From fd9c3d1a3fd30cf82812047ac4c25f1ef12c1958 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Takane <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 14:40:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #241 from wmcdonald404/master

 exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/      |    6 +-
 exercises/6-return-of-the-app-monitoring/     |    6 +-
 exercises/                                    |    4 +-
 exercises/1-the-manual-menace/                |   12 +++---
 exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/          |   14 +++---
 exercises/3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/ |   14 +++---
 exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/                 |   10 ++--
 7 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/ b/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
index 20111dd..16b62e3 100644
--- a/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
+++ b/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 ## Exercise Intro
-In this exercise we will use automation tooling to create Project namespaces for our `CI/CD` tooling along with the `dev` and `test` namespaces for our deployments to live. We do this to manually using the OpenShift CLI; but as we go from cluster to cluster or project to project Dev and Ops teams often find themselves having to redo these tasks again and again. Configuring our cluster using code; we can easily store this in Git and repeat the process again and again. By minimising the time taken to do these repetitive tasks we can accelerate our ability to deliver value to our customers; working on the hard problems they face.
+In this exercise we will use automation tooling to create Project namespaces for our `CI/CD` tooling along with the `dev` and `test` namespaces for our deployments to live. We do this manually using the OpenShift CLI; but as we go from cluster to cluster or project to project Dev and Ops teams often find themselves having to redo these tasks again and again. Configuring our cluster using code; we can easily store this in Git and repeat the process again and again. By minimising the time taken to do these repetitive tasks we can accelerate our ability to deliver value to our customers; working on the hard problems they face.
-This exercise uses Ansible to drive the creation of the cluster content. In particular; we'll use a play book called the `OpenShift Applier`. Once the project namespace have been created; we will add some tools to support CI/CD such as Jenkins, Git and Nexus. These tools will be needed by later lessons to automate the build and deploy of our apps. Again; we will use OpenShift Templates and drive their creation in the cluster using Ansible. To prove things are working, finally we'll delete all our content and re-apply the inventory to re-create our clusters content.
+This exercise uses Ansible to drive the creation of the cluster content. In particular; we'll use a play book called the `OpenShift Applier`. Once the project namespace have been created; we will add some tools to support CI/CD such as Jenkins, Git and Nexus. These tools will be needed by later lessons to automate the build and deploy of our apps. Again; we will use OpenShift Templates and drive their creation in the cluster using Ansible. To prove things are working, finally we'll delete all our content and re-apply the inventory to re-create our cluster's content.
 #### Why is config-as-code important?
 * Assurance - Prevents unwanted config changes from people making arbitrary changes to environments. No more Snowflake servers!
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 where the `-e target=bootstrap` is passing an additional variable specifying that we run the `bootstrap` inventory
-3. Once successful you should see an output similar to this (Cow's not included): ![playbook-success](../images/exercise1/play-book-success.png)
+3. Once successful you should see an output similar to this (Cows not included): ![playbook-success](../images/exercise1/play-book-success.png)
 3. You can check to see the projects have been created successfully by running
@@ -294,10 +294,10 @@
 4. Once logged in create a new project called `enablement-ci-cd` and mark it as internal. Once created; copy out the `git url` for use on the next step.
 <p class="tip">
-Note - we would not normally make the project under your name but create an group and add the project there on residency but for simplicity of the exercise we'll do that here
+Note - we would not normally make the project under your name but create a group and add the project there on residency but for simplicity of the exercise we'll do that here
-4. If you have not used Git before; you may need to tell Git who you are and what your email is before we commit. Run the following commands, substitution your email and "Your Name". If you've done this before move on to the next step.
+4. If you have not used Git before; you may need to tell Git who you are and what your email is before we commit. Run the following commands, substituting your email and "Your Name". If you've done this before move on to the next step.
 git config --global ""
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
-    * `<GIT_URL>` is the full path clone path of the repo where this project is stored (including the https && .git)
+    * `<GIT_URL>` is the full clone path of the repo where this project is stored (including the https && .git)
     * `<YOUR_NAME>` is the prefix for your `-ci-cd` project.
