= ocp-workload-Vert.x-Reactica == Overview This ansible playbook role are used to deploy a demo on RHPDS. Instructions below here are for developing and testing the playbook. To run the demo go to https://rhpds.redhat.com and search the catalog for **Reactica Demo**. === Purpose This roles create a reactive demo called Reactica that is show-casing an event based reactive application using Eclipse Vert.x, Red Hat AMQ and Red Hat DataGrid. For more details about the demo please see (https://github.com/reactica/rhte-demo)[https://github.com/reactica/rhte-demo] === Deploy a Workload with the `ocp-workload` playbook To deploy an new version of the demo to an environment please use the following script: ---- #!/bin/sh HOST_GUID=dev310 TARGET_HOST="bastion.$HOST_GUID.openshift.opentlc.com" OCP_USERNAME="xxxx-redhat.com" SSH_USER="opentlc-mgr" SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="id_rsa" GUID="XXXX" WORKLOAD="ocp-workload-vertx-reactica" ansible-playbook -v -i ${TARGET_HOST}, ./configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \ -e"ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" \ -e"ansible_ssh_user=${SSH_USER}" \ -e"ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH=`pwd`" \ -e"ocp_username=${OCP_USERNAME}" \ -e"ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD}" \ -e"guid=${GUID}" \ -e"ocp_user_needs_quota=true" \ -e"ocp_master=master.${HOST_GUID}.openshift.opentlc.com" \ -e"ocp_apps_domain=apps.${HOST_GUID}.openshift.opentlc.com" \ -e"ACTION=create" ---- IMPORTANT: You need to replace the **HOST_GUID**, **GUID** and **OCP_USERNAME** with your own credentials and you need access to the bastion host using your private SSH key. Please contact rhpds-admin@redhat.com for getting access. === To Delete the demo To remove the demo from the shared cluster run the following script: ---- #!/bin/sh HOST_GUID=dev310 TARGET_HOST="bastion.$HOST_GUID.openshift.opentlc.com" OCP_USERNAME="xxxx-redhat.com" SSH_USER="opentlc-mgr" SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="id_rsa" GUID="XXXX" WORKLOAD="ocp-workload-vertx-reactica" ansible-playbook -v -i ${TARGET_HOST}, ./configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \ -e"ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" \ -e"ansible_ssh_user=${SSH_USER}" \ -e"ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH=`pwd`" \ -e"ocp_username=${OCP_USERNAME}" \ -e"ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD}" \ -e"guid=${GUID}" \ -e"ocp_user_needs_quota=true" \ -e"ocp_master=master.${HOST_GUID}.openshift.opentlc.com" \ -e"ocp_apps_domain=apps.${HOST_GUID}.openshift.opentlc.com" \ -e"ACTION=remove" ---- IMPORTANT: You need to replace the **HOST_GUID**, **GUID** and **OCP_USERNAME** with your own credentials and you need access to the bastion host using your private SSH key. Please contact rhpds-admin@redhat.com for getting access.