From 88b00476afe92d234ca3776536b7de59d4620f37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wolfgang Kulhanek <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 21:05:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Temporarily commented out --student-workload and --infra-workload support

 ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/post_software.yml |   96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/post_software.yml b/ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/post_software.yml
index d5871ee..69d225b 100644
--- a/ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/post_software.yml
+++ b/ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/post_software.yml
@@ -544,46 +544,68 @@
       when: install_openshiftapb|bool
 # WK Added for RHTE
-- name: Install ocp-workloads for multiple Users
-  hosts: masters
-  gather_facts: false
-  run_once: true
-  become: yes
-  vars_files:
-    - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml"
-    - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml"
-  tasks:
-  - name: Install ocp-workloads
-    when:
-    - num_users|d(0)|int > 0
-    - student_workloads|d("")|length >0
-    block:
-    - name: Check if authentication mechanism is set to htpasswd
-      fail:
-        msg: Authentication Mechanism must be htpasswd
-      when:
-      - install_idm|d("") != "htpasswd"
-    - name: Check if remove_self_provisioners=true
-      fail:
-        msg: remove_self_provisioners must be set to true
-      when:
-      - not remove_self_provisioners|d(False)|bool
+# - name: Install ocp-workload workloads for multiple Users
+#   hosts: masters
+#   gather_facts: false
+#   run_once: true
+#   become: yes
+#   vars_files:
+#     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml"
+#     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml"
+#   tasks:
+#   - name: Install ocp-workloads
+#     when:
+#     - num_users|d(0)|int > 0
+#     - student_workloads|d("")|length >0
+#     block:
+#     - name: Check if authentication mechanism is set to htpasswd
+#       fail:
+#         msg: Authentication Mechanism must be htpasswd
+#       when:
+#       - install_idm|d("") != "htpasswd"
+#     - name: Check if remove_self_provisioners=true
+#       fail:
+#         msg: remove_self_provisioners must be set to true
+#       when:
+#       - not remove_self_provisioners|d(False)|bool
-    - name: Generate list of User IDs
-      set_fact:
-        users: "{{ lookup('sequence', 'start=1 end={{ num_users|int }}', wantlist=true) | map('int') | list }}"
+#     - name: Generate list of User IDs
+#       set_fact:
+#         users: "{{ lookup('sequence', 'start=1 end={{ num_users|int }}', wantlist=true) | map('int') | list }}"
-    - name: Deploy ocp-workloads for each user ID
-      include_role:
-        name: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/roles/ocp-workload-{{ workload[1] }}"
-      vars:
-        ocp_username: "user{{ workload[0] }}"
-        ACTION: "provision"
-      loop: "{{ users | product(student_workloads.split(','))|list }}"
-      loop_control:
-        loop_var: workload
+#     - name: Deploy ocp-workloads for each user ID
+#       include_role:
+#         name: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/roles/{{ workload_loop_var[1] }}"
+#       vars:
+#         ocp_username: "user{{ workload_loop_var[0] }}"
+#         ACTION: "provision"
+#       loop: "{{ users | product(student_workloads.split(','))|list }}"
+#       loop_control:
+#         loop_var: workload_loop_var
+# - name: Install ocp-infra workloads
+#   hosts: masters
+#   gather_facts: false
+#   run_once: true
+#   become: yes
+#   vars_files:
+#     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml"
+#     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml"
+#   tasks:
+#   - name: Install ocp-infra-workloads
+#     when:
+#     - infra_workloads|d("")|length >0
+#     block:
+#     - name: Deploy ocp-infra workloads
+#       include_role:
+#         name: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/roles/{{ workload_loop_var[1] }}"
+#       vars:
+#         ocp_username: "user{{ workload_loop_var[0] }}"
+#         ACTION: "provision"
+#       loop: "{{ infra_workloads.split(',')|list }}"
+#       loop_control:
+#         loop_var: workload_loop_var
 # WK Added for RHTE End
 - name: Zabbix for masters
   hosts: masters

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