= CloudFormation template generation When creating a config, you can either have the config under the `configs/{{env_type}}/files/cloud_providers/ec2_cloud_template.j2`, or use the default template. If you choose to use the default template, you can still customize it to your needs. Have a look at the link:../../configs/just-some-nodes-example/env_vars.yml[env_vars.yml] file from the link:../../configs/just-some-nodes-example/[just-some-nodes-example] config. === Current status and features of the default template Resources created by the default template: * Instances ** [x] ElasticIP ** [x] Storage * DNS ** Mandatory Variables: *** `subdomain_base`: the AWS top-level Zone to update, for example `.openshift.opentlc.com` ** [ ] TODO: Public DNS Zone *** [ ] TODO: Allow route53User to access only the delegated zone ** [x] Internal DNS Zone ** [x] Cloud DNS load balancer records * [x] SecurityGroup ** [x] SecurityGroup rules * [x] Subnet * [ ] TODO: S3 Buckets ** [ ] TODO: Create a bucket and a user that has access to it == Security Groups The default template comes with 2 default security groups: * DefaultSG (allow all connections from the bastion) * BastionSG (allow SSH and mosh connection from the internet) Have a look at link:defaults/main.yml[defaults/main.yml]. You can add more security group using the `security_groups` variables. Then you can pick the security group**s** you want for any of the instances defined in the `instances` list.