ ocp_project }}"
-  with_items:
-    - syndesis-db
-    - syndesis-oauthproxy
-- include_tasks: wait_for_deploy.yml
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-    - syndesis-db
-    - syndesis-oauthproxy
-- name: resume todo
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/todo -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - todo
+- name: Install Fuse Online
+  template:
+    src: templates/
+    dest: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/
+- script: /tmp/{{ocp_project}}/
 - name: Scale up broker-amq
   shell: |
       oc scale dc/broker-amq --replicas=1 -n {{ocp_project}}
-- name: resume broker-amq
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/broker-amq -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - "broker-amq"
-- name: resume syndesis-meta
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-meta -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - syndesis-meta
-- name: resume syndesis-server
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-server -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - syndesis-server
-- name: resume syndesis-ui
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-ui -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - syndesis-ui
-- name: resume syndesis-prometheus
-  shell: oc rollout resume dc/syndesis-prometheus -n {{ocp_project}}
-- include_tasks: ./wait_for_deploy.yml
-  static: no
-  vars:
-    pod_to_wait:
-      - syndesis-prometheus
 # ########################################################
 # ######        Coolstore Catalog Service       ##########
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/templates/ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a95301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/ocp-workload-fuse-ignite/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+{% raw %}
+# ====================================================
+# Standalone script for deploying syndesis on OCP (including imagestreams)
+# It is based on
+# except that the TAG is frozen during the release
+# ================
+# Tag updated by release script
+# ================
+# Minimal version for OC
+# Exit if any error occurs
+# Fail on a single failed command in a pipeline (if supported)
+set -o pipefail
+# Fail on error and undefined vars (please don't use global vars, but evaluation of functions for return values)
+set -eu
+# Save global script args
+display_usage() {
+  cat <<EOT
+Fuse Online Installation Tool for OCP
+Usage: [options]
+with options:
+-s  --setup                   Install CRDs clusterwide. Use --grant if you want a specific user to be
+                              able to install Fuse Online. You have to run this option once as cluster admin.
+-u  --grant <user>            Add permissions for the given user so that user can install the operator
+                              in her projects. You have to run this as cluster-admin
+    --cluster                 Add the permission for all projects in the cluster
+                              (only when used together with --grant)
+    --route                   Route to use. If not given, the route is trying to be detected from the currently
+                              connected cluster.
+   --console <console-url>    The URL to the openshift console
+   --force                    Override an existing installation if present
+-p --project <project>        Install into this project. The project will be deleted
+                              if it already exists. By default, install into the current project (without deleting)
+-w --watch                    Wait until the installation has completed
+-o --open                     Open Fuse Online after installation (implies --watch)
+   --help                     This help message
+-v --verbose                  Verbose logging
+You have to run `--setup --grant <user>` as a cluster-admin before you can install Fuse Online as a user.
+# ============================================================
+# Helper functions taken over from "syndesis" CLI:
+# Checks if a flag is present in the arguments.
+hasflag() {
+    filters="$@"
+    if [[ ! -z ${ARGS+x} ]]; then
+        for var in "${ARGS[@]}"; do
+            for filter in $filters; do
+              if [ "$var" = "$filter" ]; then
+                  echo 'true'
+                  return
+              fi
+            done
+        done
+    fi
+# Read the value of an option.
+readopt() {
+    filters="$@"
+    if [[ ! -z ${ARGS+x} ]]; then
+        next=false
+        for var in "${ARGS[@]}"; do
+            if $next; then
+                echo $var
+                break;
+            fi
+            for filter in $filters; do
+                if [[ "$var" = ${filter}* ]]; then
+                    local value="${var//${filter}=/}"
+                    if [ "$value" != "$var" ]; then
+                        echo $value
+                        return
+                    fi
+                    next=true
+                fi
+            done
+        done
+    fi
+check_error() {
+    local msg="$*"
+    if [ "${msg//ERROR/}" != "${msg}" ]; then
+        if [ -n "${ERROR_FILE:-}" ] && [ -f "$ERROR_FILE" ] && ! grep "$msg" $ERROR_FILE ; then
+            local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/error-XXXX)
+            echo ${msg} >> $tmp
+            if [ $(wc -c <$ERROR_FILE) -ne 0 ]; then
+              echo >> $tmp
+              echo "===============================================================" >> $tmp
+              echo >> $tmp
+              cat $ERROR_FILE >> $tmp
+            fi
+            mv $tmp $ERROR_FILE
+        fi
+        exit 0
+    fi
+print_error() {
+    local error_file="${1:-}"
+    if [ -f $error_file ]; then
+        if grep -q "ERROR" $error_file; then
+            cat $error_file
+        fi
+        rm $error_file
+    fi
+# Install the Syndesis custom resource definition
+install_syndesis_crd() {
+    set +e
+    oc get crd >/dev/null 2>&1
+    local err=$?
