From 222a14f6e10ed54e0b22b58a45366b443323aa14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: joelbirchler <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 20:05:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] WIP first attempt at gitlab and tower setup in a workload

 ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/main.yml |    6 
 ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/software.yml       |  263 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/tower.yml    |    0 
 ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/workloads.yml      |   10 
 ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/gitlab.yml   |    0 
 ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/workload.yml |    6 
 ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/post_software.yml  |  112 ++++++++--------
 ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/defaults/main.yml  |    1 
 8 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/post_software.yml b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/post_software.yml
index e2815b8..7053699 100644
--- a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/post_software.yml
+++ b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/post_software.yml
@@ -7,69 +7,69 @@
     - debug:
         msg: "Post-Software tasks Started"
-# - name: Copy files to workstation
-#   hosts: workstations
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Copy Ansible Inventory for this environment
-#       win_copy:
-#         src: "{{output_dir}}/hosts-{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}"
-#         dest: "C:\\inventory.ini"
+- name: Copy files to workstation
+  hosts: workstations
+  tasks:
+    - name: Copy Ansible Inventory for this environment
+      win_copy:
+        src: "{{output_dir}}/hosts-{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}"
+        dest: "C:\\inventory.ini"
-# - name: PostSoftware flight-check
-#   hosts: towers
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: yes
-#   tags:
-#     - post_flight_check
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: See if virtualenv is installed
-#       stat:
-#         path: venv
-#       register: virtualenv
+- name: PostSoftware flight-check
+  hosts: towers
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: yes
+  tags:
+    - post_flight_check
+  tasks:
+    - name: See if virtualenv is installed
+      stat:
+        path: venv
+      register: virtualenv
-#     - name: Setup python virtualenv
-#       shell: |
-#         virtualenv venv
-#         source venv/bin/activate
-#         pip install ansible requests-credssp pywinrm
-#         deactivate
-#         exit 0
-#       when: not virtualenv.stat.exists
+    - name: Setup python virtualenv
+      shell: |
+        virtualenv venv
+        source venv/bin/activate
+        pip install ansible requests-credssp pywinrm
+        deactivate
+        exit 0
+      when: not virtualenv.stat.exists
-#     - name: Test Ansible connectivity to Windows servers
-#       shell: |
-#         source venv/bin/activate
-#         ansible windows -m win_ping
-#       register: ansible_check
-#       ignore_errors: true
+    - name: Test Ansible connectivity to Windows servers
+      shell: |
+        source venv/bin/activate
+        ansible windows -m win_ping
+      register: ansible_check
+      ignore_errors: true
-#     - debug:
-#         var: ansible_check
+    - debug:
+        var: ansible_check
-#     - fail:
-#         msg: "Ansible test of tower environment failed"
-#       when: ansible_check is failed
+    - fail:
+        msg: "Ansible test of tower environment failed"
+      when: ansible_check is failed
-#     - debug:
-#         msg: "Post-Software checks completed successfully"
+    - debug:
+        msg: "Post-Software checks completed successfully"
 - name: Include private workloads
   import_playbook: workloads.yml
-# - name: Provisioning final tasks
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Classroom ready"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
-#     - name: Stop SSH/Socks proxy for Windows proxying through bastion
-#       shell: |
-#         ssh -i {{ ssh_key | default(infra_ssh_key) | default(ansible_ssh_private_key_file) | default(default_key_name)}} -o "ControlPath=~/.ssh/cp/ssh-%r@%h:%p" -O exit -p 22 {{hostvars[bastion_hostname].ansible_user}}@{{hostvars[bastion_hostname].public_ip_address}}
-#       when: win_connect_method | d('winrm') == 'psrp'
+- name: Provisioning final tasks
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Classroom ready"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
+    - name: Stop SSH/Socks proxy for Windows proxying through bastion
+      shell: |
+        ssh -i {{ ssh_key | default(infra_ssh_key) | default(ansible_ssh_private_key_file) | default(default_key_name)}} -o "ControlPath=~/.ssh/cp/ssh-%r@%h:%p" -O exit -p 22 {{hostvars[bastion_hostname].ansible_user}}@{{hostvars[bastion_hostname].public_ip_address}}
+      when: win_connect_method | d('winrm') == 'psrp'
diff --git a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/software.yml b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/software.yml
index 6162e5e..796db95 100644
--- a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/software.yml
+++ b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/software.yml
@@ -7,153 +7,144 @@
     - debug:
         msg: "Software tasks Started"
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Servers provisioned 1 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
-# - name: Step 001 software - Configure Active Directory DC
-#   hosts: activedirectories
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - windows-ad-controller
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-windows-ad
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Servers provisioned 1 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Active Directory configured 2 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
+- name: Step 001 software - Configure Active Directory DC
+  hosts: activedirectories
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - windows-ad-controller
+  roles:
+    - skylight-windows-ad
-# - name: Step 002 software - Configure Windows Servers
-#   hosts:
-#     - windows_servers
-#     - workstations
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - windows-servers
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-windows-common
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Active Directory configured 2 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Windows servers configured 3 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
