--- - name: Check BusinessCentral is running command: > oc rollout status DeploymentConfig/rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr --watch=true -n "{{ _namespace }}" - name: Check KieServer is running command: > oc rollout status DeploymentConfig/rhpam-authoring-kieserver --watch=true -n "{{ _namespace }}" - name: Get Business Central route host command: > oc get route/rhpam-authoring-rhpamcentr -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}' -n "{{ _namespace }}" register: businesscentral_host retries: "{{ _retry }}" delay: "{{ _delay }}" until: businesscentral_host.stdout != "" - name: Get Business Central route host command: > oc get route/rhpam-authoring-kieserver -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}' -n "{{ _namespace }}" register: kieserver_host retries: "{{ _retry }}" delay: "{{ _delay }}" until: kieserver_host.stdout != "" - name: Wait for Business Central route to respond with 200 uri: url: "https://{{ businesscentral_host.stdout }}" method: GET validate_certs: false follow_redirects: yes register: bizcentralresult retries: "{{ _retry }}" delay: "{{ _delay }}" until: bizcentralresult.status == 200 - name: Wait for Kie Server route to respond with 200 uri: url: "https://{{ kieserver_host.stdout }}/services/rest/server" method: GET validate_certs: false follow_redirects: yes user: "{{ _namespace }}" password: "{{ _account_password }}" force_basic_auth: true register: kieserverresult retries: "{{ _retry }}" delay: "{{ _delay }}" until: kieserverresult.status == 200 - name: Check proactive-fraud-detection-case responds with 201 uri: url: "https://{{ kieserver_host.stdout }}/services/rest/server/containers/{{ _kie_container_id }}/cases/proactivefrauddetectioncase.fraud-case/instances" method: POST body: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/files/businessautomation/payload.xml') | string }}" validate_certs: false follow_redirects: yes user: "{{ _namespace }}" password: "{{ _account_password }}" force_basic_auth: true status_code: 201 headers: Accept: application/xml Content-Type: application/xml X-KIE-ContentType: XSTREAM register: kiedeployresult retries: "{{ _retry }}" delay: "{{ _delay }}" until: kiedeployresult.status == 201