From 4149922e64aecf2a213f8efb120cd2d61fed3eb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Merickel <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:08:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #3397 from mmerickel/refactor-actions

 tests/test_config/    |    2 
 src/pyramid/config/       |  571 --------
 tests/test_config/       | 1038 ---------------
 src/pyramid/config/         |    2 
 src/pyramid/config/       |    2 
 src/pyramid/config/      |    2 
 tests/test_config/      |    4 
 src/pyramid/config/        |    2 
 tests/           |    2 
 src/pyramid/config/         |    2 
 /dev/null                            |  276 ----
 src/pyramid/config/        |  581 ++++++++
 src/pyramid/config/     |  257 +++
 tests/test_config/ |   62 
 src/pyramid/config/          |    4 
 src/pyramid/config/           |    2 
 src/pyramid/config/         |   10 
 src/pyramid/config/      |    2 
 tests/test_config/    | 1090 ++++++++++++++++
 src/pyramid/config/       |    2 
 20 files changed, 1,962 insertions(+), 1,951 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index f579035..00c3e6a 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 import inspect
-import itertools
 import logging
-import operator
 import os
-import sys
 import threading
 import venusian
@@ -12,7 +9,6 @@
 from pyramid.interfaces import (
-    IPredicateList,
@@ -23,21 +19,17 @@
 from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy
-from pyramid.compat import text_, reraise, string_types
+from pyramid.compat import text_, string_types
 from import ApplicationCreated
-from pyramid.exceptions import (
-    ConfigurationConflictError,
-    ConfigurationError,
-    ConfigurationExecutionError,
+from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from pyramid.httpexceptions import default_exceptionresponse_view
 from pyramid.path import caller_package, package_of
-from pyramid.registry import Introspectable, Introspector, Registry, undefer
+from pyramid.registry import Introspectable, Introspector, Registry
 from pyramid.router import Router
@@ -47,12 +39,15 @@
 from pyramid.util import WeakOrderedSet, object_description
-from pyramid.config.util import ActionInfo, PredicateList, action_method, not_
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method, ActionState
+from pyramid.config.predicates import not_
+from pyramid.config.actions import ActionConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.adapters import AdaptersConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.assets import AssetsConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.factories import FactoriesConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.i18n import I18NConfiguratorMixin
+from pyramid.config.predicates import PredicateConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.rendering import RenderingConfiguratorMixin
 from pyramid.config.routes import RoutesConfiguratorMixin
 from import SecurityConfiguratorMixin
@@ -74,8 +69,12 @@
+ActionState = ActionState  # bw-compat for pyramid_zcml
 class Configurator(
+    ActionConfiguratorMixin,
+    PredicateConfiguratorMixin,
@@ -536,182 +535,6 @@
         _get_introspector, _set_introspector, _del_introspector
-    def get_predlist(self, name):
-        predlist = self.registry.queryUtility(IPredicateList, name=name)
-        if predlist is None:
-            predlist = PredicateList()
-            self.registry.registerUtility(predlist, IPredicateList, name=name)
-        return predlist
-    def _add_predicate(
-        self, type, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None
-    ):
-        factory = self.maybe_dotted(factory)
-        discriminator = ('%s option' % type, name)
-        intr = self.introspectable(
-            '%s predicates' % type,
-            discriminator,
-            '%s predicate named %s' % (type, name),
-            '%s predicate' % type,
-        )
-        intr['name'] = name
-        intr['factory'] = factory
-        intr['weighs_more_than'] = weighs_more_than
-        intr['weighs_less_than'] = weighs_less_than
-        def register():
-            predlist = self.get_predlist(type)
-            predlist.add(
-                name,
-                factory,
-                weighs_more_than=weighs_more_than,
-                weighs_less_than=weighs_less_than,
-            )
-        self.action(
-            discriminator,
-            register,
-            introspectables=(intr,),
-            order=PHASE1_CONFIG,
-        )  # must be registered early
-    @property
-    def action_info(self):
-        info =  # usually a ZCML action (ParserInfo) if
-        if not info:
-            # Try to provide more accurate info for conflict reports
-            if self._ainfo:
-                info = self._ainfo[0]
-            else:
-                info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '')
-        return info
-    def action(
-        self,
-        discriminator,
-        callable=None,
-        args=(),
-        kw=None,
-        order=0,
-        introspectables=(),
-        **extra
-    ):
-        """ Register an action which will be executed when
-        :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called (or executed
-        immediately if ``autocommit`` is ``True``).
-        .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid`
-           framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application
-           developers.
-        The ``discriminator`` uniquely identifies the action.  It must be
-        given, but it can be ``None``, to indicate that the action never
-        conflicts.  It must be a hashable value.
-        The ``callable`` is a callable object which performs the task
-        associated with the action when the action is executed.  It is
-        optional.
-        ``args`` and ``kw`` are tuple and dict objects respectively, which
-        are passed to ``callable`` when this action is executed.  Both are
-        optional.
-        ``order`` is a grouping mechanism; an action with a lower order will
-        be executed before an action with a higher order (has no effect when
-        autocommit is ``True``).
-        ``introspectables`` is a sequence of :term:`introspectable` objects
-        (or the empty sequence if no introspectable objects are associated
-        with this action).  If this configurator's ``introspection``
-        attribute is ``False``, these introspectables will be ignored.
-        ``extra`` provides a facility for inserting extra keys and values
-        into an action dictionary.
-        """
-        # catch nonhashable discriminators here; most unit tests use
-        # autocommit=False, which won't catch unhashable discriminators
-        assert hash(discriminator)
-        if kw is None:
-            kw = {}
-        autocommit = self.autocommit
-        action_info = self.action_info
-        if not self.introspection:
-            # if we're not introspecting, ignore any introspectables passed
-            # to us
-            introspectables = ()
-        if autocommit:
-            # callables can depend on the side effects of resolving a
-            # deferred discriminator
-            self.begin()
-            try:
-                undefer(discriminator)
-                if callable is not None:
-                    callable(*args, **kw)
-                for introspectable in introspectables:
-                    introspectable.register(self.introspector, action_info)
-            finally:
-                self.end()
-        else:
-            action = extra
-            action.update(
-                dict(
-                    discriminator=discriminator,
-                    callable=callable,
-                    args=args,
-                    kw=kw,
-                    order=order,
-                    info=action_info,
-                    includepath=self.includepath,
-                    introspectables=introspectables,
-                )
-            )
-            self.action_state.action(**action)
-    def _get_action_state(self):
-        registry = self.registry
-        try:
-            state = registry.action_state
-        except AttributeError:
-            state = ActionState()
-            registry.action_state = state
-        return state
-    def _set_action_state(self, state):
-        self.registry.action_state = state
-    action_state = property(_get_action_state, _set_action_state)
-    _ctx = action_state  # bw compat
-    def commit(self):
-        """
-        Commit any pending configuration actions. If a configuration
-        conflict is detected in the pending configuration actions, this method
-        will raise a :exc:`ConfigurationConflictError`; within the traceback
-        of this error will be information about the source of the conflict,
-        usually including file names and line numbers of the cause of the
-        configuration conflicts.
-        .. warning::
-           You should think very carefully before manually invoking
-           ``commit()``. Especially not as part of any reusable configuration
-           methods. Normally it should only be done by an application author at
-           the end of configuration in order to override certain aspects of an
-           addon.
-        """
-        self.begin()
-        try:
-            self.action_state.execute_actions(introspector=self.introspector)
-        finally:
-            self.end()
-        self.action_state = ActionState()  # old actions have been processed
     def include(self, callable, route_prefix=None):
         """Include a configuration callable, to support imperative
         application extensibility.
@@ -1082,378 +905,6 @@
         return app
-# this class is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope)
-class ActionState(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        # NB "actions" is an API, dep'd upon by pyramid_zcml's load_zcml func
-        self.actions = []
-        self._seen_files = set()
-    def processSpec(self, spec):
-        """Check whether a callable needs to be processed.  The ``spec``
-        refers to a unique identifier for the callable.
-        Return True if processing is needed and False otherwise. If
-        the callable needs to be processed, it will be marked as
-        processed, assuming that the caller will procces the callable if
-        it needs to be processed.
-        """
-        if spec in self._seen_files:
-            return False
-        self._seen_files.add(spec)
-        return True
-    def action(
-        self,
-        discriminator,
-        callable=None,
-        args=(),
-        kw=None,
-        order=0,
-        includepath=(),
-        info=None,
-        introspectables=(),
-        **extra
-    ):
-        """Add an action with the given discriminator, callable and arguments
-        """
-        if kw is None:
-            kw = {}
-        action = extra
-        action.update(
-            dict(
-                discriminator=discriminator,
-                callable=callable,
-                args=args,
-                kw=kw,
-                includepath=includepath,
-                info=info,
-                order=order,
-                introspectables=introspectables,
-            )
-        )
-        self.actions.append(action)
-    def execute_actions(self, clear=True, introspector=None):
-        """Execute the configuration actions
-        This calls the action callables after resolving conflicts
-        For example:
-        >>> output = []
-        >>> def f(*a, **k):
-        ...    output.append(('f', a, k))
-        >>> context = ActionState()
-        >>> context.actions = [
-        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
-        ...   (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )),
-        ...   (2, f, (2,)),
-        ...   ]
-        >>> context.execute_actions()
-        >>> output
-        [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})]
-        If the action raises an error, we convert it to a
-        ConfigurationExecutionError.
-        >>> output = []
-        >>> def bad():
-        ...
-        >>> context.actions = [
-        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
-        ...   (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )),
-        ...   (2, f, (2,)),
-        ...   (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops')
-        ...   ]
-        >>> try:
-        ...    v = context.execute_actions()
-        ... except ConfigurationExecutionError, v:
-        ...    pass
-        >>> print(v)
-        exceptions.AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'xxx'
-          in:
-          oops
-        Note that actions executed before the error still have an effect:
-        >>> output
-        [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})]
-        The execution is re-entrant such that actions may be added by other
-        actions with the one caveat that the order of any added actions must
-        be equal to or larger than the current action.
-        >>> output = []
-        >>> def f(*a, **k):
-        ...   output.append(('f', a, k))
-        ...   context.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}))
-        >>> def g(*a, **k):
-        ...    output.append(('g', a, k))
-        >>> context.actions = [
-        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
-        ...   ]
-        >>> context.execute_actions()
-        >>> output
-        [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})]
-        """
-        try:
-            all_actions = []
-            executed_actions = []
-            action_iter = iter([])
-            conflict_state = ConflictResolverState()
-            while True:
-                # We clear the actions list prior to execution so if there
-                # are some new actions then we add them to the mix and resolve
-                # conflicts again. This orders the new actions as well as
-                # ensures that the previously executed actions have no new
-                # conflicts.
-                if self.actions:
-                    all_actions.extend(self.actions)
-                    action_iter = resolveConflicts(
-                        self.actions, state=conflict_state
-                    )
-                    self.actions = []
-                action = next(action_iter, None)
-                if action is None:
-                    # we are done!
