--- - import_playbook: ../../setup_runtime.yml - name: Backup event log of the user hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: False become: no environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}" AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}" tasks: - name: Create Infra Key include_role: name: infra-ec2-ssh-key when: install_infra_ssh_key | default(false) | bool - name: Get fact for stack cloudformation_facts: stack_name: "{{ project_tag }}" register: stack_facts - when: project_tag in stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation block: - name: Grab and set stack creation_time set_fact: stack_creation_time: >- {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_description.creation_time }} stack_status: >- {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_description.stack_status }} - when: stack_status == "CREATE_COMPLETE" block: - name: Grab student user set_fact: student_stack_user: >- {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_outputs.StudentUser }} - name: Backup event log for user shell: >- aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=Username,AttributeValue={{ student_stack_user }} --start-time {{ stack_creation_time }} --max-items 10000 > {{ output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_cloudtrail_event_log.json when: - email is defined or owner is defined - run_cloudtrail | default(true) | bool failed_when: false - name: Build inventory hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: False become: no tasks: - when: cloud_provider == 'ec2' block: - name: Run infra-ec2-create-inventory Role include_role: name: infra-ec2-create-inventory - name: Run Common SSH Config Generator Role include_role: name: infra-common-ssh-config-generate when: "'bastions' in groups" - import_playbook: ../../setup_runtime.yml - name: Start clientVM and cluster instances if they are stopped hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: False become: no environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}" AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}" tasks: - when: - stack_status is defined - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE' block: - set_fact: clientvm_id: "{{ hostvars[groups.bastions[0]].instance_id }}" when: - "'bastions' in groups" - groups.bastions | length > 0 - fail: msg: "No clientVM present" when: >- 'bastions' not in groups or groups.bastions | length == 0 - when: - stack_status is defined - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE' block: - name: Start clientVM instance command: "aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids '{{clientvm_id}}'" register: _startclientvm until: _startclientvm is succeeded retries: 10 delay: "{{ 60|random(start=3, step=1) }}" - name: Get cluster instance Ids command: >- aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:clusterid,Values={{ cluster_name }}" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=pending,running,shutting-down,stopping,stopped" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId' --output text changed_when: false # Sometimes deployment fails before any OCP instances is created, so comment this line: # failed_when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length == 0 register: instanceids until: instanceids is succeeded retries: 10 delay: "{{ 60|random(start=3, step=1) }}" - name: Start cluster instances when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length > 0 command: >- aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {{ instanceids.stdout | trim }} register: _startinstances until: _startinstances is succeeded retries: 10 delay: "{{ 60|random(start=3, step=1) }}" - name: Wait for clientVM instance command: "aws ec2 wait instance-running --instance-ids '{{clientvm_id}}'" - name: Wait for cluster instances when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length > 0 ignore_errors: true command: >- aws ec2 wait instance-running --filters "Name=tag:clusterid,Values={{ cluster_name }}" - name: Remove workloads hosts: bastions gather_facts: false run_once: true become: false tasks: - name: Set Ansible Python interpreter to k8s virtualenv set_fact: ansible_python_interpreter: /opt/virtualenvs/k8s/bin/python - name: Remove ocp workloads when: - remove_workloads | d("") | length > 0 tags: - remove_workloads block: - name: Set facts for remote access set_fact: ansible_ssh_extra_args: >- {{ ansible_ssh_extra_args|d() }} -F {{hostvars.localhost.output_dir}}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf - name: Invoke roles to remove ocp workloads include_role: name: "{{ workload_loop_var }}" vars: ocp_username: "system:admin" ACTION: "remove" loop: "{{ remove_workloads }}" loop_control: loop_var: workload_loop_var - name: Destroy OCP 4 resources using the installer hosts: bastions gather_facts: false become: no run_once: yes tasks: - when: - hostvars.localhost.stack_status is defined - hostvars.localhost.stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE' block: - name: Set facts for remote access set_fact: ansible_ssh_extra_args: >- {{ ansible_ssh_extra_args|d() }} -F {{hostvars.localhost.output_dir}}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf - name: Wait for linux host to be available wait_for_connection: timeout: 20 - name: Pack an archive of everything in case something goes wrong become: yes archive: path: - /home - /root dest: /tmp/home.tar.gz # TODO: remove ignore_errors when https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/42090 is fixed ignore_errors: yes - name: Fetch the archive fetch: flat: yes src: /tmp/home.tar.gz dest: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_user_home.tar.gz" - stat: path: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/{{ cluster_name }}/metadata.json register: statclusterdir - name: Wait until the file /tmp/deployinprogress lockfile is absent wait_for: path: /tmp/deployinprogress state: absent timeout: 1800 sleep: 10 - when: statclusterdir.stat.exists block: - name: destroy terraform resources (openshift-install destroy cluster) command: openshift-install destroy cluster --dir=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/{{ cluster_name }}/ register: destroyr async: 2400 poll: 30 retries: 3 delay: 10 until: destroyr is succeeded - set_fact: oktodelete: yes always: - name: pack an archive of everything archive: path: /home/{{ansible_user}}/{{ cluster_name }} dest: /tmp/{{ cluster_name }}.tar.gz - name: get archive of environment target dir fetch: flat: yes src: /tmp/{{ cluster_name }}.tar.gz dest: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_{{ cluster_name }}.tar.gz" - when: not statclusterdir.stat.exists block: - name: Detect cluster dir using the terraform file (/root) find: file_type: file paths: /root pattern: terraform.tfstate recurse: yes depth: 5 become: yes register: findr - name: Destroy all clusters loop: "{{ findr.files }}" include_tasks: destroy_cluster.yml vars: cluster_dir: "{{ item.path | dirname }}" username: root - name: Detect cluster dir using the terraform file (/home) find: file_type: file paths: /home pattern: terraform.tfstate recurse: yes depth: 5 become: yes register: findr - name: Destroy all clusters loop: "{{ findr.files }}" include_tasks: destroy_cluster.yml vars: cluster_dir: "{{ item.path | dirname }}" username: "{{ item.path | dirname | regex_replace('/home/([^/]+).*', '\\1') }}" - set_fact: oktodelete: yes always: - name: Test if janitor is present shell: command -v janitor register: commandjanitor delegate_to: localhost failed_when: false changed_when: false - when: - commandjanitor.rc == 0 - run_janitor | default(false) | bool block: - name: Run janitor to get existing resources environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}" AWS_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}" command: >- janitor -u={{ hostvars.localhost.student_stack_user }} -t='{{ hostvars.localhost.stack_creation_time }}' -r -quiet register: janitorreg delegate_to: localhost - debug: var: janitorreg.stdout - name: Send email about remaining resources when: - janitorreg.stdout_lines | length > 0 - report_email is defined mail: subject: "OCP4 lab: Remaining resources found for user {{ hostvars.localhost.student_stack_user }}" to: "{{ report_email }}" subtype: html body: |-
                  {{ janitorreg.stdout }}
from: "{{ report_from_email | d(report_email) }}" headers: - Reply-To={{ report_reply_to_email | d(report_email) }} delegate_to: localhost - name: Output janitor logs when: report_email is not defined debug: var: janitorreg.stdout - name: Delete ocp4 provisioner stack hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: False become: no environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}" AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}" tasks: - set_fact: aws_public_zone: "{{ guid }}.{{ subdomain_base_suffix | regex_replace('^\\.', '') }}." - name: Grab zone ID # use CLI here because the route53_zone module is not graceful and asks for all zones # then iterates in python to find the one. This causes Throttling errors. # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/05c6ff79f9860dbd6b43cb4914ee749baf65b9f7/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/route53_zone.py#L145 command: >- aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name {{ aws_public_zone }} --max-items 4 --output json register: awsroute53zone changed_when: false retries: 5 delay: "{{ 60|random(start=10, step=1) }}" until: awsroute53zone is succeeded - name: delete zones include_tasks: delete_zone.yml vars: _zone: "{{ loopzone }}" _hostedzoneid: "{{ loopzone.Id | regex_replace('/hostedzone/', '') }}" when: - loopzone.Name == aws_public_zone loop: "{{ awsroute53zone.stdout|from_json|json_query('HostedZones') }}" loop_control: loop_var: loopzone - name: Run infra-ec2-template-destroy include_role: name: infra-ec2-template-destroy when: # Before deleting the provisioner, make sure destroy terraform successfully run. - stack_status is defined - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE' - "'bastions' in groups" - groups.bastions | length > 0 - hostvars[groups.bastions[0]].oktodelete - name: Run infra-ec2-template-destroy include_role: name: infra-ec2-template-destroy when: # delete stack if stack creation failed - stack_status is defined - stack_status != 'CREATE_COMPLETE'