var app = angular.module('items', ['ngResource', 'ngGrid', 'ui.bootstrap']); // Create a controller with name itemListController to bind to the grid section. app.controller('itemsListController', function ($scope, $rootScope, itemService) { // Initialize required information: sorting, the first page to show and the grid options. $scope.sortInfo = {fields: ['id'], directions: ['asc']}; $scope.items = {currentPage: 1}; $scope.gridOptions = { data: 'items.list', useExternalSorting: true, sortInfo: $scope.sortInfo, columnDefs: [ { field: 'id', displayName: 'Id' }, { field: 'description', displayName: 'Description' }, { field: 'done', displayName: 'Done' }, { field: '', width: 30, cellTemplate: '' } ], multiSelect: false, selectedItems: [], // Broadcasts an event when a row is selected, to signal the form that it needs to load the row data. afterSelectionChange: function (rowItem) { if (rowItem.selected) { $rootScope.$broadcast('itemselected', $scope.gridOptions.selectedItems[0].id); } } }; // Refresh the grid, calling the appropriate rest method. $scope.refreshGrid = function () { var listitemsArgs = { page: $scope.items.currentPage, sortFields: $scope.sortInfo.fields[0], sortDirections: $scope.sortInfo.directions[0] }; itemService.get(listitemsArgs, function (data) { $scope.items = data; }) }; // Broadcast an event when an element in the grid is deleted. No real deletion is perfomed at this point. $scope.deleteRow = function (row) { $rootScope.$broadcast('deleteitem',; }; // Watch the sortInfo variable. If changes are detected than we need to refresh the grid. // This also works for the first page access, since we assign the initial sorting in the initialize section. $scope.$watch('sortInfo.fields[0]', function () { $scope.refreshGrid(); }, true); $scope.$watch('sortInfo.directions[0]', function () { $scope.refreshGrid(); }, true); // Do something when the grid is sorted. // The grid throws the ngGridEventSorted that gets picked up here and assigns the sortInfo to the scope. // This will allow to watch the sortInfo in the scope for changed and refresh the grid. $scope.$on('ngGridEventSorted', function (event, sortInfo) { $scope.sortInfo = sortInfo; }); // Picks the event broadcasted when a item is saved or deleted to refresh the grid elements with the most // updated information. $scope.$on('refreshGrid', function () { $scope.refreshGrid(); }); // Picks the event broadcasted when the form is cleared to also clear the grid selection. $scope.$on('clear', function () { $scope.gridOptions.selectAll(false); }); }); // Create a controller with name itemsFormController to bind to the form section. app.controller('itemsFormController', function ($scope, $rootScope, itemService) { // Clears the form. Either by clicking the 'Clear' button in the form, or when a successful save is performed. $scope.clearForm = function () { $scope.item = null; // Resets the form validation state. $scope.itemForm.$setPristine(); // Broadcast the event to also clear the grid selection. $rootScope.$broadcast('clear'); }; // Calls the rest method to save a item. $scope.updateItem = function () {$scope.item).$promise.then( function () { // Broadcast the event to refresh the grid. $rootScope.$broadcast('refreshGrid'); // Broadcast the event to display a save message. $rootScope.$broadcast('itemsaved'); // XXX Generates null error in browser ?!? $scope.clearForm(); }, function () { // Broadcast the event for a server error. $rootScope.$broadcast('error'); }); }; // Picks up the event broadcasted when the item is selected from the grid and perform the item load by calling // the appropiate rest service. $scope.$on('itemselected', function (event, id) { $scope.item = itemService.get({id: id}); }); // Picks us the event broadcasted when the item is deleted from the grid and perform the actual item delete by // calling the appropiate rest service. $scope.$on('deleteitem', function (event, id) { itemService.delete({id: id}).$promise.then( function () { // Broadcast the event to refresh the grid. $rootScope.$broadcast('refreshGrid'); // Broadcast the event to display a delete message. $rootScope.$broadcast('itemDeleted'); $scope.clearForm(); }, function () { // Broadcast the event for a server error. $rootScope.$broadcast('error'); }); }); }); // Create a controller with name alertMessagesController to bind to the feedback messages section. app.controller('alertMessagesController', function ($scope) { // Picks up the event to display a saved message. $scope.$on('itemSaved', function () { $scope.alerts = [ { type: 'success', msg: 'Record saved successfully!' } ]; }); // Picks up the event to display a deleted message. $scope.$on('itemDeleted', function () { $scope.alerts = [ { type: 'success', msg: 'Record deleted successfully!' } ]; }); // Picks up the event to display a server error message. $scope.$on('error', function () { $scope.alerts = [ { type: 'danger', msg: 'There was a problem in the server!' } ]; }); $scope.closeAlert = function (index) { $scope.alerts.splice(index, 1); }; }); // Service that provides items operations app.factory('itemService', function ($resource) { return $resource('http://_BACKEND_/todo/api/items/:id'); }); // Create a controller that handles host information app.controller('hostController', function ($scope, hostService) { $ = hostService.get(); }); //Service that provides host operations app.factory('hostService', function ($resource) { return $resource('http://_BACKEND_/todo/api/host', null, { 'get': { method:'GET' } }); });