-                    break
-                callable = action['callable']
-                args = action['args']
-                kw = action['kw']
-                info = action['info']
-                # we use "get" below in case an action was added via a ZCML
-                # directive that did not know about introspectables
-                introspectables = action.get('introspectables', ())
-                try:
-                    if callable is not None:
-                        callable(*args, **kw)
-                except Exception:
-                    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
-                    try:
-                        reraise(
-                            ConfigurationExecutionError,
-                            ConfigurationExecutionError(t, v, info),
-                            tb,
-                        )
-                    finally:
-                        del t, v, tb
-                if introspector is not None:
-                    for introspectable in introspectables:
-                        introspectable.register(introspector, info)
-                executed_actions.append(action)
-            self.actions = all_actions
-            return executed_actions
-        finally:
-            if clear:
-                self.actions = []
-class ConflictResolverState(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        # keep a set of resolved discriminators to test against to ensure
-        # that a new action does not conflict with something already executed
-        self.resolved_ainfos = {}
-        # actions left over from a previous iteration
-        self.remaining_actions = []
-        # after executing an action we memoize its order to avoid any new
-        # actions sending us backward
-        self.min_order = None
-        # unique tracks the index of the action so we need it to increase
-        # monotonically across invocations to resolveConflicts
-        self.start = 0
-# this function is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope)
-def resolveConflicts(actions, state=None):
-    """Resolve conflicting actions
-    Given an actions list, identify and try to resolve conflicting actions.
-    Actions conflict if they have the same non-None discriminator.
-    Conflicting actions can be resolved if the include path of one of
-    the actions is a prefix of the includepaths of the other
-    conflicting actions and is unequal to the include paths in the
-    other conflicting actions.
-    Actions are resolved on a per-order basis because some discriminators
-    cannot be computed until earlier actions have executed. An action in an
-    earlier order may execute successfully only to find out later that it was
-    overridden by another action with a smaller include path. This will result
-    in a conflict as there is no way to revert the original action.
-    ``state`` may be an instance of ``ConflictResolverState`` that
-    can be used to resume execution and resolve the new actions against the
-    list of executed actions from a previous call.
-    """
-    if state is None:
-        state = ConflictResolverState()
-    # pick up where we left off last time, but track the new actions as well
-    state.remaining_actions.extend(normalize_actions(actions))
-    actions = state.remaining_actions
-    def orderandpos(v):
-        n, v = v
-        return (v['order'] or 0, n)
-    def orderonly(v):
-        n, v = v
-        return v['order'] or 0
-    sactions = sorted(enumerate(actions, start=state.start), key=orderandpos)
-    for order, actiongroup in itertools.groupby(sactions, orderonly):
-        # "order" is an integer grouping. Actions in a lower order will be
-        # executed before actions in a higher order.  All of the actions in
-        # one grouping will be executed (its callable, if any will be called)
-        # before any of the actions in the next.
-        output = []
-        unique = {}
-        # error out if we went backward in order
-        if state.min_order is not None and order < state.min_order:
-            r = [
-                'Actions were added to order={0} after execution had moved '
-                'on to order={1}. Conflicting actions: '.format(
-                    order, state.min_order
-                )
-            ]
-            for i, action in actiongroup:
-                for line in str(action['info']).rstrip().split('\n'):
-                    r.append("  " + line)
-            raise ConfigurationError('\n'.join(r))
-        for i, action in actiongroup:
-            # Within an order, actions are executed sequentially based on
-            # original action ordering ("i").
-            # "ainfo" is a tuple of (i, action) where "i" is an integer
-            # expressing the relative position of this action in the action
-            # list being resolved, and "action" is an action dictionary.  The
-            # purpose of an ainfo is to associate an "i" with a particular
-            # action; "i" exists for sorting after conflict resolution.
-            ainfo = (i, action)
-            # wait to defer discriminators until we are on their order because
-            # the discriminator may depend on state from a previous order
-            discriminator = undefer(action['discriminator'])
-            action['discriminator'] = discriminator
-            if discriminator is None:
-                # The discriminator is None, so this action can never conflict.
-                # We can add it directly to the result.
-                output.append(ainfo)
-                continue
-            L = unique.setdefault(discriminator, [])
-            L.append(ainfo)
-        # Check for conflicts
-        conflicts = {}
-        for discriminator, ainfos in unique.items():
-            # We use (includepath, i) as a sort key because we need to
-            # sort the actions by the paths so that the shortest path with a
-            # given prefix comes first.  The "first" action is the one with the
-            # shortest include path.  We break sorting ties using "i".
-            def bypath(ainfo):
-                path, i = ainfo[1]['includepath'], ainfo[0]
-                return path, order, i
-            ainfos.sort(key=bypath)
-            ainfo, rest = ainfos[0], ainfos[1:]
-            _, action = ainfo
-            # ensure this new action does not conflict with a previously
-            # resolved action from an earlier order / invocation
-            prev_ainfo = state.resolved_ainfos.get(discriminator)
-            if prev_ainfo is not None:
-                _, paction = prev_ainfo
-                basepath, baseinfo = paction['includepath'], paction['info']
-                includepath = action['includepath']
-                # if the new action conflicts with the resolved action then
-                # note the conflict, otherwise drop the action as it's
-                # effectively overriden by the previous action
-                if (
-                    includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath
-                    or includepath == basepath
-                ):
-                    L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo])
-                    L.append(action['info'])
-            else:
-                output.append(ainfo)
-            basepath, baseinfo = action['includepath'], action['info']
-            for _, action in rest:
-                includepath = action['includepath']
-                # Test whether path is a prefix of opath
-                if (
-                    includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath
-                    or includepath == basepath  # not a prefix
-                ):
-                    L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo])
-                    L.append(action['info'])
-        if conflicts:
-            raise ConfigurationConflictError(conflicts)
-        # sort resolved actions by "i" and yield them one by one
-        for i, action in sorted(output, key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
-            # do not memoize the order until we resolve an action inside it
-            state.min_order = action['order']
-            state.start = i + 1
-            state.remaining_actions.remove(action)
-            state.resolved_ainfos[action['discriminator']] = (i, action)
-            yield action
-def normalize_actions(actions):
-    """Convert old-style tuple actions to new-style dicts."""
-    result = []
-    for v in actions:
-        if not isinstance(v, dict):
-            v = expand_action_tuple(*v)
-        result.append(v)
-    return result
-def expand_action_tuple(
-    discriminator,
-    callable=None,
-    args=(),
-    kw=None,
-    includepath=(),
-    info=None,
-    order=0,
-    introspectables=(),
-    if kw is None:
-        kw = {}
-    return dict(
-        discriminator=discriminator,
-        callable=callable,
-        args=args,
-        kw=kw,
-        includepath=includepath,
-        info=info,
-        order=order,
-        introspectables=introspectables,
-    )
 global_registries = WeakOrderedSet()
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1227d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+import functools
+import itertools
+import operator
+import sys
+import traceback
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from pyramid.compat import reraise
+from pyramid.exceptions import (
+    ConfigurationConflictError,
+    ConfigurationError,
+    ConfigurationExecutionError,
+from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
+from pyramid.registry import undefer
+from pyramid.util import is_nonstr_iter
+class ActionConfiguratorMixin(object):
+    @property
+    def action_info(self):
+        info =  # usually a ZCML action (ParserInfo) if
+        if not info:
+            # Try to provide more accurate info for conflict reports
+            if self._ainfo:
+                info = self._ainfo[0]
+            else:
+                info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '')
+        return info
+    def action(
+        self,
+        discriminator,
+        callable=None,
+        args=(),
+        kw=None,
+        order=0,
+        introspectables=(),
+        **extra
+    ):
+        """ Register an action which will be executed when
+        :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called (or executed
+        immediately if ``autocommit`` is ``True``).
+        .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid`
+           framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application
+           developers.
+        The ``discriminator`` uniquely identifies the action.  It must be
+        given, but it can be ``None``, to indicate that the action never
+        conflicts.  It must be a hashable value.
+        The ``callable`` is a callable object which performs the task
+        associated with the action when the action is executed.  It is
+        optional.
+        ``args`` and ``kw`` are tuple and dict objects respectively, which
+        are passed to ``callable`` when this action is executed.  Both are
+        optional.
+        ``order`` is a grouping mechanism; an action with a lower order will
+        be executed before an action with a higher order (has no effect when
+        autocommit is ``True``).
+        ``introspectables`` is a sequence of :term:`introspectable` objects
+        (or the empty sequence if no introspectable objects are associated
+        with this action).  If this configurator's ``introspection``
+        attribute is ``False``, these introspectables will be ignored.
+        ``extra`` provides a facility for inserting extra keys and values
+        into an action dictionary.
+        """
+        # catch nonhashable discriminators here; most unit tests use
+        # autocommit=False, which won't catch unhashable discriminators
+        assert hash(discriminator)
+        if kw is None:
+            kw = {}
+        autocommit = self.autocommit
+        action_info = self.action_info
+        if not self.introspection:
+            # if we're not introspecting, ignore any introspectables passed
+            # to us
+            introspectables = ()
+        if autocommit:
+            # callables can depend on the side effects of resolving a
+            # deferred discriminator
+            self.begin()
+            try:
+                undefer(discriminator)
+                if callable is not None:
+                    callable(*args, **kw)
+                for introspectable in introspectables:
+                    introspectable.register(self.introspector, action_info)
+            finally:
+                self.end()
+        else:
+            action = extra
+            action.update(
+                dict(
+                    discriminator=discriminator,
+                    callable=callable,
+                    args=args,
+                    kw=kw,
+                    order=order,
+                    info=action_info,
+                    includepath=self.includepath,
+                    introspectables=introspectables,
+                )
+            )
+            self.action_state.action(**action)
+    def _get_action_state(self):
+        registry = self.registry
+        try:
+            state = registry.action_state
+        except AttributeError:
+            state = ActionState()
+            registry.action_state = state
+        return state
+    def _set_action_state(self, state):
+        self.registry.action_state = state
+    action_state = property(_get_action_state, _set_action_state)
+    _ctx = action_state  # bw compat
+    def commit(self):
+        """
+        Commit any pending configuration actions. If a configuration
+        conflict is detected in the pending configuration actions, this method
+        will raise a :exc:`ConfigurationConflictError`; within the traceback
+        of this error will be information about the source of the conflict,
+        usually including file names and line numbers of the cause of the
+        configuration conflicts.
+        .. warning::
+           You should think very carefully before manually invoking
+           ``commit()``. Especially not as part of any reusable configuration
+           methods. Normally it should only be done by an application author at
+           the end of configuration in order to override certain aspects of an
+           addon.
+        """
+        self.begin()
+        try:
+            self.action_state.execute_actions(introspector=self.introspector)
+        finally:
+            self.end()
+        self.action_state = ActionState()  # old actions have been processed
+# this class is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope)
+class ActionState(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        # NB "actions" is an API, dep'd upon by pyramid_zcml's load_zcml func
+        self.actions = []
+        self._seen_files = set()
+    def processSpec(self, spec):
+        """Check whether a callable needs to be processed.  The ``spec``
+        refers to a unique identifier for the callable.
+        Return True if processing is needed and False otherwise. If
+        the callable needs to be processed, it will be marked as
+        processed, assuming that the caller will procces the callable if
+        it needs to be processed.
