--- # This var is used to identify stack (cloudformation, azure resourcegroup, ...) project_tag: "{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}" # Setting resource group az_destroy_method: resource_group az_resource_group: "{{ project_tag }}" # Setting the key_name and ssh_keyfile key_name: id_rsa # Setting default remote_user remote_user: azure # Setting some defaults that are checked for HostedZoneId: none # Setting this variable that specifies the group with AD admins in it az_group_customer_admin: "{{aro_admin_group}}" # Setting this variable so it doesn't try to configure anything beyond ARO software_to_deploy: none install_ipa_client: false # Keyvault information az_kv_name: RHPDSAppRegList az_kv_id: id- az_kv_key: key- # Function URLs # Its "curl {{url}}{{projecttag}}" when requesting the URL az_function_get: "https://{{az_function_hostname}}/api/get/" az_function_release: "https://{{az_function_hostname}}/api/release/" # Number of Compute Nodes aro_compute_count: 2