From a8b10ea3cb18143bb995a7637fc381c702c92d00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Merickel <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 02:56:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #3389 from Pylons/remove-sudo-from-hacking

 HACKING.txt     |  155 +++++++------------------------------- |   69 ----------------
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HACKING.txt b/HACKING.txt
index 032d98f..8129e9c 100644
--- a/HACKING.txt
+++ b/HACKING.txt
@@ -7,78 +7,12 @@
 Using a Development Checkout
-You'll have to create a development environment to hack on Pyramid, using a
-Pyramid checkout.  You can either do this by hand, or if you have `tox`
-installed, you can use it to set up a working development environment.
+You will have to create a development environment to hack on Pyramid, using a
+Pyramid checkout.  We use `tox` to run tests, run test coverage, and build
-tox docs:
+tox docs:
 tox on PyPI:
-Each installation method is described below.
-By Hand
-- While logged into your GitHub account, navigate to the Pyramid repo on
-  GitHub.
-- Fork and clone the Pyramid repository to your GitHub account by clicking
-  the "Fork" button.
-- Clone your fork of Pyramid from your GitHub account to your local computer,
-  substituting your account username and specifying the destination as
-  "hack-on-pyramid".
-    $ cd ~
-    $ git clone hack-on-pyramid
-    $ cd hack-on-pyramid
-    # Configure remotes such that you can pull changes from the Pyramid
-    # repository into your local repository.
-    $ git remote add upstream
-    # fetch and merge changes from upstream into master
-    $ git fetch upstream
-    $ git merge upstream/master
-Now your local repo is set up such that you will push changes to your GitHub
-repo, from which you can submit a pull request.
-- Create a virtual environment in which to install Pyramid:
-    $ cd ~/hack-on-pyramid
-    $ python3 -m venv env
-  From here on in within these instructions, the `~/hack-on-pyramid/env`
-  virtual environment you created above will be referred to as `$VENV`.
-  To use the instructions in the steps that follow literally, use the
-  `export VENV=~/hack-on-pyramid/env` command.
-- Install Pyramid from the checkout into the virtual environment, where the
-  current working directory is the `pyramid` checkout directory. We will
-  install Pyramid in editable (development) mode as well as its testing
-  requirements.
-    $ cd ~/hack-on-pyramid
-    $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e ".[testing,docs]"
-- Optionally create a new Pyramid project using `pcreate`:
-    $ cd $VENV
-    $ bin/pcreate -s starter starter
-- ...and install the new project into the virtual environment:
-    $ cd $VENV/starter
-    $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e .
-Using `Tox`
-Alternatively, if you already have `tox` installed, there is an easier
-way to get going.
 - Create a new directory somewhere and `cd` to it:
@@ -90,22 +24,6 @@
     $ git clone git:// .
   Alternatively, create a writeable fork on GitHub and clone it.
-Since Pyramid is a framework and not an application, it can be convenient to
-work against a sample application, preferably in its own virtual environment. A
-quick way to achieve this is to use `tox` with a custom configuration file
-that is part of the checkout:
-    $ tox -c hacking-tox.ini
-This will create a python-2.7 based virtual environment named `env27`
-(Pyramid's `.gitconfig` ignores all top-level folders that start with `env`
-specifically in our use case), and inside that a simple pyramid application
-named `hacking` that you can then fire up like so:
-    $ cd env27/hacking
-    $ ../bin/pip install -e ".[testing,docs]"
-    $ ../bin/pserve development.ini
 Adding Features
@@ -136,26 +54,30 @@
 Coding Style
-- PEP8 compliance.  Whitespace rules are relaxed: not necessary to put two
-  newlines between classes.  But 79-column lines, in particular, are mandatory.
-  See for more
-  information.
+- Pyramid uses Black for code formatting style.
+  To run Black:
-- Please do not remove trailing whitespace.  Configure your editor to reduce
-  diff noise. See for more.
+    $ tox -e black
 Running Tests
-- To run all tests for Pyramid on a single Python version from your development
-  virtual environment (See *Using a Development Checkout* above), run
-  `nosetests`:
+- The `tox.ini` uses `nose` and `coverage`. As such `tox` may be used
+  to run groups of tests or only a specific version of Python. For example, the
+  following command will run tests on Python 3.7 only without coverage:
-    $ $VENV/bin/nosetests
+    $ tox -e py37
+  This command will run tests on the latest versions of Python 2 and 3 with
+  coverage totaled for both versions.