+        """
+        if spec in self._seen_files:
+            return False
+        self._seen_files.add(spec)
+        return True
+    def action(
+        self,
+        discriminator,
+        callable=None,
+        args=(),
+        kw=None,
+        order=0,
+        includepath=(),
+        info=None,
+        introspectables=(),
+        **extra
+    ):
+        """Add an action with the given discriminator, callable and arguments
+        """
+        if kw is None:
+            kw = {}
+        action = extra
+        action.update(
+            dict(
+                discriminator=discriminator,
+                callable=callable,
+                args=args,
+                kw=kw,
+                includepath=includepath,
+                info=info,
+                order=order,
+                introspectables=introspectables,
+            )
+        )
+        self.actions.append(action)
+    def execute_actions(self, clear=True, introspector=None):
+        """Execute the configuration actions
+        This calls the action callables after resolving conflicts
+        For example:
+        >>> output = []
+        >>> def f(*a, **k):
+        ...    output.append(('f', a, k))
+        >>> context = ActionState()
+        >>> context.actions = [
+        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
+        ...   (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )),
+        ...   (2, f, (2,)),
+        ...   ]
+        >>> context.execute_actions()
+        >>> output
+        [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})]
+        If the action raises an error, we convert it to a
+        ConfigurationExecutionError.
+        >>> output = []
+        >>> def bad():
+        ...
+        >>> context.actions = [
+        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
+        ...   (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )),
+        ...   (2, f, (2,)),
+        ...   (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops')
+        ...   ]
+        >>> try:
+        ...    v = context.execute_actions()
+        ... except ConfigurationExecutionError, v:
+        ...    pass
+        >>> print(v)
+        exceptions.AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'xxx'
+          in:
+          oops
+        Note that actions executed before the error still have an effect:
+        >>> output
+        [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})]
+        The execution is re-entrant such that actions may be added by other
+        actions with the one caveat that the order of any added actions must
+        be equal to or larger than the current action.
+        >>> output = []
+        >>> def f(*a, **k):
+        ...   output.append(('f', a, k))
+        ...   context.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}))
+        >>> def g(*a, **k):
+        ...    output.append(('g', a, k))
+        >>> context.actions = [
+        ...   (1, f, (1,)),
+        ...   ]
+        >>> context.execute_actions()
+        >>> output
+        [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})]
+        """
+        try:
+            all_actions = []
+            executed_actions = []
+            action_iter = iter([])
+            conflict_state = ConflictResolverState()
+            while True:
+                # We clear the actions list prior to execution so if there
+                # are some new actions then we add them to the mix and resolve
+                # conflicts again. This orders the new actions as well as
+                # ensures that the previously executed actions have no new
+                # conflicts.
+                if self.actions:
+                    all_actions.extend(self.actions)
+                    action_iter = resolveConflicts(
+                        self.actions, state=conflict_state
+                    )
+                    self.actions = []
+                action = next(action_iter, None)
+                if action is None:
+                    # we are done!
+                    break
+                callable = action['callable']
+                args = action['args']
+                kw = action['kw']
+                info = action['info']
+                # we use "get" below in case an action was added via a ZCML
+                # directive that did not know about introspectables
+                introspectables = action.get('introspectables', ())
+                try:
+                    if callable is not None:
+                        callable(*args, **kw)
+                except Exception:
+                    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
+                    try:
+                        reraise(
+                            ConfigurationExecutionError,
+                            ConfigurationExecutionError(t, v, info),
+                            tb,
+                        )
+                    finally:
+                        del t, v, tb
+                if introspector is not None:
+                    for introspectable in introspectables:
+                        introspectable.register(introspector, info)
+                executed_actions.append(action)
+            self.actions = all_actions
+            return executed_actions
+        finally:
+            if clear:
+                self.actions = []
+class ConflictResolverState(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        # keep a set of resolved discriminators to test against to ensure
+        # that a new action does not conflict with something already executed
+        self.resolved_ainfos = {}
+        # actions left over from a previous iteration
+        self.remaining_actions = []
+        # after executing an action we memoize its order to avoid any new
+        # actions sending us backward
+        self.min_order = None
+        # unique tracks the index of the action so we need it to increase
+        # monotonically across invocations to resolveConflicts
+        self.start = 0
+# this function is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope)
+def resolveConflicts(actions, state=None):
+    """Resolve conflicting actions
+    Given an actions list, identify and try to resolve conflicting actions.
+    Actions conflict if they have the same non-None discriminator.
+    Conflicting actions can be resolved if the include path of one of
+    the actions is a prefix of the includepaths of the other
+    conflicting actions and is unequal to the include paths in the
+    other conflicting actions.
+    Actions are resolved on a per-order basis because some discriminators
+    cannot be computed until earlier actions have executed. An action in an
+    earlier order may execute successfully only to find out later that it was
+    overridden by another action with a smaller include path. This will result
+    in a conflict as there is no way to revert the original action.
+    ``state`` may be an instance of ``ConflictResolverState`` that
+    can be used to resume execution and resolve the new actions against the
+    list of executed actions from a previous call.
+    """
+    if state is None:
+        state = ConflictResolverState()
+    # pick up where we left off last time, but track the new actions as well
+    state.remaining_actions.extend(normalize_actions(actions))
+    actions = state.remaining_actions
+    def orderandpos(v):
+        n, v = v
+        return (v['order'] or 0, n)
+    def orderonly(v):
+        n, v = v
+        return v['order'] or 0
+    sactions = sorted(enumerate(actions, start=state.start), key=orderandpos)
+    for order, actiongroup in itertools.groupby(sactions, orderonly):
+        # "order" is an integer grouping. Actions in a lower order will be
+        # executed before actions in a higher order.  All of the actions in
+        # one grouping will be executed (its callable, if any will be called)
+        # before any of the actions in the next.
+        output = []
+        unique = {}
+        # error out if we went backward in order
+        if state.min_order is not None and order < state.min_order:
+            r = [
+                'Actions were added to order={0} after execution had moved '
+                'on to order={1}. Conflicting actions: '.format(
+                    order, state.min_order
+                )
+            ]
+            for i, action in actiongroup:
+                for line in str(action['info']).rstrip().split('\n'):
+                    r.append("  " + line)
+            raise ConfigurationError('\n'.join(r))
+        for i, action in actiongroup:
+            # Within an order, actions are executed sequentially based on
+            # original action ordering ("i").
+            # "ainfo" is a tuple of (i, action) where "i" is an integer
+            # expressing the relative position of this action in the action
+            # list being resolved, and "action" is an action dictionary.  The
+            # purpose of an ainfo is to associate an "i" with a particular
+            # action; "i" exists for sorting after conflict resolution.
+            ainfo = (i, action)
+            # wait to defer discriminators until we are on their order because
+            # the discriminator may depend on state from a previous order
+            discriminator = undefer(action['discriminator'])
+            action['discriminator'] = discriminator
+            if discriminator is None:
+                # The discriminator is None, so this action can never conflict.
+                # We can add it directly to the result.
+                output.append(ainfo)
+                continue
+            L = unique.setdefault(discriminator, [])
+            L.append(ainfo)
+        # Check for conflicts
+        conflicts = {}
+        for discriminator, ainfos in unique.items():
+            # We use (includepath, i) as a sort key because we need to
+            # sort the actions by the paths so that the shortest path with a
+            # given prefix comes first.  The "first" action is the one with the
+            # shortest include path.  We break sorting ties using "i".
+            def bypath(ainfo):
+                path, i = ainfo[1]['includepath'], ainfo[0]
+                return path, order, i
+            ainfos.sort(key=bypath)
+            ainfo, rest = ainfos[0], ainfos[1:]
+            _, action = ainfo
+            # ensure this new action does not conflict with a previously
+            # resolved action from an earlier order / invocation
+            prev_ainfo = state.resolved_ainfos.get(discriminator)
+            if prev_ainfo is not None:
+                _, paction = prev_ainfo
+                basepath, baseinfo = paction['includepath'], paction['info']
+                includepath = action['includepath']
+                # if the new action conflicts with the resolved action then
+                # note the conflict, otherwise drop the action as it's
+                # effectively overriden by the previous action
+                if (
+                    includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath
+                    or includepath == basepath
+                ):
+                    L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo])
+                    L.append(action['info'])
+            else:
+                output.append(ainfo)
+            basepath, baseinfo = action['includepath'], action['info']
+            for _, action in rest:
+                includepath = action['includepath']
+                # Test whether path is a prefix of opath
+                if (
+                    includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath
+                    or includepath == basepath  # not a prefix
+                ):
+                    L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo])
+                    L.append(action['info'])
+        if conflicts:
+            raise ConfigurationConflictError(conflicts)
+        # sort resolved actions by "i" and yield them one by one
+        for i, action in sorted(output, key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
+            # do not memoize the order until we resolve an action inside it
+            state.min_order = action['order']
+            state.start = i + 1
+            state.remaining_actions.remove(action)
+            state.resolved_ainfos[action['discriminator']] = (i, action)
+            yield action
+def normalize_actions(actions):
+    """Convert old-style tuple actions to new-style dicts."""
+    result = []
+    for v in actions:
+        if not isinstance(v, dict):
+            v = expand_action_tuple(*v)
+        result.append(v)
+    return result
+def expand_action_tuple(
+    discriminator,
+    callable=None,
+    args=(),
+    kw=None,
+    includepath=(),
+    info=None,
+    order=0,
+    introspectables=(),
+    if kw is None:
+        kw = {}
+    return dict(
+        discriminator=discriminator,
+        callable=callable,
+        args=args,
+        kw=kw,
+        includepath=includepath,
+        info=info,
+        order=order,
+        introspectables=introspectables,
+    )
+class ActionInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, file, line, function, src):
+        self.file = file
+        self.line = line
+        self.function = function
+        self.src = src
+    def __str__(self):
+        srclines = self.src.split('\n')
+        src = '\n'.join('    %s' % x for x in srclines)
+        return 'Line %s of file %s:\n%s' % (self.line, self.file, src)
+def action_method(wrapped):
+    """ Wrapper to provide the right conflict info report data when a method
+    that calls Configurator.action calls another that does the same.  Not a
+    documented API but used by some external systems."""
