= Configs This directory contains playbooks to provision, deploy, configure softwares. Each config should containsthose files: * `pre_infra.yml` * `post_infra.yml` * `pre_software.yml` * `software.yml` * `post_software.yml` * `env_vars.yml` * `destroy_env.yml` For more details see link:../main.yml[main.yml] and link:just-some-nodes-example[just-some-nodes-example]. == Configuration Index This index was developed by an AgnosticD noob trying to get his head around the various configs. People who know better should feel free to make updates. === Vanilla Configs |=== |config| supported providers | comments | link:simple-example[] | AWS | A bastion and two worker nodes. | link:test-empty-config[] | | Simply calls a series of playbooks. | link:three-tier-app[] | AWS,OSP | 5 unconfigured RHEL nodes, all internet exposed. Simple and actively maintained, this is likely a good starting point. | link:just-some-nodes-example[] | AWS, Azure | Vanilla nodes begging for something interesting to be done with them. | link:multi-region-example[] | AWS | Example of deploying into multiple regions. |=== === Ansible |=== |config| supported providers | comments | link:ansible-cicd-lab[] | AWS | Ansible CI/CD Hackathon (for RHTE 2018 sessions). | link:ansible-integrations[] | AWS | | link:ansible-provisioner[] | AWS | | link:ansible-tower[] | AWS | Ansible tower and worker nodes | link:ansible-tower-implementation[] | AWS | | link:ansible-windows[] | AWS | | link:ans-network-lab[] | AWS | | link:ans-tower-lab[] | AWS | *Ansible Bootcamp ILT* aka *Ansible Advanced* labs. | link:ans-tower-ops-demo[] | AWS | similar to ans-tower-lab (?) | link:aro[] | Azure | Azure Red Hat OpenShift (aro) Standard Config | link:multi-region-tower[] | AWS | Deploy Ansible Tower into multpile regions. | link:rhte-ans-tower[] | AWS? | | link:rhte-oc-cluster-vms[] | AWS? | |=== === Openshift Container Platform Version 4 |=== |config| supported providers | comments | link:linklight[] | AWS | Example of existing deployr being wrapped by Ansible. | link:linklight-foundations[] | AWS | | link:ocp4-cluster[] | AWS | OCP 4 Disconnected Install Lab | link:ocp4-disconnected-osp-lab[] | AWS | OCP 4 Disconnected Install Lab | link:ocp4-ha-lab[] | AWS | OCP 4 HA Lab | link:ocp4-shared[] | AWS | Single OCP4 cluster to support multiple users | link:ocp4-workshop[] | AWS | |=== === Openshift Container Platform Version 3 |=== |config| supported providers | comments | link:ocp-clientvm[] | AWS | | link:ocp-gpu-single-node[] | AWS | | link:ocp-ha-disconnected-lab[] | AWS | | link:ocp-ha-lab[] | AWS | | link:ocp-implementation-lab[] | AWS | | link:ocp-storage-cns[] | AWS | | link:ocp-workloads[] | AWS | | link:ocp-workshop[] | AWS | | link:ocp-workshop-with-clientvms[] | AWS | | link:openshift-demos[] | AWS | | link:osp-migration[] | Openstack | |=== === Red Hat Satellite |=== |config| supported providers | comments | link:satellite-multi-region[] | AWS | Satellite and Bastion, and multi region capsules. | link:satellite-vm[] | AWS | Satellite and Bastion vms. |===