--- cloudformation_retries: 0 ## Environment size bastion_instance_type: "t2.medium" tower_instance_type: "t2.medium" worker_instance_type: "t2.medium" support_instance_type: "t2.medium" root_filesystem_size: 20 #Size of the root filesystem # Env config basics env_type: ans-tower-prod # Name of config to deploy output_dir: /tmp # Writable working scratch directory email: name@example.com # User info for notifications #guid: hwtest2 # Unique string used in FQDN # AWS specific subdomain_base_suffix: .example.opentlc.com # Your domain used in FQDN # Path to yum repos (Will be overwritten by the last -e@ file, such as ../secrets.yml) own_repo_path: http://admin.example.com/repos/product # Cloud specfic settings - example given here for AWS cloud_provider: ec2 # Which AgnosticD Cloud Provider to use aws_region: ap-southeast-2 # AWS Region to deploy in HostedZoneId: Z3IHLWJZOU9SRT # You will need to change this key_name: ocpkey # Keyname must exist in AWS #Ansible Tower related vars tower_version: 3.5.0-1 # tower version you want to install region: apac # region can not be with special characters in case of isolated node group software_to_deploy: tower # Define tower to install tower or none to have only infra ready. worker: no # Set yes to add isolated node group. worker_instance_count: 0 # Set 0 to not to provision worker(isolated) nodes. tower_license: > { "eula_accepted": true, "company_name": "Red Hat", "contact_email": "name@redhat.com", "contact_name": "some person" "hostname": "70a415ef832159a36413fa599", "instance_count": 50, "license_date": 16581423619, "license_key": "eea1b84d1e39cfEXAMPLE5739066069e60c6d0aEXAMPLE2c29cc61b2aEXAMPLE", "license_type": "enterprise", "subscription_name": "Ansible Tower by Red Hat (50 Managed Nodes), RHT Internal", "trial": true }