     * Explore some of the other parameters in `templates/jenkins-s2i.yml`
     * `<YOUR_LDAP_USERNAME>` is the username builder pod will use to login and clone the repo with
diff --git a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
index c9e6fdd..04b6948 100644
--- a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
+++ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ## Exercise Intro
-This lesson is focused on creating a pipeline for our application. What is a pipeline? A pipeline is a series of steps or stages that takes our code from source to a deployed application. There can be many stages to a pipeline but a simple flow is to run a `build > bake > deploy`. Usually the first stage is trigger by something like a git commit. There could be many steps in each of these stages; such as compiling code, running tests and linting. All of these are done to try and drive up code quality and give more assurance that what is deployed is behaving as expected. In the exercise we will create Jenkins pipeline by configuring it through the UI, this will create an un-gated pathway to production
+This lesson is focused on creating a pipeline for our application. What is a pipeline? A pipeline is a series of steps or stages that takes our code from source to a deployed application. There can be many stages to a pipeline but a simple flow is to run a `build > bake > deploy`. Usually the first stage is triggered by something like a git commit. There could be many steps in each of these stages; such as compiling code, running tests and linting. All of these are done to try and drive up code quality and give more assurance that what is deployed is behaving as expected. In the exercise we will create Jenkins pipeline by configuring it through the UI, this will create an un-gated pathway to production
 First we will explore the sample application and get it running locally. The sample app is a `todolist` app - the `Hello World` app of the modern day.
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 ## 10,000 Ft View
 > _This lab requires users to take the sample TODO app and create a build pipeline in Jenkins by clicking your way to success ending up with an app deployed to each of the namespaces created previously_
-2. Import the projects into your gitlab instance. See README of each for build instructions
+2. Import the projects into your gitlab instance. See the README of each for build instructions
 2. Deploy a `MongoDB` using the provided template to all project namespace.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-2. The `todolist-fe` has a package.json at the root of the project, this defines some configuration for the app including its dependencies, dev dependencies, scripts and other configuration. Install the apps dependencies
+2. The `todolist-fe` has a package.json at the root of the project, this defines some configuration for the app including its dependencies, dev dependencies, scripts and other configuration. Install the app's dependencies
 npm install
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
-2. To run the application; start a new instance of the MongoDB by running the following. This will pull a mongodb image from Dockerhub and then start it for our API to connect to.
+2. To run the application; start a new instance of MongoDB by running the following. This will pull a mongodb image from Dockerhub and then start it for our API to connect to.
 npm run mongo
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 5. Name this job `dev-todolist-fe-build` and select `Freestyle Project`. All our jobs will take the form of `<ENV>-<APP_NAME>-<JOB_PURPOSE>`. ![freestyle-job](../images/exercise2/freestyle-job.png)
-5. The page that loads is the Job Configuration page and it can be returned to at anytime from Jenkins. Let's start configuring our job. To conserve space; we will make sure Jenkins only keeps the last builds artifacts. Tick the `Discard old builds` checkbox, then `Advanced` and set `Max # of builds to keep with artifacts` to 1 as indicated below
+5. The page that loads is the Job Configuration page and it can be returned to at anytime from Jenkins. Let's start configuring our job. To conserve space; we will make sure Jenkins only keeps the last build's artifacts. Tick the `Discard old builds` checkbox, then `Advanced` and set `Max # of builds to keep with artifacts` to 1 as indicated below
 5. Our NodeJS build needs to be run on the `jenkins-slave-npm` we bought in in the previous chapter. Specify this in the box labelled `Restrict where this project can be run` ![label-jenkins-slave](../images/exercise2/label-jenkins-slave.png)
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 5. Back on Jenkins; We can tie all the jobs in the pipeline together into a nice single view using the Build Pipeline view. Back on the Jenkins home screen Click the + beside the all tab on the top.
