--- ###### VARIABLES YOU SHOULD CONFIGURE FOR YOUR DEPLOYEMNT ###### OR PASS as "-e" args to ansible-playbook command ### Common Host settings env_type: satellite-vm output_dir: /tmp/workdir # Writable working scratch directory email: "{{env_type}}@example.com" ## guid is the deployment unique identifier, it will be appended to all tags, ## files and anything that identifies this environment from another "just like it" guid: defaultguid ### Other Options are: file, satellite and rhn repo_method: file use_own_repos: true ### For RHN login # repo_method: rhn # rhsm_pool_ids: # - 8a85f99b6b498682016b521dfe463949 # rhel_subscription_user: # rhel_subscription_pass: ### If using repo_method: satellite, you must set these values as well. # satellite_url: satellite.example.com # satellite_org: Sat_org_name # satellite_activationkey: "rhel7basic" ###### repo_version: "3.6.0-1" tower_version: "{{repo_version}}" # This is where the ssh_config file will be created, this file is used to # define the communication method to all the hosts in the deployment deploy_local_ssh_config_location: "{{output_dir}}/" key_name: ocpkey # Keyname must exist in AWS ### If you want a Key Pair name created and injected into the hosts, # set `set_env_authorized_key` to true and set the keyname in `env_authorized_key` # you can use the key used to create the environment or use your own self generated key # if you set "use_own_key" to false your PRIVATE key will be copied to the bastion. (This is {{key_name}}) use_own_key: true env_authorized_key: "{{guid}}key" set_env_authorized_key: true default_key_name: ~/.ssh/{{key_name}}.pem install_bastion: true install_common: true install_ipa_client: false install_ftl: true tower_run: false update_packages: true update_all_packages: false install_satellite: True configure_satellite: false # This var is used to identify stack (cloudformation, azure resourcegroup, ...) project_tag: "{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}" ansible_distribution_major_version: "7" rhel_repos: - rhel-7-server-rpms - rhel-7-server-extras-rpms - epel-release-latest-7 common_packages: - python - unzip - bash-completion - tmux - bind-utils - wget - git - vim-enhanced - at - ansible cf_template_description: "{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }} Ansible Agnostic Deployer " git_packages: git git_project: my_webservers_DEV git_user: git git_authorized_keys: "{{output_dir}}/{{guid}}key.pub" ...