+    set -e
+    if [ $err -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Cannot install CRD 'Syndesis'. You have to be a cluster admin to do this."
+        return
+    fi
+    local crd_installed=$(oc get crd -o name | grep
+    if [ -z "$crd_installed" ]; then
+        local result=$(create_openshift_resource "resources/syndesis-crd.yml")
+        check_error $result
+    fi
+add_user_permissions_for_operator() {
+    local user="$1"
+    local cluster_wide=${2:-false}
+    if [ -z "$user" ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: No user provided to fix permissions for"
+        return
+    fi
+    local extra_role_installed="$(oc get role -o name | grep syndesis-extra-permissions | wc -l | xargs)"
+    local kind="Role"
+    local oc_command="policy add-role-to-user --role-namespace=$(oc project -q)"
+    if $cluster_wide; then
+        extra_role_installed="$(oc get clusterrole -o name | grep syndesis-extra-permissions | wc -l | xargs)"
+        kind="ClusterRole"
+        oc_command="adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user"
+    fi
+    set +e
+    if [ $extra_role_installed -eq 0 ]; then
+        oc create -f - >/dev/null 2>&1 <<EOT
+kind: $kind
+  name: syndesis-extra-permissions
+  labels:
+    app: syndesis
+ syndesis
+ operator
+ syndesis-operator
+- apiGroups:
+  -
+  resources:
+  - syndesises
+  - syndesises/finalizers
+  verbs: [ get, list, create, update, delete, deletecollection, watch ]
+- apiGroups:
+  -
+  resources:
+  - routes/custom-host
+  verbs: [ get, list, create, update, delete, deletecollection, watch ]
+        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+            echo "ERROR: Can not install role 'syndesis-extra-permissions'. Are you running as cluster-admin ?"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    oc $oc_command syndesis-extra-permissions $user
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Can not add role 'syndesis-extra-permssionns' to user $user. Does the user exist ?"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    set -e
+recreate_project() {
+    local project=$1
+    local dont_ask=${2:-false}
+    if [ -z "$project" ]; then
+        echo "No project given"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Delete project if existing
+    if oc get project "${project}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+        if [ $dont_ask != "true" ]; then
+            echo =============== WARNING -- Going to delete project ${project}
+            oc get all -n $project
+            echo ============================================================
+            read -p "Do you really want to delete the existing project $project ? yes/[no] : " choice
+            echo
+            if [ "$choice" != "yes" ] && [ "$choice" != "y" ]; then
+                echo "Aborting on user's request"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        echo "Deleting project ${project}"
+        oc delete project "${project}"
+    fi
+    # Create project afresh
+    echo "Creating project ${project}"
+    for i in {1..10}; do
+        if oc new-project "${project}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+            break
+        fi
+        echo "Project still exists. Sleeping 10s ..."