-5. On the view that loads; Give the new view a sensible name like `dev-todolist-fe-pipeline` and select Build Pipeline
+5. On the view that loads; Give the new view a sensible name like `dev-todolist-fe-pipeline` and select Build Pipeline View
 5. Set the Pipeline Flow's Inital Job to `dev-todolist-fe-build` and save.
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 NOTE - This section is optional! Git webhooks are useful but not needed for Enablement completion.
-7. In order to allow GitLab trigger Jenkins (because of the OpenShift Auth Plugin), we need to allow the `Anonymous` user trigger builds. Head to your Jenkins Dashboard and click on `Manage Jenkins` on the left hand side. Then scroll down and click `Configure Global Security`. Alternatively, type in `https://jenkins-<YOUR_NAME>` . You should see a screen like so:
+7. In order to allow GitLab to trigger Jenkins (because of the OpenShift Auth Plugin), we need to allow the `Anonymous` user triggered builds. Head to your Jenkins Dashboard and click on `Manage Jenkins` on the left hand side. Then scroll down and click `Configure Global Security`. Alternatively, type in `https://jenkins-<YOUR_NAME>` . You should see a screen like so:
 7. Scroll down to the `Authorization` section and allow `Anonymous` to create jobs. Do this by navigating through the matrix of checkboxes and check `Build` and `Cancel` under the Job heading. Leave all other user behaviour as is. Anonymous is the user that GitLab will act as so this allows the WebHook to trigger builds. (The screenshot has been cropped to bring Job further to the left.) Hit `Save` or `Apply`.
diff --git a/exercises/3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/ b/exercises/3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/
index fbf1900..91af32c 100644
--- a/exercises/3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/
+++ b/exercises/3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/
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 ### The TDD Cycle
 1. `Write a test` -
-In TDD a new feature begins by writing a test. Write a test that clearly defines a function or one that provides an improvement to an existing function. It's important the developer clearly understands the features specification and requirements, or the feature could be wrong from the get-go.
+In TDD a new feature begins by writing a test. Write a test that clearly defines a function or one that provides an improvement to an existing function. It's important the developer clearly understands the feature's specification and requirements, or the feature could be wrong from the get-go.
 2. `Test Fails` -
 When a test is first implemented it is expected to fail. This failure validates the test is working correctly as the feature is yet to be implemented.
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 #### 2b - Create todolist-fe tests
 > Using [Jest]( as our test runner and the `vue-test-utils` library for managing our vue components; we will now write some tests for front end functionality to persist our important-flag. The changes required to the front end are quite large but we will use TDD to create our test first, then implement the functionality.
-Our TodoList App uses `vuex` to manage the state of the apps' todos and `axios` HTTP library to connect to the backend. `Vuex` is an opinionated framework for managing application state and has some key design features you will need to know to continue with the exercise.
+Our TodoList App uses `vuex` to manage the state of the app's todos and `axios` HTTP library to connect to the backend. `Vuex` is an opinionated framework for managing application state and has some key design features you will need to know to continue with the exercise.
 In `vuex` the application state is managed by a `store`. The `store` houses all the todos we have retrieved from the backend as well as the `getter` methods for our array of `todos`. In order to make changes to the store, we could call the store directly and update each todo item but as earlier said; vuex is an opinionated module with its own way of updating the store. It is bad practice to call the store directly.
-There are two parts of the lifecycle to updating the store, the `actions` & `mutations`. When the user clicks a todo to mark it as complete; the `actions` are called. An action could involve a call to the backend or some pre-processing of the data. Once this is done, the change is committed to the store by calling the `mutation` function. A store should only ever be manipulated through a mutation function. Calling the mutation will then update the todo object in the apps local store for rendering in the view.
+There are two parts of the lifecycle to updating the store, the `actions` & `mutations`. When the user clicks a todo to mark it as complete; the `actions` are called. An action could involve a call to the backend or some pre-processing of the data. Once this is done, the change is committed to the store by calling the `mutation` function. A store should only ever be manipulated through a mutation function. Calling the mutation will then update the todo object in the app's local store for rendering in the view.
 For example; when marking a todo as done in the UI, the following flow occurs
   * The `TodoItem.vue` calls the `markTodoDone()` function which dispatches an event to the store.
