--- # Set this to true if you need to create a new project in OpenStack # This should almost always be set to true for OpenShift installations # If it is set to false, the {{ osp_project_name }} must already exist and # should be able to run whatever you are deploying osp_project_create: true # If osp_project_create is set to yes, define those: # Quotas to set for new project that is created quota_num_instances: 15 quota_num_cores: 72 quota_memory: 131072 # in MB quota_num_volumes: 25 quota_volumes_gigs: 500 #quota_loadbalancers: #when Octavia is available #quota_pool: #when Octavia is available quota_networks: 3 quota_subnets: 3 quota_routers: 3 quota_fip: 5 quota_sg: 10 quota_sg_rules: 100