From a446d6753dd2a956c7284fd1c82898ed17eb1d85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tres Seaver <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 02:28:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Deprecated the following plugins:

 docs/plugins.rst |   92 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/plugins.rst b/docs/plugins.rst
index 82bf281..0ae85ed 100644
--- a/docs/plugins.rst
+++ b/docs/plugins.rst
@@ -101,59 +101,6 @@
   to the browser.  The single argument *realm* indicates the basic
   auth realm that should be sent in the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header.
-.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.cookie
-.. class:: InsecureCookiePlugin(cookie_name)
-  A :class:`InsecureCookiePlugin` is an ``IIdentifier`` plugin.  It
-  stores identification information in an insecure form (the base64
-  value of the username and password separated by a colon) in a
-  client-side cookie.  It accepts a single required argument named
-  *cookie_name*.  This is the cookie name of the cookie used to store
-  the identification information.  The plugin also accepts two optional
-  arguments:  *cookie_path* is the URL path root which scopes the cookie,
-  and *charset* is the name of a codec used to convert the login and password
-  to and from unicode.
-.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.form
-.. class:: FormPlugin(login_form_qs, rememberer_name [, formbody=None [, formcallable=None]])
-  A :class:`FormPlugin` is both an ``IIdentifier`` and ``IChallenger``
-  plugin.  It intercepts form POSTs to gather identification at
-  ingress and conditionally displays a login form at egress if
-  challenge is required.  *login_form_qs* is a query string name used
-  to denote that a form POST is destined for the form plugin (anything
-  unique is fine), *rememberer_name* is the "configuration name" of
-  another ``IIdentifier`` plugin that will be used to perform
-  ``remember`` and ``forget`` duties for the FormPlugin (it does not
-  do these itself).  For example, if you have a cookie identification
-  plugin named ``cookie`` defined in your middleware configuration,
-  you might set *rememberer_name* to ``cookie``.  *formbody* is a
-  literal string that should be displayed as the form body.
-  *formcallable* is a callable that will return a form body if
-  *formbody* is None.  If both *formbody* and *formcallable* are None,
-  a default form is used.
-.. class:: RedirectingFormPlugin(login_form_url, login_handler_path, logout_handler_path, rememberer_name)
-  A :class:`RedirectingFormPlugin` is both an ``IIdentifier`` and
-  ``IChallenger`` plugin.  It intercepts form POSTs to gather
-  identification at ingress and conditionally redirects a login form
-  at egress if challenge is required (as opposed to the
-  :class:`FormPlugin`, it does not handle its own form generation).
-  *login_form_url* is a URL that should be redirected to when a
-  challenge is required.  *login_handler_path* is the path that the
-  form will POST to, signifying that the plugin should gather
-  credentials.  *logout_handler_path* is a path that can be called to
-  log the current user out when visited. *rememberer_name* is the
-  configuration name of another ``IIdentifier`` plugin that will be
-  used to perform ``remember`` and ``forget`` duties for the
-  RedirectingFormPlugin (it does not do these itself).  For example,
-  if you have a cookie identification plugin named ``cookie`` defined
-  in your middleware configuration, you might set *rememberer_name* to
-  ``cookie``.
 .. module:: repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd
 .. class:: HTPasswdPlugin(filename, check)
@@ -556,6 +503,45 @@
 See :ref:`default_plugins`.
+Deprecated plugins
+The :mod:`repoze.who.deprecatedplugins` distribution bundles the following
+plugin implementations which were shipped with :mod:`repoze.who` prior
+to version 2.0a3.  These plugins are deprecated, and should only be used
+while migrating an existing deployment to replacement versions.
+  An ``IIdentifier`` plugin which stores identification information in an
+  insecure form (the base64 value of the username and password separated by
+  a colon) in a client-side cookie.  Please use the
+  :class:`AuthTktCookiePlugin` instead.
+  An ``IIdentifier`` and ``IChallenger`` plugin,  which intercepts form POSTs
+  to gather identification at ingress and conditionally displays a login form
+  at egress if challenge is required.
+  Applications should supply their
+  own login form, and use :class:`repoze.who.api.API` to authenticate
+  and remember users.  To replace the challenger role, please use
+  :class:`repoze.who.plugins.redirector.RedirectorPlugin`, configured with
+  the URL of your application's login form.
+  An ``IIdentifier`` and ``IChallenger`` plugin, which intercepts form POSTs
+  to gather identification at ingress and conditionally redirects a login form
+  at egress if challenge is required.
+  Applications should supply their
+  own login form, and use :class:`repoze.who.api.API` to authenticate
+  and remember users.  To replace the challenger role, please use
+  :class:`repoze.who.plugins.redirector.RedirectorPlugin`, configured with
+  the URL of your application's login form.
 Third-party Plugins

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