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     * The `<script></script>` contains the JavaScript of our component and is essentially the logic for our component. It defines things like `properties`, `methods` and other `components`
     * The `<style></style>` contains the encapsulated CSS of our component
-3. Underneath the `</md-list-item>` tag, let's add a new md-button. Add a `.important-flag` class on the `md-button` and put the svg of the flag provided inside it.
+3. Underneath the `</md-list-item>` tag, let's add a new md-button. Add an `.important-flag` class on the `md-button` and put the svg of the flag provided inside it.
     <!-- TODO - SVG for use in Exercise3 -->
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
-3. More tests should now be passing. Let's wire the click of the flag to an event in Javascript. In the methods section of the `<script></script>` tags in the Vue file, implement the `markImportant()`. We want to wire this to the action to updateTodo, just like we have in the `markCompleted()` call above it. We also need to pass and additional property to this method call `important`
+3. More tests should now be passing. Let's wire the click of the flag to an event in Javascript. In the methods section of the `<script></script>` tags in the Vue file, implement the `markImportant()`. We want to wire this to the action to updateTodo, just like we have in the `markCompleted()` call above it. We also need to pass an additional property to this method called `important`
     markImportant() {
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
-3. Let's connect the click button in the DOM to the Javascript function we've just created. In the template, add a click handler to the md-button to call the function `markImportant()` by adding ` @click="markImportant()"` to the `<md-button> tag
+3. Let's connect the click button in the DOM to the Javascript function we've just created. In the template, add a click handler to the md-button to call the function `markImportant()` by adding ` @click="markImportant()"` to the `<md-button>` tag
     <!-- TODO - SVG for use in Exercise3 -->
     <md-button class="important-flag" @click="markImportant()">
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
-3. Finally, let's implement the `mutation` for our feature. Again, starting with the tests..... Open the `tests/unit/javascript/mutations.spec.js` to find our skeleton tests at the bottom of the file. Our mutation method is responsible for toggling the todo's `important` property between `true` and `false`. Let's implement the tests for this functionality by setting important to be true and calling the method expecting the inverse. Then let's set it to false and call the method expecting the inverse. Add the expectations below the `// TODO - test goes here!` comment as done previously.
+3. Finally, let's implement the `mutation` for our feature. Again, starting with the tests... Open the `tests/unit/javascript/mutations.spec.js` to find our skeleton tests at the bottom of the file. Our mutation method is responsible for toggling the todo's `important` property between `true` and `false`. Let's implement the tests for this functionality by setting important to be true and calling the method expecting the inverse. Then let's set it to false and call the method expecting the inverse. Add the expectations below the `// TODO - test goes here!` comment as done previously.
   it("it should MARK_TODO_IMPORTANT as false", () => {
     state.todos = importantTodos;
diff --git a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
index ea36abc..45849a5 100644
--- a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
+++ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## 10,000 Ft View
 > The goal of this exercise is to move to using the Jenkinsfile in the todolist-api and todolist-fe projects. Additionally we will create new slaves for use in the next exercise.
-2. On Jenkins; create a multibranch pipeline project to scan the GitLab endpoint for each app. Use the Jenkinsfile provided to run the stages. Replace the `<YOUR_NAME>` with appropriate variable.
+2. On Jenkins; create a multibranch pipeline project to scan the GitLab endpoint for each app. Use the Jenkinsfile provided to run the stages. Replace `<YOUR_NAME>` with the appropriate variable.
 2. Create two new Jenkins slaves for the `OWASP ZAP` scanner and the `Arachni` WebCrawler
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
     * `stage {}` all jobs must have one stage. This is the logical part of the build that will be executed e.g. `bake-image`
     * `steps {}` each `stage` has one or more steps involved. These could be execute shell or git checkout etc.
     * `agent {}` specifies the node the build should be run on e.g. `jenkins-slave-npm`
-    * `post {}` hook is used to specify the post-build-actions. Jenkins declarative provides very useful callbacks for `success`, `failure` and `always` which are useful for controlling the job flow
-    * `when {}` is used for flow control. It can be used at stage level and be used to stop pipeline entering that stage. e.g. when branch is master; deploy to `test` environment.
