--- osp_default_rootfs_size: 30 opentlc_admin_pub_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3Avw03Dmh1R2QWQ4CV7JgEsXnHQjNhfppD5aZmh0q/64p6lW+2oNKTT7fVQcrsdmlJwrMd5apkUGrOcq0hHXQMEVZEKUmEjko2BqD5A9/zNX7apObW88bFFfgxc91lOT+e+wfCFsrr3b2SJ3+KL6nTBJV7Lf46i6z86vhiDPjqL7U9kTS+bK9ldU20vpn8h+ZAIaiafVWfjihUjhNpcUY46klixV1YcAkBGCbE+YR6RAAc6vWy0zB3YJnTUl9OFt213ofi1qjuWKVMmOxORxPKB4/JQ+hfAsCMysoVFnFYs10dWxaySK63OgY9uLNyaIwkEaVVIfcViRVm0DZfoNH gucore - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCvZvn+GL0wTOsAdh1ikIQoqj2Fw/RA6F14O347rgKdpkgOQpGQk1k2gM8wcla2Y1o0bPIzwlNy1oh5o9uNjZDMeDcEXWuXbu0cRBy4pVRhh8a8zAZfssnqoXHHLyPyHWpdTmgIhr0UIGYrzHrnySAnUcDp3gJuE46UEBtrlyv94cVvZf+EZUTaZ+2KjTRLoNryCn7vKoGHQBooYg1DeHLcLSRWEADUo+bP0y64+X/XTMZOAXbf8kTXocqAgfl/usbYdfLOgwU6zWuj8vxzAKuMEXS1AJSp5aeqRKlbbw40IkTmLoQIgJdb2Zt98BH/xHDe9xxhscUCfWeS37XLp75J backdoor_opentlc_key all_ssh_authorized_keys: "{{ opentlc_admin_pub_keys + [user_pub_key|d()] }}" default_security_groups: - name: BastionSG description: >- Bastion security group allows basic ICMP and SSH adn Mosh ingress and egress to * rules: - name: SSHPublic description: "Public Access for bastions" from_port: 22 to_port: 22 protocol: tcp cidr: "" rule_type: Ingress - name: DefaultSG description: >- Default SG to allow ICMP and everything from bastion, and from inside default SG rules: - name: FromBastionTCP description: "Allow everything from Bastion" from_port: 1 to_port: 65535 protocol: tcp from_group: BastionSG rule_type: Ingress - name: FromBastionUDP description: "Allow everything from Bastion" from_port: 1 to_port: 65535 protocol: udp from_group: BastionSG rule_type: Ingress # Environment specific security groups security_groups: [] # A list of the private networks and subnets to create in the project # You can create as many as you want, but at least one is required. # Use the name of the networks where appropriate in the instance list networks: - name: default shared: "false" subnet_cidr: gateway_ip: allocation_start: allocation_end: dns_nameservers: [] create_router: true # The external network in OpenStack where the floating IPs (FIPs) come from provider_network: external default_metadata: owner: "{{ email | default('unknownuser') }}" Project: "{{ project_tag }}" guid: "{{ guid }}" env_type: "{{ env_type }}"