+    $ tox -e py2-cover,py3-cover,coverage
 - To run individual tests (i.e., during development), you can use `nosetests`
-  syntax as follows:
+  syntax as follows, where `$VENV` is an environment variable set to the path
+  to your virtual environment:
     # run a single test
     $ $VENV/bin/nosetests pyramid.tests.test_module:ClassName.test_mytestname
@@ -163,46 +85,25 @@
     # run all tests in a class
     $ $VENV/bin/nosetests pyramid.tests.test_module:ClassName
-  Optionally you can install a nose plugin, `nose-selecttests`
-  ( ), and use a regular
-  expression with the `-t` parameter to run tests.
+  Optionally you can install a nose plugin `nose-selecttests` to run specific
+  tests.
+  For example, use a regular expression with the `-t` parameter to run tests.
     # run a single test
     $ $VENV/bin/nosetests -t test_mytestname
-- The `tox.ini` uses `nose` and `coverage`. As such `tox` may be used
-  to run groups of tests or only a specific version of Python. For example, the
-  following command will run tests on Python 2.7 only without coverage:
-    $ tox -e py27
-  This command will run tests on the latest versions of Python 2 and 3 with
-  coverage totaled for both versions.
-    $ tox -e py2-cover,py3-cover,coverage
-- To run the full set of Pyramid tests on all platforms, install `tox` into a
-  system Python. The `tox` console script will be installed into the scripts
-  location for that Python. While `cd`'ed to the Pyramid checkout root
-  directory (it contains `tox.ini`), invoke the `tox` console script. This
-  will read the `tox.ini` file and execute the tests on multiple Python
-  versions and platforms. While it runs, it creates a virtual environment
-  for each version/platform combination.  For example:
-    $ sudo /usr/bin/pip install tox
-    $ cd ~/hack-on-pyramid/
-    $ /usr/bin/tox
-- The tests can also be run using `pytest` ( ). This is
-  intended as a convenience for people who are more used to or fond of
-  `pytest`. Run the tests like so:
+- The tests can also be run using `pytest`.
+  This is intended as a convenience for people who prefer `pytest`. Run the
+  tests like so:
     $ $VENV/bin/pip install pytest
     $ $VENV/bin/pytest --strict pyramid/
   To run individual tests (i.e., during development), see "pytest usage -
   Specifying tests / selecting tests":
 - Functional tests related to the "scaffolds" (starter, zodb, alchemy) which
   create a virtual environment, install the scaffold package and its
diff --git a/ b/
index aa0f107..734f014 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,71 +22,6 @@
 Older branches are not actively maintained. In general, two stable branches and
 one or two development branches are actively maintained.
-## Prerequisites
+## Developing
-Follow the instructions in HACKING.txt for your version or branch located in
-the [root of the Pyramid repository]( to
-install Pyramid and the tools needed to run its tests and build its
-## Building documentation for a Pylons Project project
-*Note:* These instructions might not work for Windows users. Suggestions to
-improve the process for Windows users are welcome by submitting an issue or a
-pull request. Windows users may find it helpful to follow the guide [Installing
-Pyramid on a Windows
-1.  Fork the repo on GitHub by clicking the [Fork] button.
-2.  Clone your fork into a workspace on your local machine.
-         git clone<username>/pyramid.git
-3.  Change directories into the cloned repository
-         cd pyramid
-4.  Add a git remote "upstream" for the cloned fork.
-         git remote add upstream
-5.  Create a virtual environment and set an environment variable as instructed in the
-    [prerequisites](
-         # Mac and Linux
-         $ export VENV=~/hack-on-pyramid/env
-         # Windows
-         set VENV=c:\hack-on-pyramid\env
-6.  Install `tox` into your virtual environment.
-         $ $VENV/bin/pip install tox
-7.  Try to build the docs in your workspace.
-         $ $VENV/bin/tox -e docs
-     When the build finishes, you'll find HTML documentation rendered in
-     `.tox/docs/html`. An `epub` version will be in `.tox/docs/epub`. And the
-     result of the tests that are run on the documentation will be in
-     `.tox/docs/doctest`.
-8.  From this point forward, follow the typical [git
-    workflow](
-    *Always* start by pulling from the upstream to get the most current changes.
-         git pull upstream master
-9.  Make a branch, make changes to the docs, and rebuild them as indicated above.
-10.  Once you are satisfied with your changes and the documentation builds
-     successfully without errors or warnings, then git commit and push them to
-     your "origin" repository on GitHub.
-         git commit -m "commit message"
-         git push -u origin --all # first time only, subsequent can be just 'git push'.
-11.  Create a [pull request](
-12.  Repeat the process starting from Step 8.
+Follow the instructions in [HACKING.txt]( to install Pyramid and the tools needed to run its tests and build its documentation.

Gitblit v1.9.3