+    * `post {}` hook is used to specify the post-build-actions. Jenkins declarative pipeline syntax provides very useful callbacks for `success`, `failure` and `always` which are useful for controlling the job flow
+    * `when {}` is used for flow control. It can be used at the stage level and be used to stop pipeline entering that stage. e.g. when branch is master; deploy to `test` environment.
 2. The Jenkinsfile is mostly complete to do all the testing etc that was done in previous exercises. Some minor changes will be needed to orchestrate namespaces. Find and replace all instances of `<YOUR_NAME>` in the Jenkinsfile. Update the `<GIT_USERNAME>` to the one you login to the cluster with; this variable is used in the namespace of your git projects when checking out code etc. Ensure the `GITLAB_DOMAIN` matches your git host.
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 2. Set the `Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers` to be periodic and the interval to 1 minute. This will poll the GitLab instance for new branches or change sets to build.
-2. Save the Job configuration to run the intial scan. The log will show scans for `master` and `develop` branch which have no `Jenkinsfile` so are skipped. The resulting view will show the `feature/jenkinsfile` job corresponding the only branch that currently has one. The build should run automatically.
+2. Save the Job configuration to run the intial scan. The log will show scans for `master` and `develop` branches, which have no `Jenkinsfile` so are skipped. The resulting view will show the `feature/jenkinsfile` job corresponding the only branch that currently has one. The build should run automatically.
 2. The pipeline file is setup to only run `bake` & `deploy` stages when on `master` or `develop` branch. This is to provide us with very fast feedback for team members working on feature or bug fix branches. Each time someone commits or creates a new branch a basic build with testing occurs to give very rapid feedback to the team. Let's now update our  `master` and `develop` branches to include the Jenkinsfile and delete the feature branch.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
  - Add the multi-branch configuration to the S2I to have Jenkins come alive with the `todolist-api` and `-fe` configuration cooked into it for future uses.
 Jenkins Pipeline Extension
- - Add an extension to the pipeline that promotes code to UAT environment once the master job has been successful.
+ - Add an extension to the pipeline that promotes code to the UAT environment once the master job has been successful.
  - Use a WAIT to allow for manual input to approve the promotion
 Jenkins e2e extension (blue/green)
diff --git a/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/ b/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
index 35a63b0..5a80750 100644
--- a/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
+++ b/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
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 There are many tools out there for supporting these testing types but often they are left to the end of a delivery. Many traditional projects will leave Performance testing or security sign off to a few weeks before Go Live. This raises the question of what do we do if things do not pass these tests? Do we hold off the Go Live or accept the risk? In most cases we can learn earlier if things will be show stoppers and more importantly we can automate them.
-For example; imagine a developer called `Sam` has checked in some poor performing function into an API that spikes its response time. Let's call this `Sam Code`. This `Sam Code` may not be caught by our Unit Tests but could have very big impact on application usability. Before building code on top this and it becoming more of an issue at the end of a project; we could code and capture metrics around API response time and track these over time and hopefully spot regressions earlier.
+For example; imagine a developer called `Sam` has checked in some poorly performing function into an API that spikes its response time. Let's call this `Sam Code`. This `Sam Code` may not be caught by our Unit Tests but could have very big impact on application usability. Before building code on top this and it becoming more of an issue at the end of a project; we could code and capture metrics around API response time and track these over time and hopefully spot regressions earlier.
 Another one of the age old questions is "How do we know we're testing enough?". Well the simple answer is you can never do enough testing! But how do we know we are testing the right things? Code coverage metrics can be run on our application while running the tests. They can identify what files are being tested and a line by line of how many times a test executes against a block of code. Reporting these metrics in our pipeline gives a greater handle on the quality of our testing.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 2. Open the `todolist-fe` application's `Jenkinsfile` in your favourite editor. The file is stored in the root of the project.
-2. The file is layed out with a collection of stages that correspond to each part of our build as seen below. We will create a new stage to execute in parallel.