+    def wrapper(self, *arg, **kw):
+        if self._ainfo is None:
+            self._ainfo = []
+        info = kw.pop('_info', None)
+        # backframes for outer decorators to actionmethods
+        backframes = kw.pop('_backframes', 0) + 2
+        if is_nonstr_iter(info) and len(info) == 4:
+            # _info permitted as extract_stack tuple
+            info = ActionInfo(*info)
+        if info is None:
+            try:
+                f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=4)
+                # Work around a Python 3.5 issue whereby it would insert an
+                # extra stack frame. This should no longer be necessary in
+                # Python 3.5.1
+                last_frame = ActionInfo(*f[-1])
+                if last_frame.function == 'extract_stack':  # pragma: no cover
+                    f.pop()
+                info = ActionInfo(*f[-backframes])
+            except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
+                info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '')
+        self._ainfo.append(info)
+        try:
+            result = wrapped(self, *arg, **kw)
+        finally:
+            self._ainfo.pop()
+        return result
+    if hasattr(wrapped, '__name__'):
+        functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
+    wrapper.__docobj__ = wrapped
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index e5668c4..54c239a 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from pyramid.util import takes_one_arg
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class AdaptersConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index fd8b2ee..e505fd2 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class OverrideProvider(pkg_resources.DefaultProvider):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 2ec1558..1621198 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 from pyramid.util import get_callable_name, InstancePropertyHelper
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class FactoriesConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 6e73344..92c324f 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from pyramid.path import AssetResolver
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class I18NConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index cdbf68c..8f16f74 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -1,3 +1,256 @@
-import zope.deprecation
+from hashlib import md5
+from webob.acceptparse import Accept
-zope.deprecation.moved('pyramid.predicates', 'Pyramid 1.10')
+from pyramid.compat import bytes_, is_nonstr_iter
+from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
+from pyramid.interfaces import IPredicateList, PHASE1_CONFIG
+from pyramid.predicates import Notted
+from pyramid.registry import predvalseq
+from pyramid.util import TopologicalSorter
+MAX_ORDER = 1 << 30
+DEFAULT_PHASH = md5().hexdigest()
+class PredicateConfiguratorMixin(object):
+    def get_predlist(self, name):
+        predlist = self.registry.queryUtility(IPredicateList, name=name)
+        if predlist is None:
+            predlist = PredicateList()
+            self.registry.registerUtility(predlist, IPredicateList, name=name)
+        return predlist
+    def _add_predicate(
+        self, type, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None
+    ):
+        factory = self.maybe_dotted(factory)
+        discriminator = ('%s option' % type, name)
+        intr = self.introspectable(
+            '%s predicates' % type,
+            discriminator,
+            '%s predicate named %s' % (type, name),
+            '%s predicate' % type,
+        )
+        intr['name'] = name
+        intr['factory'] = factory
+        intr['weighs_more_than'] = weighs_more_than
+        intr['weighs_less_than'] = weighs_less_than
+        def register():
+            predlist = self.get_predlist(type)
+            predlist.add(
+                name,
+                factory,
+                weighs_more_than=weighs_more_than,
+                weighs_less_than=weighs_less_than,
+            )
+        self.action(
+            discriminator,
+            register,
+            introspectables=(intr,),
+            order=PHASE1_CONFIG,
+        )  # must be registered early
+class not_(object):
+    """
+    You can invert the meaning of any predicate value by wrapping it in a call
+    to :class:`pyramid.config.not_`.
+    .. code-block:: python
+       :linenos:
+       from pyramid.config import not_
+       config.add_view(
+           'mypackage.views.my_view',
+           route_name='ok',
+           request_method=not_('POST')
+           )
+    The above example will ensure that the view is called if the request method
+    is *not* ``POST``, at least if no other view is more specific.
+    This technique of wrapping a predicate value in ``not_`` can be used
+    anywhere predicate values are accepted:
+    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`
+    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`
+    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_subscriber`
+    - :meth:`pyramid.view.view_config`
+    - :meth:``
+    .. versionadded:: 1.5
+    """
+    def __init__(self, value):
+        self.value = value
+# under = after
+# over = before
+class PredicateList(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.sorter = TopologicalSorter()
+        self.last_added = None
+    def add(self, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None):
+        # Predicates should be added to a predicate list in (presumed)
+        # computation expense order.
+        # if weighs_more_than is None and weighs_less_than is None:
+        #     weighs_more_than = self.last_added or FIRST
+        #     weighs_less_than = LAST
+        self.last_added = name
+        self.sorter.add(
+            name, factory, after=weighs_more_than, before=weighs_less_than
+        )
+    def names(self):
+        # Return the list of valid predicate names.
+        return self.sorter.names
+    def make(self, config, **kw):
+        # Given a configurator and a list of keywords, a predicate list is
+        # computed.  Elsewhere in the code, we evaluate predicates using a
+        # generator expression.  All predicates associated with a view or
+        # route must evaluate true for the view or route to "match" during a
+        # request.  The fastest predicate should be evaluated first, then the
+        # next fastest, and so on, as if one returns false, the remainder of
+        # the predicates won't need to be evaluated.
+        #
+        # While we compute predicates, we also compute a predicate hash (aka
+        # phash) that can be used by a caller to identify identical predicate
+        # lists.
+        ordered = self.sorter.sorted()
+        phash = md5()
+        weights = []
+        preds = []
+        for n, (name, predicate_factory) in enumerate(ordered):
+            vals = kw.pop(name, None)
+            if vals is None:  # XXX should this be a sentinel other than None?
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(vals, predvalseq):
+                vals = (vals,)
+            for val in vals:
+                realval = val
+                notted = False
+                if isinstance(val, not_):
+                    realval = val.value
+                    notted = True
+                pred = predicate_factory(realval, config)
+                if notted:
+                    pred = Notted(pred)
+                hashes = pred.phash()
+                if not is_nonstr_iter(hashes):
+                    hashes = [hashes]
+                for h in hashes:
+                    phash.update(bytes_(h))
+                weights.append(1 << n + 1)
+                preds.append(pred)
+        if kw:
+            from difflib import get_close_matches
+            closest = []
+            names = [name for name, _ in ordered]
+            for name in kw:
+                closest.extend(get_close_matches(name, names, 3))
+            raise ConfigurationError(
+                'Unknown predicate values: %r (did you mean %s)'
+                % (kw, ','.join(closest))
+            )
+        # A "order" is computed for the predicate list.  An order is
+        # a scoring.
+        #
+        # Each predicate is associated with a weight value.  The weight of a
+        # predicate symbolizes the relative potential "importance" of the
+        # predicate to all other predicates.  A larger weight indicates
+        # greater importance.
+        #
+        # All weights for a given predicate list are bitwise ORed together
+        # to create a "score"; this score is then subtracted from
+        # MAX_ORDER and divided by an integer representing the number of
+        # predicates+1 to determine the order.
+        #
+        # For views, the order represents the ordering in which a "multiview"
+        # ( a collection of views that share the same context/request/name
+        # triad but differ in other ways via predicates) will attempt to call
+        # its set of views.  Views with lower orders will be tried first.
+        # The intent is to a) ensure that views with more predicates are
+        # always evaluated before views with fewer predicates and b) to
+        # ensure a stable call ordering of views that share the same number
+        # of predicates.  Views which do not have any predicates get an order
+        # of MAX_ORDER, meaning that they will be tried very last.
+        score = 0
+        for bit in weights:
+            score = score | bit
+        order = (MAX_ORDER - score) / (len(preds) + 1)
+        return order, preds, phash.hexdigest()
+def normalize_accept_offer(offer, allow_range=False):
+    if allow_range and '*' in offer:
+        return offer.lower()
+    return str(Accept.parse_offer(offer))
+def sort_accept_offers(offers, order=None):
+    """
+    Sort a list of offers by preference.
+    For a given ``type/subtype`` category of offers, this algorithm will
+    always sort offers with params higher than the bare offer.
+    :param offers: A list of offers to be sorted.
+    :param order: A weighted list of offers where items closer to the start of
+                  the list will be a preferred over items closer to the end.
+    :return: A list of offers sorted first by specificity (higher to lower)
+             then by ``order``.
+    """
+    if order is None:
+        order = []
+    max_weight = len(offers)
+    def find_order_index(value, default=None):
+        return next((i for i, x in enumerate(order) if x == value), default)
+    def offer_sort_key(value):
+        """
+        (type_weight, params_weight)
+        type_weight:
+            - index of specific ``type/subtype`` in order list
+            - ``max_weight * 2`` if no match is found
+        params_weight:
+            - index of specific ``type/subtype;params`` in order list
+            - ``max_weight`` if not found
+            - ``max_weight + 1`` if no params at all
+        """
+        parsed = Accept.parse_offer(value)
+        type_w = find_order_index(
+            parsed.type + '/' + parsed.subtype, max_weight
+        )
+        if parsed.params:
+            param_w = find_order_index(value, max_weight)
+        else:
+            param_w = max_weight + 1
+        return (type_w, param_w)
+    return sorted(offers, key=offer_sort_key)
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 9481996..7e5b767 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from pyramid.interfaces import IRendererFactory, PHASE1_CONFIG
 from pyramid import renderers
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
     ('json', renderers.json_renderer_factory),
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 7a76e9e..a146623 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -10,18 +10,14 @@
 from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
+import pyramid.predicates
 from pyramid.request import route_request_iface
 from pyramid.urldispatch import RoutesMapper
 from pyramid.util import as_sorted_tuple, is_nonstr_iter
-import pyramid.predicates
-from pyramid.config.util import (
-    action_method,
-    normalize_accept_offer,
-    predvalseq,
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
+from pyramid.config.predicates import normalize_accept_offer, predvalseq
 class RoutesConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 3b55c41..08e7cb8 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from pyramid.util import as_sorted_tuple
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class SecurityConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index 1655df5..bba5054 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 from pyramid.traversal import decode_path_info, split_path_info
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class TestingConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index b74a57a..7fc786a 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from pyramid.util import is_string_or_iterable, TopologicalSorter
-from pyramid.config.util import action_method
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
 class TweensConfiguratorMixin(object):
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8723b77..0000000
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-from hashlib import md5
-import traceback
-from webob.acceptparse import Accept
-from zope.interface import implementer
-from pyramid.compat import bytes_, is_nonstr_iter
-from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
-from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-from pyramid.predicates import Notted
-from pyramid.registry import predvalseq
-from pyramid.util import TopologicalSorter, takes_one_arg
-TopologicalSorter = TopologicalSorter  # support bw-compat imports
-takes_one_arg = takes_one_arg  # support bw-compat imports
-class ActionInfo(object):
-    def __init__(self, file, line, function, src):
-        self.file = file
-        self.line = line
-        self.function = function
-        self.src = src
-    def __str__(self):
-        srclines = self.src.split('\n')
-        src = '\n'.join('    %s' % x for x in srclines)
-        return 'Line %s of file %s:\n%s' % (self.line, self.file, src)
-def action_method(wrapped):
-    """ Wrapper to provide the right conflict info report data when a method
-    that calls Configurator.action calls another that does the same.  Not a
-    documented API but used by some external systems."""
-    def wrapper(self, *arg, **kw):
-        if self._ainfo is None:
-            self._ainfo = []
-        info = kw.pop('_info', None)
-        # backframes for outer decorators to actionmethods
-        backframes = kw.pop('_backframes', 0) + 2
-        if is_nonstr_iter(info) and len(info) == 4:
-            # _info permitted as extract_stack tuple
-            info = ActionInfo(*info)
-        if info is None:
-            try:
-                f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=4)
-                # Work around a Python 3.5 issue whereby it would insert an
-                # extra stack frame. This should no longer be necessary in
-                # Python 3.5.1
-                last_frame = ActionInfo(*f[-1])
-                if last_frame.function == 'extract_stack':  # pragma: no cover
-                    f.pop()
-                info = ActionInfo(*f[-backframes])
-            except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
-                info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '')
-        self._ainfo.append(info)
-        try:
-            result = wrapped(self, *arg, **kw)
-        finally:
-            self._ainfo.pop()
-        return result
-    if hasattr(wrapped, '__name__'):
-        functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
-    wrapper.__docobj__ = wrapped
-    return wrapper
-MAX_ORDER = 1 << 30
-DEFAULT_PHASH = md5().hexdigest()
-class not_(object):
-    """
-    You can invert the meaning of any predicate value by wrapping it in a call
-    to :class:`pyramid.config.not_`.
