package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; public class TodoMap { Map todoMap; static Integer count = 0; TodoItem item; Scanner scn; public TodoMap() { this.todoMap = new HashMap(); } public void addTodo() { String ans = "Y"; do { item = new TodoItem(); count++; scn = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter item description:"); item.setItem(scn.nextLine()); System.out.println("Is todo item completed? [Y/N]:"); String state = scn.nextLine(); String status = ""; if (state.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'Y') status = Status.COMPLETED.toString(); else status = Status.PENDING.toString(); item.setStatus(status); todoMap.put(new Integer(count), item); System.out.println("Do you want to add more items[Y/N]"); ans =; } while(ans.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); } public void printTodo() { System.out.println("---- There are " + todoMap.size() + " items in the list ----"); for (Integer key : todoMap.keySet()) { System.out .println(key + " - " + todoMap.get(key).getItem() + " - " + todoMap.get(key).getStatus()); } } public void completeTodo(int key) { if (todoMap.get(key).getStatus().equals(Status.COMPLETED.toString())) { System.out.println("This item is already COMPLETED.\n"); } else { item = new TodoItem(); String i = todoMap.get(key).getItem(); item.setItem(i); item.setStatus(Status.COMPLETED.toString()); todoMap.replace(key, item); System.out.println("Marked item #" +key+ " as COMPLETE.\n"); printTodo(); } } public void deleteTodo(int id) { System.out.println("Enter id of item to be deleted"); scn = new Scanner(; todoMap.remove(id); System.out.println("Item removed\n"); } public void findItemTodo(int id) { System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println(id + " - " + todoMap.get(id).getItem() + " - " + todoMap.get(id).getStatus()); } }