= ansible-skylight config Author: Jim Rigsbee, jrigsbee@redhat.com == Overview Currently the ansible-skylight is used to deploy a classroom based on the skylight classroom created by the SA Tiger team: https://github.com/mgmt-sa-tiger-team/skylight.git == NOTES To be documented == Review the Env_Type variable file * This file link:./env_vars.yml[./env_vars.yml] contains all the variables you need to define to control, or customize, the deployment of your environment. In normal usage this should not need to be touched or ammended and one-off changes can be tested by passing vars or var files with `-e` or `-e @my_version_vars.yml`. == Secrets To be documented == Running Ansible Playbook You can run the playbook with the following arguments to overwrite the default variable values: From the `ansible_agnostic_deployer/ansible` directory run ` [source,bash] ---- ENVTYPE=ansible-skylight GUID=test02 CLOUDPROVIDER=ec2 REGION=us-east-1 HOSTZONEID='Z3IHLWJZOU9SRT' KEYNAME=awskey ansible-playbook main.yml \ -e "guid=${GUID}" \ -e "env_type=${ENVTYPE}" \ -e "key_name=${KEYNAME}" \ -e "subdomain_base_suffix=${BASESUFFIX}" \ -e "cloud_provider=${CLOUDPROVIDER}" \ -e "aws_region=${REGION}" \ -e "HostedZoneId=${HOSTZONEID}" \ -e "email=name@example.com" \ -e "output_dir=/tmp/workdir" \ -e @~/secret.yml \ -e @~/my_env_vars.yml ---- === To Delete an environment [source,bash] ---- REGION=us-east-1 KEYNAME=awskey GUID=test02 ENVTYPE=ansible-skylight CLOUDPROVIDER=ec2 ansible-playbook configs/${ENVTYPE}/destroy_env.yml \ -e "guid=${GUID}" -e "env_type=${ENVTYPE}" \ -e "cloud_provider=${CLOUDPROVIDER}" \ -e "aws_region=${REGION}" -e "key_name=${KEYNAME}" \ -e @~/secret.yml \ -e @~/my_env_vars.yml ----