--- # Sample configuration file. # Make a copy (e.g. my_sample_vars.yml) and change the settings to match your environment. # # Usage: # # ansible-playbook main.yml -e @configs/simple-example/my_sample_vars.yml -e @my_secret_vars.yml # # To destroy your deployment: # # ansible-playbook destroy.yml -e @configs/simple-example/my_sample_vars.yml -e @my_secret_vars.yml # env_type: simple-example # Name of config to deploy output_dir: /tmp/workdir # Writable working scratch directory node_instance_count: 2 # Number of nodes to deploy email: name@example.com # User info for notifications guid: guid02 # Unique string used in FQDN subdomain_base_suffix: .example.opentlc.com # Your domain used in FQDN # Path to yum repos own_repo_path: http://admin.example.com/repos/version # Cloud specfic settings - example given here for AWS cloud_provider: ec2 # Which AgnosticD Cloud Provider to use aws_region: us-east-1 # AWS Region to deploy in HostedZoneId: Z3IHLWJZOU9SRT # You will need to change this key_name: ocpkey # Keyname must exist in AWS # DANGER ZONE # # AWS Credentials. These are required (don't sync them to your fork!!) # aws_access_key_id: # aws_secret_access_key: # Create a file e.g. agnosticd/ansible/my_secret_vars.yml and put all your keys etc into it. #