+        sleep 10
+    done
+    oc project "${project}"
+    local minimum=${OC_MIN_VERSION}
+    local test=$(oc version | grep ^oc | tr -d oc\ v | cut -f1 -d "+")
+    echo $(compare_oc_version $test $minimum)
+setup_oc() {
+    # Check path first if it already exists
+    set +e
+    which oc &>/dev/null
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+      set -e
+      err=$(check_oc_version)
+      check_error $err
+      return
+    fi
+    # Check for minishift
+    which minishift &>/dev/null
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+      set -e
+      eval $(minishift oc-env)
+      err=$(check_oc_version)
+      check_error $err
+      return
+    fi
+    set -e
+    # Error, no oc found
+    echo "ERROR: No 'oc' binary found in path. Please install the client tools from (or newer)"
+    exit 1
+compare_version_part() {
+    local test=$1
+    local min=$2
+    test=`expr $test`
+    min=`expr $min`
+    if [ $test -eq $min ]; then
+        echo 0;
+    elif [ $test -gt $min ]; then
+        echo 1;
+    else
+        # $test -lt $min
+        echo -1
+    fi
+compare_oc_version() {
+    local test=$1
+    local min=$2
+    echo -n "Testing oc version '$test' against required minimum '$min' ... "
+    testparts=( ${test//./ } )
+    minparts=( ${min//./ } )
+    local i=0
+    while [ $i -lt ${#minparts[@]} ]
+    do
+        local testpart=${testparts[$i]}
+        local minpart=${minparts[$i]}
+        if [ -z "$testpart" ]; then
+            # test version does not extend as far as minimum
+            # in parts so append a 0
+            testpart=0
+        fi
+        ret=$(compare_version_part $testpart $minpart)
+        if [ $ret == -1 ]; then
+            #
+            # version part is less than minimum while all preceding
+            # parts were equal so version does not meet minimum
+            #
+            echo "ERROR: oc version ($test) should be at least $min"
+            return
+        elif [ $ret == 1 ]; then
+            #
+            # version part is greater than minimum so no need to test
+            # any further parts as version is greater than minimum
+            #
+            echo "OK"
+            return
+        fi
+        #
+        # Only if the version part is equal will the loop continue
+        # with further parts.
+        #
+        i=`expr $i + 1`
+    done
+    echo "OK"
+ensure_image_streams() {
+    local is_installed=$(oc get imagestream -o name | grep fuse-ignite-server)
+    if [ -n "$is_installed" ]; then
+        local result=$(delete_openshift_resource "resources/fuse-online-image-streams.yml")
+        check_error $result
+    fi
+    local result=$(create_openshift_resource "resources/fuse-online-image-streams.yml")
+    check_error $result
+# Deploy operator
+deploy_syndesis_operator() {
+    local operator_installed=$(oc get dc -o name | grep syndesis-operator)
+    if [ -n "$operator_installed" ]; then
+        local result=$(delete_openshift_resource "resources/fuse-online-operator.yml")
+        check_error $result
+        wait_for_deployments 0 syndesis-operator >/dev/null 2>&1
+    fi
+    create_openshift_resource "resources/fuse-online-operator.yml"
+create_openshift_resource() {
+    create_or_delete_openshift_resource "create" "${1:-}"
+delete_openshift_resource() {
+    create_or_delete_openshift_resource "delete --ignore-not-found" "${1:-}"
+create_or_delete_openshift_resource() {
+    local what=${1}
+    local resource=${2:-}
+    local result
+    set +e
+    local url="${TAG}/${resource}"
+    result=$(oc $what -f $url >$ERROR_FILE 2>&1)
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Cannot create remote resource $url"
+    fi
+    set -e
+# Create syndesis resource
+create_syndesis() {
+    local route="${1:-}"
+    local console="${2:-}"
+    local image_stream_namespace="${3:-}"
+    local syndesis_installed=$(oc get syndesis -o name | wc -l)
+    local force=$(hasflag --force)
+    if [ $syndesis_installed -gt 0 ]; then
+        if [ -n "${force}" ]; then
+            oc delete $(oc get syndesis -o name)
+        fi
+    fi
+    local syndesis=$(cat <<EOT
+apiVersion: ""
+kind: "Syndesis"
+  name: "app"
+  integration:
+    # No limitations by default on OCP
+    limit: 0
+    local extra=""
+    if [ -n "$console" ]; then
+        extra=$(cat <<EOT
+  openShiftConsoleUrl: "$console"
+        syndesis="${syndesis}${extra}"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$route" ]; then
+        extra=$(cat <<EOT
+  routeHostname: "$route"
+        syndesis="${syndesis}${extra}"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$image_stream_namespace" ]; then
+        extra=$(cat <<EOT
+  imageStreamNamespace: "$image_stream_namespace"
+        syndesis="${syndesis}${extra}"
+    fi
+    echo "$syndesis" | cat | oc create -f -
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Error while creating resource"
+        echo "$syndesis"
+        return
+    fi
+wait_for_deployments() {
+  local replicas_desired=$1
+  shift
+  local dcs="$@"
+  oc get pods -w &
+  watch_pid=$!
