--- # Implement your Workload deployment tasks here - name: Setting up workload for user debug: msg: "Setting up workload for user ocp_username = {{ ocp_username }}" - include_role: name: mysql vars: become_override: yes # Find public IP of bastion - name: Gather VPC facts ec2_vpc_net_facts: filters: tag:Name: "{{ aws_vpc_name }}" region: "{{ aws_region_final | default(aws_region) }}" register: vpc - name: Get instance facts ec2_instance_facts: filters: # FIXME - find a better way to discover the bastion name "tag:Name": "{{ instances[0].name }}" region: "{{ aws_region_final | default(aws_region) }}" register: instancesr failed_when: instancesr|length == 0 - name: Get non-terminated instance set_fact: ec2instance: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ instancesr.instances }}" when: not item.state.name == 'terminated' failed_when: ec2instance is undefined # Make external DNS of MySQL available to OpenShift cluster - name: Get cluster metadata slurp: path: "{{ cluster_name }}/metadata.json" register: metadata - name: Get cluster infrastructure ID set_fact: cluster_vpc_name: "{{ metadata.content | b64decode | from_json | json_query('infraID')}}-vpc" - name: Gather Cluster VPC facts ec2_vpc_net_facts: filters: tag:Name: "{{ cluster_vpc_name }}" region: "{{ aws_region_final | default(aws_region) }}" register: cluster_vpc failed_when: cluster_vpc.vpcs | length == 0 - name: Create Private DNS Entry for MySQL in cluster private zone route53: state: present overwrite: yes private_zone: yes record: "{{ mysql_dns_name }}" type: A ttl: 60 value: "{{ ec2instance.public_ip_address }}" zone: "{{ cluster_name }}{{ subdomain_base_suffix }}." vpc_id: "{{ cluster_vpc.vpcs[0].vpc_id }}" # Leave this as the last task in the playbook. - name: workload tasks complete debug: msg: "Workload Tasks completed successfully." when: not silent|bool