# https://github.com/cedrozor/myrtille - name: Install IIS and .Net 4.5 on Server win_feature: name: - Web-Server - NET-Framework-Core # - Application-Server - Web-Asp-Net45 include_management_tools: True state: present when: "'Windows 10' not in ansible_distribution" - name: Install IIS and .Net 4.5 on Non-Server win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsOptionalFeature Name: "{{ item }}" Ensure: Enable when: "'Windows 10' in ansible_distribution" loop: - IIS-WebServerRole - IIS-WebServer - NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 - IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 - IIS-ISAPIExtensions - IIS-ISAPIFilter - IIS-ASPNET45 - name: Create temp directory win_file: path: C:\Temp\ state: directory - name: Check if Myrtille is downloaded win_stat: path: C:\Temp\Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe register: myrtille # The following fails because windows defaults to TLS 1.0 and Github now requires 1.2 # - name: Download Myrtille to specified path only if modified # win_get_url: # url: https://github.com/cedrozor/myrtille/releases/download/v2.3.1/Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe # dest: C:\Temp\Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe # when: not myrtille.stat.exists - name: Download Myrtille to specified path only if modified win_shell: "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://github.com/cedrozor/myrtille/releases/download/v2.3.1/Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe' -OutFile 'C:\\Temp\\Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe'" when: not myrtille.stat.exists - name: Extract the binary win_command: Myrtille_2.3.1_x86_x64_Setup.exe -o "C:\Temp" -y args: chdir: C:\Temp\ creates: C:\Temp\setup.exe - name: Install Myrtille win_package: path: C:\Temp\setup.exe arguments: /q creates_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Myrtille - name: Disable NTLM RDP Authetication requirement win_regedit: path: HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp name: "{{ item }}" data: 0 type: dword with_items: - SecurityLayer - UserAuthentication - name: Create RDP Application win_iis_webapplication: name: rdp site: Default Web Site application_pool: MyrtilleAppPool physical_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Myrtille\ state: present