+  for dc in $dcs; do
+      echo "Waiting for $dc to be scaled to ${replicas_desired}"
+      local replicas=$(get_replicas $dc)
+      while [ -z "$replicas" ] || [ "$replicas" -ne $replicas_desired ]; do
+          echo "Sleeping 10s ..."
+          sleep 10
+          replicas=$(get_replicas $dc)
+      done
+  done
+  kill $watch_pid
+get_replicas() {
+  local dc=${1}
+  local hasDc=$(oc get dc -o name | grep $dc)
+  if [ -z "$hasDc" ]; then
+      echo "0"
+      return
+  fi
+  oc get dc $dc -o jsonpath="{.status.availableReplicas}"
+open_url() {
+    local url=$1
+    local cmd="$(probe_commands open xdg-open chrome firefox)"
+    if [ -z "$cmd" ]; then
+        echo "Cannot find command for opening URL:"
+        echo $url
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    exec $cmd $url
+probe_commands() {
+    for cmd in $@; do
+      local ret=$(which $cmd 2>/dev/null)
+      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+          echo $ret
+          return
+      fi
+    done
+get_route_when_ready() {
+    local name="${1}"
+    local route=$(get_route $name)
+    while [ -z "$route" ]; do
+        sleep 10
+        route=$(get_route $name)
+    done
+    echo $route
+get_route() {
+  local name="${1}"
+  oc get route $name -o jsonpath="{}" 2>/dev/null
+# ==============================================================
+if [ $(hasflag --help -h) ]; then
+    display_usage
+    exit 0
+ERROR_FILE="$(mktemp /tmp/syndesis-output-XXXXX)"
+trap "print_error $ERROR_FILE" EXIT
+if [ $(hasflag --verbose -v) ]; then
+    export PS4='+($(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}):${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
+    set -x
+if [ $(hasflag -s --setup) ]; then
+    echo "Installing Syndesis CRD"
+    result=$(install_syndesis_crd)
+    check_error "$result"
+    prep_only="true"
+user_to_prepare="$(readopt -u --grant)"
+if [ -n  "$user_to_prepare" ]; then
+    echo "Grant permission to create Syndesis to user $user_to_prepare"
+    result=$(add_user_permissions_for_operator "$user_to_prepare" $(hasflag --cluster))
+    check_error "$result"
+    prep_only="true"
+if $prep_only; then
+    exit 0
+# ==================================================================
+# If a project is given, create it new or recreate it
+project=$(readopt --project -p)
+if [ -n "${project}" ]; then
+    recreate_project $project
+    project=$(oc project -q)
+# Check for OC
+# Check for the proper setup
+set +e
+oc get syndesis >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    check_error "ERROR: No CRD Syndesis installed or no permissions to read them. Please run --setup and/or --grant as cluster-admin. Please use '--help' for more information."
+set -e
+echo "Ensuring imagestreams in $project"
+# Deploy operator and wait until its up
+echo "Deploying Syndesis operator"
+check_error "$result"
+wait_for_deployments 1 syndesis-operator
+# Create syndesis resource
+echo "Creating Syndesis resource"
+route=$(readopt --route)
+console=$(readopt --console)
+result=$(create_syndesis "$route" "$console" "$project")
+check_error "$result"
+if [ $(hasflag --watch -w) ] || [ $(hasflag --open -o) ]; then
+    wait_for_deployments 1 syndesis-server syndesis-ui syndesis-meta
+# ==========================================================
+echo "Getting Syndesis route"
+route=$(get_route_when_ready "syndesis")
+cat <<EOT
+Congratulation, Fuse Online $TAG has been installed successfully !
+Open now your browser at the following URL:
+Enjoy !
+if [ $(hasflag --open -o) ]; then
+    open_url "https://$route"
+{% endraw %}

Gitblit v1.9.3