-    .. code-block:: python
-       :linenos:
-       from pyramid.config import not_
-       config.add_view(
-           'mypackage.views.my_view',
-           route_name='ok',
-           request_method=not_('POST')
-           )
-    The above example will ensure that the view is called if the request method
-    is *not* ``POST``, at least if no other view is more specific.
-    This technique of wrapping a predicate value in ``not_`` can be used
-    anywhere predicate values are accepted:
-    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`
-    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`
-    - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_subscriber`
-    - :meth:`pyramid.view.view_config`
-    - :meth:``
-    .. versionadded:: 1.5
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = value
-# under = after
-# over = before
-class PredicateList(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.sorter = TopologicalSorter()
-        self.last_added = None
-    def add(self, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None):
-        # Predicates should be added to a predicate list in (presumed)
-        # computation expense order.
-        # if weighs_more_than is None and weighs_less_than is None:
-        #     weighs_more_than = self.last_added or FIRST
-        #     weighs_less_than = LAST
-        self.last_added = name
-        self.sorter.add(
-            name, factory, after=weighs_more_than, before=weighs_less_than
-        )
-    def names(self):
-        # Return the list of valid predicate names.
-        return self.sorter.names
-    def make(self, config, **kw):
-        # Given a configurator and a list of keywords, a predicate list is
-        # computed.  Elsewhere in the code, we evaluate predicates using a
-        # generator expression.  All predicates associated with a view or
-        # route must evaluate true for the view or route to "match" during a
-        # request.  The fastest predicate should be evaluated first, then the
-        # next fastest, and so on, as if one returns false, the remainder of
-        # the predicates won't need to be evaluated.
-        #
-        # While we compute predicates, we also compute a predicate hash (aka
-        # phash) that can be used by a caller to identify identical predicate
-        # lists.
-        ordered = self.sorter.sorted()
-        phash = md5()
-        weights = []
-        preds = []
-        for n, (name, predicate_factory) in enumerate(ordered):
-            vals = kw.pop(name, None)
-            if vals is None:  # XXX should this be a sentinel other than None?
-                continue
-            if not isinstance(vals, predvalseq):
-                vals = (vals,)
-            for val in vals:
-                realval = val
-                notted = False
-                if isinstance(val, not_):
-                    realval = val.value
-                    notted = True
-                pred = predicate_factory(realval, config)
-                if notted:
-                    pred = Notted(pred)
-                hashes = pred.phash()
-                if not is_nonstr_iter(hashes):
-                    hashes = [hashes]
-                for h in hashes:
-                    phash.update(bytes_(h))
-                weights.append(1 << n + 1)
-                preds.append(pred)
-        if kw:
-            from difflib import get_close_matches
-            closest = []
-            names = [name for name, _ in ordered]
-            for name in kw:
-                closest.extend(get_close_matches(name, names, 3))
-            raise ConfigurationError(
-                'Unknown predicate values: %r (did you mean %s)'
-                % (kw, ','.join(closest))
-            )
-        # A "order" is computed for the predicate list.  An order is
-        # a scoring.
-        #
-        # Each predicate is associated with a weight value.  The weight of a
-        # predicate symbolizes the relative potential "importance" of the
-        # predicate to all other predicates.  A larger weight indicates
-        # greater importance.
-        #
-        # All weights for a given predicate list are bitwise ORed together
-        # to create a "score"; this score is then subtracted from
-        # MAX_ORDER and divided by an integer representing the number of
-        # predicates+1 to determine the order.
-        #
-        # For views, the order represents the ordering in which a "multiview"
-        # ( a collection of views that share the same context/request/name
-        # triad but differ in other ways via predicates) will attempt to call
-        # its set of views.  Views with lower orders will be tried first.
-        # The intent is to a) ensure that views with more predicates are
-        # always evaluated before views with fewer predicates and b) to
-        # ensure a stable call ordering of views that share the same number
-        # of predicates.  Views which do not have any predicates get an order
-        # of MAX_ORDER, meaning that they will be tried very last.
-        score = 0
-        for bit in weights:
-            score = score | bit
-        order = (MAX_ORDER - score) / (len(preds) + 1)
-        return order, preds, phash.hexdigest()
-def normalize_accept_offer(offer, allow_range=False):
-    if allow_range and '*' in offer:
-        return offer.lower()
-    return str(Accept.parse_offer(offer))
-def sort_accept_offers(offers, order=None):
-    """
-    Sort a list of offers by preference.
-    For a given ``type/subtype`` category of offers, this algorithm will
-    always sort offers with params higher than the bare offer.
-    :param offers: A list of offers to be sorted.
-    :param order: A weighted list of offers where items closer to the start of
-                  the list will be a preferred over items closer to the end.
-    :return: A list of offers sorted first by specificity (higher to lower)
-             then by ``order``.
-    """
-    if order is None:
-        order = []
-    max_weight = len(offers)
-    def find_order_index(value, default=None):
-        return next((i for i, x in enumerate(order) if x == value), default)
-    def offer_sort_key(value):
-        """
-        (type_weight, params_weight)
-        type_weight:
-            - index of specific ``type/subtype`` in order list
-            - ``max_weight * 2`` if no match is found
-        params_weight:
-            - index of specific ``type/subtype;params`` in order list
-            - ``max_weight`` if not found
-            - ``max_weight + 1`` if no params at all
-        """
-        parsed = Accept.parse_offer(value)
-        type_w = find_order_index(
-            parsed.type + '/' + parsed.subtype, max_weight
-        )
-        if parsed.params:
-            param_w = find_order_index(value, max_weight)
-        else:
-            param_w = max_weight + 1
-        return (type_w, param_w)
-    return sorted(offers, key=offer_sort_key)
diff --git a/src/pyramid/config/ b/src/pyramid/config/
index cc5b48e..bd1b693 100644
--- a/src/pyramid/config/
+++ b/src/pyramid/config/
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
-from pyramid.config.util import (
-    action_method,
+from pyramid.config.actions import action_method
+from pyramid.config.predicates import (
diff --git a/tests/test_config/ b/tests/test_config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72d0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
+import unittest
+from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationConflictError
+from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationExecutionError
+from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
+class ActionConfiguratorMixinTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _makeOne(self, *arg, **kw):
+        from pyramid.config import Configurator
+        config = Configurator(*arg, **kw)
+        return config
+    def _getViewCallable(
+        self,
+        config,
+        ctx_iface=None,
+        request_iface=None,
+        name='',
+        exception_view=False,
+    ):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IView
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IViewClassifier
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IExceptionViewClassifier
+        if exception_view:  # pragma: no cover
+            classifier = IExceptionViewClassifier
+        else:
+            classifier = IViewClassifier
+        if ctx_iface is None:
+            ctx_iface = Interface
+        if request_iface is None:
+            request_iface = IRequest
+        return config.registry.adapters.lookup(
+            (classifier, request_iface, ctx_iface),
+            IView,
+            name=name,
+            default=None,
+        )
+    def test_action_branching_kw_is_None(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
+        self.assertEqual(config.action('discrim'), None)
+    def test_action_branching_kw_is_not_None(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
+        self.assertEqual(config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1}), None)
+    def test_action_autocommit_with_introspectables(self):
+        from pyramid.config.actions import ActionInfo
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
+        self.assertEqual(len(intr.registered), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(intr.registered[0][0], config.introspector)
+        self.assertEqual(intr.registered[0][1].__class__, ActionInfo)
+    def test_action_autocommit_with_introspectables_introspection_off(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
+        config.introspection = False
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
+        self.assertEqual(len(intr.registered), 0)
+    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_with_config_info(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
+ = 'abc'
+        state = DummyActionState()
+        state.autocommit = False
+        config.action_state = state
+        config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            state.actions,
+            [
+                (
+                    (),
+                    {
+                        'args': (),
+                        'callable': None,
+                        'discriminator': 'discrim',
+                        'includepath': (),
+                        'info': 'abc',
+                        'introspectables': (),
+                        'kw': {'a': 1},
+                        'order': 0,
+                    },
+                )
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_without_config_info(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
+ = ''
+        config._ainfo = ['z']
+        state = DummyActionState()
+        config.action_state = state
+        state.autocommit = False
+        config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            state.actions,
+            [
+                (
+                    (),
+                    {
+                        'args': (),
+                        'callable': None,
+                        'discriminator': 'discrim',
+                        'includepath': (),
+                        'info': 'z',
+                        'introspectables': (),
+                        'kw': {'a': 1},
+                        'order': 0,
+                    },
+                )
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_with_introspectables(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
+ = ''
+        config._ainfo = []
+        state = DummyActionState()
+        config.action_state = state
+        state.autocommit = False
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
+        self.assertEqual(state.actions[0][1]['introspectables'], (intr,))
+    def test_action_nonautocommit_with_introspectables_introspection_off(self):
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
+ = ''
+        config._ainfo = []
+        config.introspection = False
+        state = DummyActionState()
+        config.action_state = state
+        state.autocommit = False
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
+        self.assertEqual(state.actions[0][1]['introspectables'], ())
+    def test_commit_conflict_simple(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        config.add_view(view1)
+        config.add_view(view2)
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, config.commit)
+    def test_commit_conflict_resolved_with_include(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def includeme(config):
+            config.add_view(view2)
+        config.add_view(view1)
+        config.include(includeme)
+        config.commit()
+        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
+        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view1')
+    def test_commit_conflict_with_two_includes(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def includeme1(config):
+            config.add_view(view1)
+        def includeme2(config):
+            config.add_view(view2)
+        config.include(includeme1)
+        config.include(includeme2)
+        try:
+            config.commit()
+        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
+            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
+            self.assertEqual(c1, 'includeme1')
+            self.assertEqual(c2, 'includeme2')
+        else:  # pragma: no cover
+            raise AssertionError
+    def test_commit_conflict_resolved_with_two_includes_and_local(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view3(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def includeme1(config):
+            config.add_view(view1)
+        def includeme2(config):
+            config.add_view(view2)
+        config.include(includeme1)
+        config.include(includeme2)
+        config.add_view(view3)
+        config.commit()
+        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
+        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view3')
+    def test_autocommit_no_conflicts(self):
+        from pyramid.renderers import null_renderer
+        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view3(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        config.add_view(view1, renderer=null_renderer)
+        config.add_view(view2, renderer=null_renderer)
+        config.add_view(view3, renderer=null_renderer)
+        config.commit()
+        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
+        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view3')
+    def test_conflict_set_notfound_view(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        config.set_notfound_view(view1)
+        config.set_notfound_view(view2)
+        try:
+            config.commit()
+        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
+            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
+            self.assertEqual(c1, 'test_conflict_set_notfound_view')
+            self.assertEqual(c2, 'test_conflict_set_notfound_view')
+        else:  # pragma: no cover
+            raise AssertionError
+    def test_conflict_set_forbidden_view(self):
+        config = self._makeOne()
+        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        config.set_forbidden_view(view1)
+        config.set_forbidden_view(view2)
+        try:
+            config.commit()
+        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
+            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
+            self.assertEqual(c1, 'test_conflict_set_forbidden_view')
+            self.assertEqual(c2, 'test_conflict_set_forbidden_view')
+        else:  # pragma: no cover
+            raise AssertionError
+class TestActionState(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _makeOne(self):
+        from pyramid.config.actions import ActionState
+        return ActionState()
+    def test_it(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        self.assertEqual(c.actions, [])
+    def test_action_simple(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = []
+        c.action(1, f, (1,), {'x': 1})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {'x': 1},
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+        c.action(None)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {'x': 1},
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_with_includepath(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = []
+        c.action(None, includepath=('abc',))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': ('abc',),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_with_info(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.action(None, info='abc')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': 'abc',
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_with_includepath_and_info(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.action(None, includepath=('spec',), info='bleh')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': ('spec',),
+                    'info': 'bleh',
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_with_order(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = []
+        c.action(None, order=99999)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 99999,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_action_with_introspectables(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = []
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        c.action(None, introspectables=(intr,))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            c.actions,
+            [
+                {
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': None,
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'info': None,
+                    'introspectables': (intr,),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_processSpec(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        self.assertTrue(c.processSpec('spec'))
+        self.assertFalse(c.processSpec('spec'))
+    def test_execute_actions_tuples(self):
+        output = []
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append((a, k))
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = [
+            (1, f, (1,)),
+            (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x',)),
+            (2, f, (2,)),
+            (None, None),
+        ]
+        c.execute_actions()
+        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {}), ((2,), {})])
+    def test_execute_actions_dicts(self):
+        output = []
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append((a, k))
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = [
+            {
+                'discriminator': 1,
+                'callable': f,
+                'args': (1,),
+                'kw': {},
+                'order': 0,
+                'includepath': (),
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (),
+            },
+            {
+                'discriminator': 1,
+                'callable': f,
+                'args': (11,),
+                'kw': {},
+                'includepath': ('x',),
+                'order': 0,
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (),
+            },
+            {
+                'discriminator': 2,
+                'callable': f,
+                'args': (2,),
+                'kw': {},
+                'order': 0,
+                'includepath': (),
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (),
+            },
+            {
+                'discriminator': None,
+                'callable': None,
+                'args': (),
+                'kw': {},
+                'order': 0,
+                'includepath': (),
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (),
+            },
+        ]
+        c.execute_actions()
+        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {}), ((2,), {})])
+    def test_execute_actions_with_introspectables(self):
+        output = []
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append((a, k))
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        c.actions = [
+            {
+                'discriminator': 1,
+                'callable': f,
+                'args': (1,),
+                'kw': {},
+                'order': 0,
+                'includepath': (),
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (intr,),
+            }
+        ]
+        introspector = object()
+        c.execute_actions(introspector=introspector)
+        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {})])
+        self.assertEqual(intr.registered, [(introspector, None)])
+    def test_execute_actions_with_introspectable_no_callable(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
+        c.actions = [
+            {
+                'discriminator': 1,
+                'callable': None,
+                'args': (1,),
+                'kw': {},
+                'order': 0,
+                'includepath': (),
+                'info': None,
+                'introspectables': (intr,),
+            }
+        ]
+        introspector = object()
+        c.execute_actions(introspector=introspector)
+        self.assertEqual(intr.registered, [(introspector, None)])
+    def test_execute_actions_error(self):
+        output = []
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('f', a, k))
+        def bad():
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        c.actions = [
+            (1, f, (1,)),
+            (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x',)),
+            (2, f, (2,)),
+            (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops'),
+        ]
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationExecutionError, c.execute_actions)
+        self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})])
+    def test_reentrant_action(self):
+        output = []
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('f', a, k))
+            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}))
+        def g(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('g', a, k))
+        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
+        c.execute_actions()
+        self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})])
+    def test_reentrant_action_with_deferred_discriminator(self):
+        # see
+        from pyramid.registry import Deferred
+        output = []
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('f', a, k))
+            c.actions.append((4, g, (4,), {}, (), None, 2))
+        def g(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('g', a, k))
+        def h(*a, **k):
+            output.append(('h', a, k))
+        def discrim():
+            self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (2,), {})])
+            return 3
+        d = Deferred(discrim)
+        c.actions = [
+            (d, h, (3,), {}, (), None, 1),  # order 1
+            (1, f, (1,)),  # order 0
+            (2, g, (2,)),  # order 0
+        ]
+        c.execute_actions()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            output,
+            [
+                ('f', (1,), {}),
+                ('g', (2,), {}),
+                ('h', (3,), {}),
+                ('g', (4,), {}),
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_reentrant_action_error(self):
+        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}, (), None, -1))
+        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError, c.execute_actions)
+    def test_reentrant_action_without_clear(self):
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,)))
+        def g(*a, **k):
+            pass
+        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
+        c.execute_actions(clear=False)
+        self.assertEqual(c.actions, [(1, f, (1,)), (3, g, (8,))])
+    def test_executing_conflicting_action_across_orders(self):
+        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationConflictError
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            pass
+        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,), {}, (), None, -1), (1, g, (2,))]
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, c.execute_actions)
+    def test_executing_conflicting_action_across_reentrant_orders(self):
+        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationConflictError
+        c = self._makeOne()
+        def f(*a, **k):
+            c.actions.append((1, g, (8,)))
+        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
+            pass
+        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,), {}, (), None, -1)]
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, c.execute_actions)
+class Test_reentrant_action_functional(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _makeConfigurator(self, *arg, **kw):
+        from pyramid.config import Configurator
+        config = Configurator(*arg, **kw)
+        return config
+    def test_functional(self):
+        def add_auto_route(config, name, view):
+            def register():
+                config.add_view(route_name=name, view=view)
+                config.add_route(name, '/' + name)
+            config.action(('auto route', name), register, order=-30)
+        config = self._makeConfigurator()
+        config.add_directive('add_auto_route', add_auto_route)
+        def my_view(request):  # pragma: no cover
+            return request.response
+        config.add_auto_route('foo', my_view)
+        config.commit()
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IRoutesMapper
+        mapper = config.registry.getUtility(IRoutesMapper)
+        routes = mapper.get_routes()
+        route = routes[0]
+        self.assertEqual(len(routes), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(, 'foo')
+        self.assertEqual(route.path, '/foo')
+    def test_deferred_discriminator(self):
+        # see
+        from pyramid.config import PHASE0_CONFIG
+        config = self._makeConfigurator()
+        def deriver(view, info):
+            return view
+        deriver.options = ('foo',)
+        config.add_view_deriver(deriver, 'foo_view')
+        # add_view uses a deferred discriminator and will fail if executed
+        # prior to add_view_deriver executing its action
+        config.add_view(lambda r: r.response, name='', foo=1)
+        def dummy_action():
+            # trigger a re-entrant action
+            config.action(None, lambda: None)
+        config.action(None, dummy_action, order=PHASE0_CONFIG)
+        config.commit()
+class Test_resolveConflicts(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _callFUT(self, actions):
+        from pyramid.config.actions import resolveConflicts
+        return resolveConflicts(actions)
+    def test_it_success_tuples(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (None, f),
+                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'first'),
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'second'),
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'third'),
+                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'should be last', 99999),
+                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
+                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
+            ]
+        )
+        result = list(result)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            result,
+            [
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'first',
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (3,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 3,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (5,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'should be last',
+                    'args': (4,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 4,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 99999,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_it_success_dicts(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (None, f),
+                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'first'),
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'second'),
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'third'),
+                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'should be last', 99999),
+                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
+                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
+            ]
+        )
+        result = list(result)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            result,
+            [
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'first',
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (3,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 3,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (5,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'should be last',
+                    'args': (4,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 4,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 99999,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_it_conflict(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (None, f),
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'eek'),  # will conflict
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'ack'),  # will conflict
+                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',)),
+                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
+                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
+            ]
+        )
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, list, result)
+    def test_it_with_actions_grouped_by_order(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (None, f),  # X
+                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'third', 10),  # X
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'fourth', 10),
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'fifth', 10),
+                (2, f, (1,), {}, (), 'sixth', 10),  # X
+                (3, f, (1,), {}, (), 'seventh', 10),  # X
+                (5, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'eighth', 99999),  # X
+                (4, f, (3,), {}, (), 'first', 5),  # X
+                (4, f, (5,), {}, ('y',), 'second', 5),
+            ]
+        )
+        result = list(result)
+        self.assertEqual(len(result), 6)
+        # resolved actions should be grouped by (order, i)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            result,
+            [
+                {
+                    'info': None,
+                    'args': (),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': None,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 0,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'first',
+                    'args': (3,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 4,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 5,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'third',
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 10,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'sixth',
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 2,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 10,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'seventh',
+                    'args': (1,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 3,
+                    'includepath': (),
+                    'order': 10,
+                },
+                {
+                    'info': 'eighth',
+                    'args': (4,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 5,
+                    'includepath': ('y',),
+                    'order': 99999,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_override_success_across_orders(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'eek', 0),
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('x', 'y'), 'ack', 10),
+            ]
+        )
+        result = list(result)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            result,
+            [
+                {
+                    'info': 'eek',
+                    'args': (2,),
+                    'callable': f,
+                    'introspectables': (),
+                    'kw': {},
+                    'discriminator': 1,
+                    'includepath': ('x',),
+                    'order': 0,
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+    def test_conflicts_across_orders(self):
+        from . import dummyfactory as f
+        result = self._callFUT(
+            [
+                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x', 'y'), 'eek', 0),
+                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('x'), 'ack', 10),
+            ]
+        )
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, list, result)
+class TestActionInfo(unittest.TestCase):
+    def _getTargetClass(self):
+        from pyramid.config.actions import ActionInfo
+        return ActionInfo
+    def _makeOne(self, filename, lineno, function, linerepr):
+        return self._getTargetClass()(filename, lineno, function, linerepr)
+    def test_class_conforms(self):
+        from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
+        verifyClass(IActionInfo, self._getTargetClass())
+    def test_instance_conforms(self):
+        from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
+        from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
+        verifyObject(IActionInfo, self._makeOne('f', 0, 'f', 'f'))
+    def test_ctor(self):
+        inst = self._makeOne('filename', 10, 'function', 'src')
+        self.assertEqual(inst.file, 'filename')
+        self.assertEqual(inst.line, 10)
+        self.assertEqual(inst.function, 'function')
+        self.assertEqual(inst.src, 'src')
+    def test___str__(self):
+        inst = self._makeOne('filename', 0, 'function', '   linerepr  ')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            str(inst), "Line 0 of file filename:\n       linerepr  "
+        )
+def _conflictFunctions(e):
+    conflicts = e._conflicts.values()
+    for conflict in conflicts:
+        for confinst in conflict:
+            yield confinst.function
+class DummyActionState(object):
+    autocommit = False
+    info = ''
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.actions = []
+    def action(self, *arg, **kw):
+        self.actions.append((arg, kw))