+2. The file is laid out with a collection of stages that correspond to each part of our build as seen below. We will create a new stage to execute in parallel.
 2. Create a new Parallel Stage called `security scanning` underneath the `stage("e2e test") { }` section as shown below. The contents of the `e2e test` have been removed for simplicity.
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
-2.  Finally add the reporting for Jenkins in `post` hook of our Declarative Pipeline. This is to report the findings of the scan in Jenkins as a HTML report.
+2.  Finally add the reporting for Jenkins in `post` hook of our Declarative Pipeline. This is to report the findings of the scan in Jenkins as an HTML report.
 stage('OWASP Scan') {
     agent {
diff --git a/exercises/6-return-of-the-app-monitoring/ b/exercises/6-return-of-the-app-monitoring/
index 3dc3dd4..5e034bb 100644
--- a/exercises/6-return-of-the-app-monitoring/
+++ b/exercises/6-return-of-the-app-monitoring/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## 10,000 Ft View
-> The goal of this exercise is to introduce Build Monitors to radiate teams progress on Dashboards.
+> The goal of this exercise is to introduce Build Monitors to radiate team's progress on Dashboards.
 2. Create a new Dashboard for our Builds using the plugin above. Use Regex to add jobs to it. Use the BuildFail Analyser to add meaningful data to the reason for failures.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 2. Check the box to use Regular Expression and set the value to be something that should scrape our apps such as `.*todolist.*` 
-2. Finally; select `Display committers` and set the Failure Analyser to `Description`. This allows us to write regex for when fails occur in Jenkins and have the reasons plotted on the graph. For example; number of test scores or common compilation errors. 
+2. Finally; select `Display committers` and set the Failure Analyser to `Description`. This allows us to write regexes for when failures occur in Jenkins and have the reasons plotted on the graph. For example; number of test scores or common compilation errors. 
 2. Save your configuration to see your Build Monitor! 
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
-2. We can save up these regex and inject them into the `jenkins-s2i` so the configuration is there the next time we launch and we don't have to code them up again. In `enablement-ci-cd` repo; the `jenkins-s2i/configuration/build-failure-analyzer.xml` already contains ones we've collected on previous residencies.
+2. We can save up these regexes and inject them into the `jenkins-s2i` so the configuration is there the next time we launch and we don't have to code them up again. In `enablement-ci-cd` repo; the `jenkins-s2i/configuration/build-failure-analyzer.xml` already contains ones we've collected on previous residencies.
 ### Part 3 - Seed Jenkins Dashboards
 > _TODO - Add instructions for creating dashboards as part of s2i in Jenkins setup using DSL_
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index 99cb1cb..1abdc04 100644
--- a/exercises/
+++ b/exercises/
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-This is a collection of practices and exercises to take a learner through a four day simulated residency experience. Learners can expect to be exposed to labs practices such as [Event Storming](, [Social Contract]( and [Impact Mapping]( amoung many more which can be found in our [Practice Library]( Learners will also be exposed to `Labs CI/CD` - how we use OpenShift & Ansible in conjunction with Jenkins to automate build and deploy of a sample todolist application and its required infrastructure.
+This is a collection of practices and exercises to take a learner through a four day simulated residency experience. Learners can expect to be exposed to labs practices such as [Event Storming](, [Social Contract]( and [Impact Mapping]( among many more which can be found in our [Practice Library]( Learners will also be exposed to `Labs CI/CD` - how we use OpenShift & Ansible in conjunction with Jenkins to automate build and deploy of a sample todolist application and its required infrastructure.
 ## Learner pre-requisites
  - OCP CLI v3.9
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  - Docker latest
  - JDK v8
  - Access to an OpenShift cluster `oc login -u <username> -p <password> <cluster_url>`
- - Text editor such as Atom, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code (The exercise were created using VSCode, so the screenshots will match its layout and colour schemes)
+ - Text editor such as Atom, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code (The exercises were created using VSCode, so the screenshots will match its layout and colour schemes)
 > (TODO) Download the tools-container containing required Ansible and OpenShift tooling pre-installed

Gitblit v1.9.3