From 4195952f1fe14d09dc3dc8f4d09c08f496193850 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tim Beattie <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 16:52:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #233 from rht-labs/fixes/facilitation-updates

 facilitation/04-retrospectives/      |    6 +++---
 facilitation/09-intro-to-agile/      |    2 ++
 facilitation/02-social-contract/     |    1 +
 facilitation/00-setup/               |    6 ++++++
 exercises/                           |    1 +
 exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ |    2 +-
 exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/        |    4 ++--
 7 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
index c805417..3317088 100644
--- a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
+++ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
 5. With the BuildConfig and DeployConfig in place for both our apps (`*-fe` & `*-api`) from previous steps; Log into Jenkins and create a `New Item`. This is just jenkins speak for a new job configuration. ![new-item](../images/exercise2/new-item.png)
-5. Name this job `dev-todolist-fe-build` and select `Freestyle Job`. All our jobs will take the form of `<ENV>-<APP_NAME>-<JOB_PURPOSE>`. ![freestyle-job](../images/exercise2/freestyle-job.png)
+5. Name this job `dev-todolist-fe-build` and select `Freestyle Project`. All our jobs will take the form of `<ENV>-<APP_NAME>-<JOB_PURPOSE>`. ![freestyle-job](../images/exercise2/freestyle-job.png)
 5. The page that loads is the Job Configuration page and it can be returned to at anytime from Jenkins. Let's start configuring our job. To conserve space; we will make sure Jenkins only keeps the last builds artifacts. Tick the `Discard old builds` checkbox, then `Advanced` and set `Max # of builds to keep with artifacts` to 1 as indicated below
diff --git a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
index aa6805b..fdec7d8 100644
--- a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
+++ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@
 #### 3a - OWASP ZAP
 > _OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is a free open source security tool used for finding security vulnerabilities in web applications._
-3. On your  terminal; move to the `enablement-ci-cd` repo. We already have the `templates/jenkins-slave-generic-template.yml` template we're going to re-use from the previous lab so all we need is to check out the params file
+3. On your  terminal; move to the `enablement-ci-cd` repo.  We need to checkout a template for OpenShift to build our Jenkins Slave images and some parameters for the `zap` slave.
-git checkout exercise4/zap-and-arachni params/jenkins-slave-zap
+git checkout exercise4/zap-and-arachni params/jenkins-slave-zap templates/jenkins-slave-generic-template.yml
 3. This should have created the following files which we will fill out. We will use a `ZAP` image hosted on the `rht-labs/ci-cd` repo so there will be no `Dockerfile` needed:
diff --git a/exercises/ b/exercises/
index d61ba83..b171e6a 100644
--- a/exercises/
+++ b/exercises/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
  - Git Installed
  - Google Chrome Web Browser (>59)
  - Docker latest
+ - JDK v8
  - Access to an OpenShift cluster `oc login -u <username> -p <password> <cluster_url>`
  - Text editor such as Atom, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code (The exercise were created using VSCode, so the screenshots will match it's layout and colour schemes)
diff --git a/facilitation/00-setup/ b/facilitation/00-setup/
index f7191a3..4995cdc 100644
--- a/facilitation/00-setup/
+++ b/facilitation/00-setup/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 * Ability to play sound from laptop
 * Strong WiFi (all delegates will need to be connected throughout the Enablement)
 * At least one break out area - ideally a small room near the main room
+* Pair programming - Monitors for the tables. One between two attendees (or mobs up to three).
 ## Shopping / Bring List
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
     * Henrik Kniberg Skateboard Picture
     * The Agile Manifesto Values and Principles
     * What DevOps is Not
+    * The Agile Principles cartoon from Knowledge Train
 * Some spare adapters for overseas' participants to connect laptops to power    
 * Bluetac
 * A1 Sticky Chart Paper
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@
 * Fun activities (e.g. a mini golf set and mini ping pong set)
 * Option to project build monitors (e.g. through Rasperry Pis) - organise extra monitors or bring projector
 * Think about capturing the Enablement by bringing, for example, GoPro Camera, 360 cameera, etc.
+* Monitors for pairing if not provided by the venue
+* Download all videos used in the training incase of WiFi connectivity issues 
 ## Setting up the Room
@@ -64,6 +68,8 @@
 * Metric Based Process Maps
 * Value Slicing
 * End of Day Retros
+* Pairing and mob faces
+* Andon Chord or Real Bell / Buzzer if available
 ## Facilitation Guidelines
diff --git a/facilitation/02-social-contract/ b/facilitation/02-social-contract/
index c646b99..39375cd 100644
--- a/facilitation/02-social-contract/
+++ b/facilitation/02-social-contract/
@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
     * Encourage each table to use one of the recordable buttons to record their team noise (to help with the cultural and fun aspects we want to inject into the atmosphere throughout this enablement)
 * Overall group Social Contract
     * Have each group playback key points in their Social Contract and call out any that they would like applicable to the whole group. One of the the facilitators should capture these as a Group Social Contract
+    * Encourage a consensus on the times to take for breaks / lunches up front.
     * Again, encourage everyone to sign the big group Social Contract
diff --git a/facilitation/04-retrospectives/ b/facilitation/04-retrospectives/
index 914c410..7ca5bf4 100644
--- a/facilitation/04-retrospectives/
+++ b/facilitation/04-retrospectives/
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
     * Make sticky notes and sharpies available near the timeline
     * Introduce the real-time retrospective early on the first day and encourage people to add to it as and when they experience something positive or negative or would like to feedback something positive or negative 
 * Each day should also finish with a retrospective. It's up the the facilitators to use whatever exercise they would like to. It is recommended to try some different flavors rather than finish with exactly the same exercise each day. Some examples include:
-    * Day 1 - a round the group impact feedback (say one thing that impacted you)
-    * Day 2 - a stop/start/continue retro
+    * Day 1 - a round the group impact feedback (say one thing that impacted you. Pass the ball; you can only talk if you have the bull. 
+    * Day 2 - Individual table retros. Allow teams to feedback against each other's committment to the social contract. Use a  stop/start/continue retro to facilitate the conversation. Collect Key points onto group wide retro board.
     * Day 3 - a do more of / do less of / continue / stop / start retro
-    * Day 4 - a timeline retro 
+    * Day 4 - a timeline retro
 * Each retrospective should be introduced by one of the facilitators, have a time boxed period for individuals to add their input and a group alignment / discuss to identify clusters / themes and corrective actions
diff --git a/facilitation/09-intro-to-agile/ b/facilitation/09-intro-to-agile/
index a358578..57845c3 100644
--- a/facilitation/09-intro-to-agile/
+++ b/facilitation/09-intro-to-agile/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 The latest version of slides for the session are available [here](
+* If possible; bring in boards showing Burn down, feature & task level breakdown, estimation ladders etc
+* Download the Henrick Video for offline playing incase of WiFi issues.
 ## Facilitation Materials Needed

Gitblit v1.9.3