+- name: Step 002 software - Configure Windows Servers
+  hosts:
+    - windows_servers
+    - workstations
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - windows-servers
+  roles:
+    - skylight-windows-common
-# - name: Step 003.1 software - Configure GitLab Host
-#   hosts: gitlab
-#   become: true
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - gitlab
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-linux-common
-#     - geerlingguy.gitlab
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Windows servers configured 3 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
-# - name: Step 003.2 software - Configure Gitlab Environment
-#   hosts: gitlab
-#   become: true
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - gitlab
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-gitlab-env
+- name: Step 003.1 software - Configure GitLab Host
+  hosts: gitlab
+  become: true
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - gitlab
+  roles:
+    - skylight-linux-common
+    - geerlingguy.gitlab
-# - name: Step 003.3 software - Configure DO417 repos
-#   hosts: gitlab
-#   become: False
-#   gather_facts: False
-#   tags:
-#     - gitlab
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-do417-repos
+- name: Step 003.2 software - Configure Gitlab Environment
+  hosts: gitlab
+  become: true
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - gitlab
+  roles:
+    - skylight-gitlab-env
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Gitlab configured 4 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Gitlab configured 4 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
-# - name: Step 004 software - Configure Ansible Tower
-#   hosts: towers
-#   become: true
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - ansible-tower
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-linux-common
-#     - skylight-ansible-tower
+- name: Step 004 software - Configure Ansible Tower
+  hosts: towers
+  become: true
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - ansible-tower
+  roles:
+    - skylight-linux-common
+    - skylight-ansible-tower
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Ansible Tower configured 5 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Ansible Tower configured 5 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
-# - name: Step 005 software - Configure Windows Workstation
-#   hosts: workstations
-#   gather_facts: true
-#   tags:
-#     - windows-workstation
-#   roles:
-#     - skylight-windows-workstation
+- name: Step 005 software - Configure Windows Workstation
+  hosts: workstations
+  gather_facts: true
+  tags:
+    - windows-workstation
+  roles:
+    - skylight-windows-workstation
-# - name: Report Provisioning Status
-#   hosts: localhost
-#   connection: local
-#   gather_facts: false
-#   become: no
-#   tasks:
-#     - name: Report provisioning status
-#       include_role:
-#         name: status-report
-#       vars:
-#         classroom_status: "Windows Workstation configured 6 of 6"
-#         status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
-#       when: report_status
+- name: Report Provisioning Status
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  become: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: Report provisioning status
+      include_role:
+        name: status-report
+      vars:
+        classroom_status: "Windows Workstation configured 6 of 6"
+        status_json: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.j2') }}"
+      when: report_status
 - name: Step 00xxxxx software
   hosts: localhost
diff --git a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/workloads.yml b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/workloads.yml
index fe227a3..a22ab68 100644
--- a/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/workloads.yml
+++ b/ansible/configs/ansible-skylight/workloads.yml
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
         name: "{{ item.tmp }}"
-        ACTION:         "provision"
-        workload_name:  "{{ }}"
-        git_remote_url: "{{ item.url }}"
-        git_path:       "{{ item.path }}"
-        git_ssh_key:    "{{ item.ssh_key }}"
+        ACTION:                  "provision"
+        workload_name:           "{{ }}"
+        workload_git_url:        "{{ item.url }}"
+        workload_git_path:       "{{ item.path }}"
+        workload_ssh_key:        "{{ item.ssh_key }}"
       loop: "{{ private_workloads }}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/defaults/main.yml b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/defaults/main.yml
index 4e706a5..9637227 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/defaults/main.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 become_override: False
 silent: False
diff --git a/ansible/roles/skylight-do417-repos/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/gitlab.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from ansible/roles/skylight-do417-repos/tasks/main.yml
rename to ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/gitlab.yml
diff --git a/ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/create-resources.yml b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/tower.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/create-resources.yml
rename to ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/tower.yml
diff --git a/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/workload.yml b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/workload.yml
index 05112c1..d0714f9 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/workload.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/agnosticd-workload/tasks/workload.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-# Implement your Workload deployment tasks here
 - name: Setting up workload
     msg: "Setting up workload {{ workload_name }}."
   when: not silent|bool
+- name: Setting up GitLab
+  include_tasks: gitlab.yml
+- name: Setting up Tower
+  include_tasks: tower.yml
 # Leave this as the last task in the playbook.
 - name: workload tasks complete
diff --git a/ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/main.yml
index 5f91c54..318e56c 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/skylight-ansible-tower/tasks/main.yml
@@ -180,8 +180,4 @@
 - name: Update git to credential timeout after 1 day
   command: git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=86400'
-- include_tasks: setup.yml
-# Creation of custom DO417 resources
-# TODO: where to get these from?
-- include_tasks: create-resources.yml
+- include_tasks: setup.yml
\ No newline at end of file

Gitblit v1.9.3