+class DummyIntrospectable(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.registered = []
+    def register(self, introspector, action_info):
+        self.registered.append((introspector, action_info))
diff --git a/tests/test_config/ b/tests/test_config/
index 2c92b60..811672f 100644
--- a/tests/test_config/
+++ b/tests/test_config/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 import os
 import unittest
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.interface import implementer
 from pyramid.compat import im_func
 from pyramid.testing import skip_on
@@ -10,7 +8,6 @@
 from . import dummy_include
 from . import dummy_extend
 from . import dummy_extend2
-from . import IDummy
 from . import DummyContext
 from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationExecutionError
@@ -34,8 +31,6 @@
-        from zope.interface import Interface
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         from pyramid.interfaces import IView
         from pyramid.interfaces import IViewClassifier
         from pyramid.interfaces import IExceptionViewClassifier
@@ -44,10 +39,6 @@
             classifier = IExceptionViewClassifier
             classifier = IViewClassifier
-        if ctx_iface is None:
-            ctx_iface = Interface
-        if request_iface is None:
-            request_iface = IRequest
         return config.registry.adapters.lookup(
             (classifier, request_iface, ctx_iface),
@@ -299,7 +290,6 @@
     def test_ctor_httpexception_view_default(self):
         from pyramid.interfaces import IExceptionResponse
         from pyramid.httpexceptions import default_exceptionresponse_view
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         config = self._makeOne()
         view = self._getViewCallable(
@@ -309,7 +299,6 @@
     def test_ctor_exceptionresponse_view_None(self):
         from pyramid.interfaces import IExceptionResponse
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         config = self._makeOne(exceptionresponse_view=None)
         view = self._getViewCallable(
@@ -319,7 +308,6 @@
     def test_ctor_exceptionresponse_view_custom(self):
         from pyramid.interfaces import IExceptionResponse
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         def exceptionresponse_view(context, request):  # pragma: no cover
@@ -548,7 +536,6 @@
     def test_setup_registry_explicit_notfound_trumps_iexceptionresponse(self):
         from pyramid.renderers import null_renderer
         from zope.interface import implementedBy
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
         from pyramid.registry import Registry
@@ -975,110 +962,8 @@
         self.assertTrue(stack[0] is config.registry)
-    def test_action_branching_kw_is_None(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        self.assertEqual(config.action('discrim'), None)
-    def test_action_branching_kw_is_not_None(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        self.assertEqual(config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1}), None)
-    def test_action_autocommit_with_introspectables(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import ActionInfo
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
-        self.assertEqual(len(intr.registered), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(intr.registered[0][0], config.introspector)
-        self.assertEqual(intr.registered[0][1].__class__, ActionInfo)
-    def test_action_autocommit_with_introspectables_introspection_off(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        config.introspection = False
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
-        self.assertEqual(len(intr.registered), 0)
-    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_with_config_info(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
- = 'abc'
-        state = DummyActionState()
-        state.autocommit = False
-        config.action_state = state
-        config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            state.actions,
-            [
-                (
-                    (),
-                    {
-                        'args': (),
-                        'callable': None,
-                        'discriminator': 'discrim',
-                        'includepath': (),
-                        'info': 'abc',
-                        'introspectables': (),
-                        'kw': {'a': 1},
-                        'order': 0,
-                    },
-                )
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_without_config_info(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
- = ''
-        config._ainfo = ['z']
-        state = DummyActionState()
-        config.action_state = state
-        state.autocommit = False
-        config.action('discrim', kw={'a': 1})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            state.actions,
-            [
-                (
-                    (),
-                    {
-                        'args': (),
-                        'callable': None,
-                        'discriminator': 'discrim',
-                        'includepath': (),
-                        'info': 'z',
-                        'introspectables': (),
-                        'kw': {'a': 1},
-                        'order': 0,
-                    },
-                )
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_branching_nonautocommit_with_introspectables(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
- = ''
-        config._ainfo = []
-        state = DummyActionState()
-        config.action_state = state
-        state.autocommit = False
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
-        self.assertEqual(state.actions[0][1]['introspectables'], (intr,))
-    def test_action_nonautocommit_with_introspectables_introspection_off(self):
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=False)
- = ''
-        config._ainfo = []
-        config.introspection = False
-        state = DummyActionState()
-        config.action_state = state
-        state.autocommit = False
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        config.action('discrim', introspectables=(intr,))
-        self.assertEqual(state.actions[0][1]['introspectables'], ())
     def test_scan_integration(self):
         from zope.interface import alsoProvides
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         from pyramid.view import render_view_to_response
         import tests.test_config.pkgs.scannable as package
@@ -1185,7 +1070,6 @@
     def test_scan_integration_with_ignore(self):
         from zope.interface import alsoProvides
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         from pyramid.view import render_view_to_response
         import tests.test_config.pkgs.scannable as package
@@ -1207,7 +1091,6 @@
     def test_scan_integration_dottedname_package(self):
         from zope.interface import alsoProvides
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
         from pyramid.view import render_view_to_response
         config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
@@ -1305,149 +1188,6 @@
             self.assertNotEqual(sm, '123')
-    def test_commit_conflict_simple(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        config.add_view(view1)
-        config.add_view(view2)
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, config.commit)
-    def test_commit_conflict_resolved_with_include(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def includeme(config):
-            config.add_view(view2)
-        config.add_view(view1)
-        config.include(includeme)
-        config.commit()
-        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
-        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view1')
-    def test_commit_conflict_with_two_includes(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def includeme1(config):
-            config.add_view(view1)
-        def includeme2(config):
-            config.add_view(view2)
-        config.include(includeme1)
-        config.include(includeme2)
-        try:
-            config.commit()
-        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
-            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
-            self.assertEqual(c1, 'includeme1')
-            self.assertEqual(c2, 'includeme2')
-        else:  # pragma: no cover
-            raise AssertionError
-    def test_commit_conflict_resolved_with_two_includes_and_local(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view3(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def includeme1(config):
-            config.add_view(view1)
-        def includeme2(config):
-            config.add_view(view2)
-        config.include(includeme1)
-        config.include(includeme2)
-        config.add_view(view3)
-        config.commit()
-        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
-        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view3')
-    def test_autocommit_no_conflicts(self):
-        from pyramid.renderers import null_renderer
-        config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view3(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        config.add_view(view1, renderer=null_renderer)
-        config.add_view(view2, renderer=null_renderer)
-        config.add_view(view3, renderer=null_renderer)
-        config.commit()
-        registeredview = self._getViewCallable(config)
-        self.assertEqual(registeredview.__name__, 'view3')
-    def test_conflict_set_notfound_view(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        config.set_notfound_view(view1)
-        config.set_notfound_view(view2)
-        try:
-            config.commit()
-        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
-            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
-            self.assertEqual(c1, 'test_conflict_set_notfound_view')
-            self.assertEqual(c2, 'test_conflict_set_notfound_view')
-        else:  # pragma: no cover
-            raise AssertionError
-    def test_conflict_set_forbidden_view(self):
-        config = self._makeOne()
-        def view1(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        def view2(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        config.set_forbidden_view(view1)
-        config.set_forbidden_view(view2)
-        try:
-            config.commit()
-        except ConfigurationConflictError as why:
-            c1, c2 = _conflictFunctions(why)
-            self.assertEqual(c1, 'test_conflict_set_forbidden_view')
-            self.assertEqual(c2, 'test_conflict_set_forbidden_view')
-        else:  # pragma: no cover
-            raise AssertionError
     def test___getattr__missing_when_directives_exist(self):
         config = self._makeOne()
@@ -1624,749 +1364,6 @@
-class TestActionState(unittest.TestCase):
-    def _makeOne(self):
-        from pyramid.config import ActionState
-        return ActionState()
-    def test_it(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        self.assertEqual(c.actions, [])
-    def test_action_simple(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = []
-        c.action(1, f, (1,), {'x': 1})
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {'x': 1},
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-        c.action(None)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {'x': 1},
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_with_includepath(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = []
-        c.action(None, includepath=('abc',))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': ('abc',),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_with_info(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.action(None, info='abc')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': 'abc',
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_with_includepath_and_info(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.action(None, includepath=('spec',), info='bleh')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': ('spec',),
-                    'info': 'bleh',
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_with_order(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = []
-        c.action(None, order=99999)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 99999,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_action_with_introspectables(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = []
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        c.action(None, introspectables=(intr,))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            c.actions,
-            [
-                {
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': None,
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'info': None,
-                    'introspectables': (intr,),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_processSpec(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        self.assertTrue(c.processSpec('spec'))
-        self.assertFalse(c.processSpec('spec'))
-    def test_execute_actions_tuples(self):
-        output = []
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append((a, k))
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = [
-            (1, f, (1,)),
-            (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x',)),
-            (2, f, (2,)),
-            (None, None),
-        ]
-        c.execute_actions()
-        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {}), ((2,), {})])
-    def test_execute_actions_dicts(self):
-        output = []
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append((a, k))
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = [
-            {
-                'discriminator': 1,
-                'callable': f,
-                'args': (1,),
-                'kw': {},
-                'order': 0,
-                'includepath': (),
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (),
-            },
-            {
-                'discriminator': 1,
-                'callable': f,
-                'args': (11,),
-                'kw': {},
-                'includepath': ('x',),
-                'order': 0,
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (),
-            },
-            {
-                'discriminator': 2,
-                'callable': f,
-                'args': (2,),
-                'kw': {},
-                'order': 0,
-                'includepath': (),
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (),
-            },
-            {
-                'discriminator': None,
-                'callable': None,
-                'args': (),
-                'kw': {},
-                'order': 0,
-                'includepath': (),
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (),
-            },
-        ]
-        c.execute_actions()
-        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {}), ((2,), {})])
-    def test_execute_actions_with_introspectables(self):
-        output = []
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append((a, k))
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        c.actions = [
-            {
-                'discriminator': 1,
-                'callable': f,
-                'args': (1,),
-                'kw': {},
-                'order': 0,
-                'includepath': (),
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (intr,),
-            }
-        ]
-        introspector = object()
-        c.execute_actions(introspector=introspector)
-        self.assertEqual(output, [((1,), {})])
-        self.assertEqual(intr.registered, [(introspector, None)])
-    def test_execute_actions_with_introspectable_no_callable(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        intr = DummyIntrospectable()
-        c.actions = [
-            {
-                'discriminator': 1,
-                'callable': None,
-                'args': (1,),
-                'kw': {},
-                'order': 0,
-                'includepath': (),
-                'info': None,
-                'introspectables': (intr,),
-            }
-        ]
-        introspector = object()
-        c.execute_actions(introspector=introspector)
-        self.assertEqual(intr.registered, [(introspector, None)])
-    def test_execute_actions_error(self):
-        output = []
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('f', a, k))
-        def bad():
-            raise NotImplementedError
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        c.actions = [
-            (1, f, (1,)),
-            (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x',)),
-            (2, f, (2,)),
-            (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops'),
-        ]
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationExecutionError, c.execute_actions)
-        self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})])
-    def test_reentrant_action(self):
-        output = []
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('f', a, k))
-            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}))
-        def g(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('g', a, k))
