var express = require('express'), app = express(); var port = process.env.PORT || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8080, ip = process.env.IP || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || ''; var route = express.Router(); // global var to track app health var healthy = true; app.use('/', route); // A route that says hello route.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('Hello! This is the index page for the app.\n'); }); // A route that returns readiness status // simulates readiness 30 seconds after start up route.get('/ready', function(req, res) { var now = Math.floor( / 1000); var lapsed = now - started; if (lapsed > 30) { console.log('ping /ready => pong [ready]'); res.send('Ready for service requests...\n'); } else { console.log('ping /ready => pong [notready]'); res.status(503); res.send('Error! Service not ready for requests...\n'); } }); // A route that returns health status route.get('/healthz', function(req, res) { if (healthy) { console.log('ping /healthz => pong [healthy]'); res.send('OK\n'); } else { console.log('ping /healthz => pong [unhealthy]'); res.status(503); res.send('Error!. App not healthy!\n'); } }); // This route handles switching the state of the app route.route('/flip').get(function(req, res) { var flag = req.query.op; if (flag == "kill") { console.log('Received kill request. Changing app state to unhealthy...'); healthy = false; res.send('Switched app state to unhealthy...\n'); } else if (flag == "awaken") { console.log('Received awaken request. Changing app state to healthy...'); healthy = true; res.send('Switched app state to healthy...\n'); } else { res.send('Error! unknown flag...\n'); } }); app.listen(port, ip); console.log('nodejs server running on http://%s:%s', ip, port); var started = Math.floor( / 1000); module.exports = app;