ssh-copy-id # Copy private git key to bastion git clone cd agnosticd/ansible cp configs/openshift-demos/requirements.yml configs/ocp-workloads/ # Update configs/ocp-workloads/requirements.yml with siamaksude. prefix ansible-playbook install_galaxy_roles.yml -e env_type=ocp-workloads ### SCRIPT START GUID=8828 DOMAIN="cluster-${GUID}.${GUID}" #TARGET_HOST="bastion.$DOMAIN" TARGET_HOST="localhost" MASTER_HOSTNAME="master.$DOMAIN" MASTER_HOSTNAME="ip-10-0-163-210.ec2.internal" APPS_DOMAIN="apps.$DOMAIN" OCP_USERNAME="opentlc-mgr" #SSH_USER="" SSH_USER="ec2-user" #SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="ocp-workshop.pem" SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="${GUID}key.pem" # WORKLOAD SPECIFICS WORKSHOP_PROJECT="ocp-workshop" USER_PASSWORD="r3dh4t1!" GOGS_PASSWORD="openshift" NUM_USERS=10 ACTION=create #ACTION=remove WORKLOAD="ocp4-workload-security-compliance-lab" # a TARGET_HOST is specified in the command line, without using an inventory file ansible-playbook -i ${TARGET_HOST}, ./configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \ -e"ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" \ -e"ansible_user=${SSH_USER}" \ -e"ocp_username=${OCP_USERNAME}" \ -e"ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD}" \ -e"guid=${GUID}" \ -e"ocp_user_needs_quota=true" \ -e"ocp_apps_domain=${APPS_DOMAIN}" \ -e"admin_project=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT}" \ -e"num_users=${NUM_USERS}" \ -e"user_password=${USER_PASSWORD}" \ -e"subdomain_base_suffix=${DOMAIN}" -e"ACTION=${ACTION}" ### SCRIPT END Manual Quay Configuration 1. Naviagate to http://quayecosystem-quay-quay-enterprise.apps.cluster-${GUID}.${GUID} 2. Set database to quay, host is mysql.quay-mysql.svc, username quay, password quay 3. If you get an error after proceeding, refresh the page until it comes back 4. Wait for quay to indicate it is restarting 5. Revisit the above url 6. Create the quay superuser: admin,, admin123 If you get the error "Could not create superuser", refresh the page, select sign in button 8. login as admin/admin123 9. Enter the Redis Information and Click Save Configuration Changes. Configuration will be Validated and Click Save Configuration. - Redis Hostname: quayecosystem-redis - Redis Port: 6379 10. Click Restart container. Referesh the page after the container has restarted. Keep refreshing until the page comes back (you might get 502 errors before then) 11. Once restarted and refreshed, the installation should be complete. Click `Super User Admin Panel` under the admin user menu in the upper right corner 12. Click Registry Settings at the left menu (gear icon) 13. Scroll down and Select "Enable Security Scanning" check mark under Security Scanner 14. Enter Security Scanner Endpoint of your clairsvc. i.e. http://clairsvc:6060 15. Click Create Key 16. Select "Have the service provide a key" and click Start Approval. - If Clair is not being responsive with providing a service key, restart Clair and try again. oc scale rc/clair --replicas=0 -n quay-enterprise oc scale rc/clair --replicas=1 -n quay-enterprise 17. Save the configuration 18. Go to "Repositories" -> "Create New Repository" 19. Name the repository "ecommerce". Select "public" 20. Click "Create public repository" 21. Restart Quay (delete the pod) 22. Restart clair (scale to 0, then 1) 23. Refresh quay ui until a notification appears by the bell icon 24. Select notification, click approve keym enter admin password