-        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
-        c.execute_actions()
-        self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})])
-    def test_reentrant_action_with_deferred_discriminator(self):
-        # see
-        from pyramid.registry import Deferred
-        output = []
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('f', a, k))
-            c.actions.append((4, g, (4,), {}, (), None, 2))
-        def g(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('g', a, k))
-        def h(*a, **k):
-            output.append(('h', a, k))
-        def discrim():
-            self.assertEqual(output, [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (2,), {})])
-            return 3
-        d = Deferred(discrim)
-        c.actions = [
-            (d, h, (3,), {}, (), None, 1),  # order 1
-            (1, f, (1,)),  # order 0
-            (2, g, (2,)),  # order 0
-        ]
-        c.execute_actions()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            output,
-            [
-                ('f', (1,), {}),
-                ('g', (2,), {}),
-                ('h', (3,), {}),
-                ('g', (4,), {}),
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_reentrant_action_error(self):
-        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {}, (), None, -1))
-        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError, c.execute_actions)
-    def test_reentrant_action_without_clear(self):
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            c.actions.append((3, g, (8,)))
-        def g(*a, **k):
-            pass
-        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,))]
-        c.execute_actions(clear=False)
-        self.assertEqual(c.actions, [(1, f, (1,)), (3, g, (8,))])
-    def test_executing_conflicting_action_across_orders(self):
-        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationConflictError
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            pass
-        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,), {}, (), None, -1), (1, g, (2,))]
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, c.execute_actions)
-    def test_executing_conflicting_action_across_reentrant_orders(self):
-        from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationConflictError
-        c = self._makeOne()
-        def f(*a, **k):
-            c.actions.append((1, g, (8,)))
-        def g(*a, **k):  # pragma: no cover
-            pass
-        c.actions = [(1, f, (1,), {}, (), None, -1)]
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, c.execute_actions)
-class Test_reentrant_action_functional(unittest.TestCase):
-    def _makeConfigurator(self, *arg, **kw):
-        from pyramid.config import Configurator
-        config = Configurator(*arg, **kw)
-        return config
-    def test_functional(self):
-        def add_auto_route(config, name, view):
-            def register():
-                config.add_view(route_name=name, view=view)
-                config.add_route(name, '/' + name)
-            config.action(('auto route', name), register, order=-30)
-        config = self._makeConfigurator()
-        config.add_directive('add_auto_route', add_auto_route)
-        def my_view(request):  # pragma: no cover
-            return request.response
-        config.add_auto_route('foo', my_view)
-        config.commit()
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IRoutesMapper
-        mapper = config.registry.getUtility(IRoutesMapper)
-        routes = mapper.get_routes()
-        route = routes[0]
-        self.assertEqual(len(routes), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(, 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(route.path, '/foo')
-    def test_deferred_discriminator(self):
-        # see
-        from pyramid.config import PHASE0_CONFIG
-        config = self._makeConfigurator()
-        def deriver(view, info):
-            return view
-        deriver.options = ('foo',)
-        config.add_view_deriver(deriver, 'foo_view')
-        # add_view uses a deferred discriminator and will fail if executed
-        # prior to add_view_deriver executing its action
-        config.add_view(lambda r: r.response, name='', foo=1)
-        def dummy_action():
-            # trigger a re-entrant action
-            config.action(None, lambda: None)
-        config.action(None, dummy_action, order=PHASE0_CONFIG)
-        config.commit()
-class Test_resolveConflicts(unittest.TestCase):
-    def _callFUT(self, actions):
-        from pyramid.config import resolveConflicts
-        return resolveConflicts(actions)
-    def test_it_success_tuples(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (None, f),
-                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'first'),
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'second'),
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'third'),
-                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'should be last', 99999),
-                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
-                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
-            ]
-        )
-        result = list(result)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'first',
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (3,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 3,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (5,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'should be last',
-                    'args': (4,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 4,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 99999,
-                },
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_it_success_dicts(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (None, f),
-                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'first'),
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'second'),
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'third'),
-                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'should be last', 99999),
-                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
-                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
-            ]
-        )
-        result = list(result)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'first',
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (3,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 3,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (5,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'should be last',
-                    'args': (4,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 4,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 99999,
-                },
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_it_conflict(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (None, f),
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'eek'),  # will conflict
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'ack'),  # will conflict
-                (4, f, (4,), {}, ('y',)),
-                (3, f, (3,), {}, ('y',)),
-                (None, f, (5,), {}, ('y',)),
-            ]
-        )
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, list, result)
-    def test_it_with_actions_grouped_by_order(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (None, f),  # X
-                (1, f, (1,), {}, (), 'third', 10),  # X
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'fourth', 10),
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('y',), 'fifth', 10),
-                (2, f, (1,), {}, (), 'sixth', 10),  # X
-                (3, f, (1,), {}, (), 'seventh', 10),  # X
-                (5, f, (4,), {}, ('y',), 'eighth', 99999),  # X
-                (4, f, (3,), {}, (), 'first', 5),  # X
-                (4, f, (5,), {}, ('y',), 'second', 5),
-            ]
-        )
-        result = list(result)
-        self.assertEqual(len(result), 6)
-        # resolved actions should be grouped by (order, i)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [
-                {
-                    'info': None,
-                    'args': (),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': None,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 0,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'first',
-                    'args': (3,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 4,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 5,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'third',
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 10,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'sixth',
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 2,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 10,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'seventh',
-                    'args': (1,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 3,
-                    'includepath': (),
-                    'order': 10,
-                },
-                {
-                    'info': 'eighth',
-                    'args': (4,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 5,
-                    'includepath': ('y',),
-                    'order': 99999,
-                },
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_override_success_across_orders(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x',), 'eek', 0),
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('x', 'y'), 'ack', 10),
-            ]
-        )
-        result = list(result)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            result,
-            [
-                {
-                    'info': 'eek',
-                    'args': (2,),
-                    'callable': f,
-                    'introspectables': (),
-                    'kw': {},
-                    'discriminator': 1,
-                    'includepath': ('x',),
-                    'order': 0,
-                }
-            ],
-        )
-    def test_conflicts_across_orders(self):
-        from . import dummyfactory as f
-        result = self._callFUT(
-            [
-                (1, f, (2,), {}, ('x', 'y'), 'eek', 0),
-                (1, f, (3,), {}, ('x'), 'ack', 10),
-            ]
-        )
-        self.assertRaises(ConfigurationConflictError, list, result)
 class TestGlobalRegistriesIntegration(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         from pyramid.config import global_registries
@@ -2430,11 +1427,6 @@
         self.popped = True
-class DummyEvent:
-    pass
 class DummyRegistry(object):
     def __init__(self, adaptation=None, util=None):
         self.utilities = []
@@ -2457,36 +1449,6 @@
     def queryUtility(self, *arg, **kw):
         return self.util
-class IOther(Interface):
-    pass
-def _conflictFunctions(e):
-    conflicts = e._conflicts.values()
-    for conflict in conflicts:
-        for confinst in conflict:
-            yield confinst.function
-class DummyActionState(object):
-    autocommit = False
-    info = ''
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.actions = []
-    def action(self, *arg, **kw):
-        self.actions.append((arg, kw))
-class DummyIntrospectable(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.registered = []
-    def register(self, introspector, action_info):
-        self.registered.append((introspector, action_info))
 class DummyPredicate(object):
diff --git a/tests/test_config/ b/tests/test_config/
similarity index 89%
rename from tests/test_config/
rename to tests/test_config/
index 50d143b..079652b 100644
--- a/tests/test_config/
+++ b/tests/test_config/
@@ -3,44 +3,9 @@
 from pyramid.compat import text_
-class TestActionInfo(unittest.TestCase):
-    def _getTargetClass(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import ActionInfo
-        return ActionInfo
-    def _makeOne(self, filename, lineno, function, linerepr):
-        return self._getTargetClass()(filename, lineno, function, linerepr)
-    def test_class_conforms(self):
-        from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
-        verifyClass(IActionInfo, self._getTargetClass())
-    def test_instance_conforms(self):
-        from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-        from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo
-        verifyObject(IActionInfo, self._makeOne('f', 0, 'f', 'f'))
-    def test_ctor(self):
-        inst = self._makeOne('filename', 10, 'function', 'src')
-        self.assertEqual(inst.file, 'filename')
-        self.assertEqual(inst.line, 10)
-        self.assertEqual(inst.function, 'function')
-        self.assertEqual(inst.src, 'src')
-    def test___str__(self):
-        inst = self._makeOne('filename', 0, 'function', '   linerepr  ')
-        self.assertEqual(
-            str(inst), "Line 0 of file filename:\n       linerepr  "
-        )
 class TestPredicateList(unittest.TestCase):
     def _makeOne(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import PredicateList
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import PredicateList
         from pyramid import predicates
         inst = PredicateList()
@@ -71,7 +36,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(order1 < order2)
     def test_ordering_number_of_predicates(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         order1, _, _ = self._callFUT(
@@ -169,7 +134,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(order12 > order10)
     def test_ordering_importance_of_predicates(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         order1, _, _ = self._callFUT(xhr='xhr')
         order2, _, _ = self._callFUT(request_method='request_method')
@@ -194,7 +159,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(order9 > order10)
     def test_ordering_importance_and_number(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         order1, _, _ = self._callFUT(
             xhr='xhr', request_method='request_method'
@@ -233,7 +198,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(order1 > order2)
     def test_different_custom_predicates_with_same_hash(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         class PredicateWithHash(object):
             def __hash__(self):
@@ -286,7 +251,7 @@
     def test_custom_predicates_can_affect_traversal(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         def custom(info, request):
             m = info['match']
@@ -312,7 +277,7 @@
     def test_predicate_text_is_correct(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import predvalseq
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import predvalseq
         _, predicates, _ = self._callFUT(
@@ -420,20 +385,9 @@
         self.assertEqual(predicates[2](None, request), True)
-class TestDeprecatedPredicates(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_it(self):
-        import warnings
-        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
-            warnings.filterwarnings('always')
-            from pyramid.config.predicates import XHRPredicate  # noqa: F401
-            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
 class Test_sort_accept_offers(unittest.TestCase):
     def _callFUT(self, offers, order=None):
-        from pyramid.config.util import sort_accept_offers
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import sort_accept_offers
         return sort_accept_offers(offers, order)
diff --git a/tests/test_config/ b/tests/test_config/
index ce66596..ede31e1 100644
--- a/tests/test_config/
+++ b/tests/test_config/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     def test_testing_add_subscriber_dottedname(self):
         config = self._makeOne(autocommit=True)
-        L = config.testing_add_subscriber('tests.test_config.test_init.IDummy')
+        L = config.testing_add_subscriber('tests.test_config.IDummy')
         event = DummyEvent()
         self.assertEqual(len(L), 1)
diff --git a/tests/test_config/ b/tests/test_config/
index 977944f..5e722c9 100644
--- a/tests/test_config/
+++ b/tests/test_config/
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(wrapper(None, request), 'OK')
     def test_add_view_default_phash_overrides_default_phash(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import DEFAULT_PHASH
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import DEFAULT_PHASH
         from pyramid.renderers import null_renderer
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(wrapper(None, request), 'OK')
     def test_add_view_exc_default_phash_overrides_default_phash(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import DEFAULT_PHASH
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import DEFAULT_PHASH
         from pyramid.renderers import null_renderer
         from zope.interface import implementedBy
         from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a1455ed..f01cb49 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(result(None, None), response)
     def test_attr_wrapped_view_branching_default_phash(self):
-        from pyramid.config.util import DEFAULT_PHASH
+        from pyramid.config.predicates import DEFAULT_PHASH
         def view(context, request):  # pragma: no cover

Gitblit v1.9.3