:scrollbar: :data-uri: :toc2: :linkattrs: = bxms_decision_mgmt_foundations_lab The following enables an decision manager execution server whose undertow web server is configured to respond to HTTP OPTION requests with CORS filters . Initialize the template: + ----- $ oc create -f resources/rhdm7-full-ng.yaml ----- . Initialize OCP resources from the project template: + ----- $ oc new-app --name=dm-demo --template=rhdm7-full-ng \ -p RHT_IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=openshift \ -p KIE_ADMIN_PWD=test1234! \ -p MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD=test1234! \ -p CLUSTER=apps.dev37.openshift.opentlc.com \ -p APPLICATION_NAME=gpte > /tmp/gpte-dm-demo.txt ----- . Resume DCs that are initially paused by default: + ----- $ oc rollout resume dc/gpte-rhdmcentr $ oc rollout resume dc/gpte-kieserver $ oc rollout resume dc/gpte-ng-dmf ------ . User IDs / passwords .. *Business Central* : adminUser / admin .. *kie-server* : adminUser / admin .. *Mortgage Loan Decision Test* : . Routes .. Kie Server documentation: + ----- $ echo -en "\n\nhttps://`oc get route secure-gpte-kieserver --template "{{.spec.host}}"`:443/docs/\n\n" ----- .. KIE Server status: + ----- $ echo -en "\n\nhttps://`oc get route secure-gpte-kieserver --template "{{.spec.host}}"`:443/services/rest/server/\n\n" ----- === Additional Notes . (Optional) Delete all OCP resources associated with this project: + ----- $ oc delete all -l app=dm-demo $ oc delete sa/bpmsuite-service-account $ oc delete secret/bpmsuite-app-secret $ oc delete template/ng-mortgage-bpmsuite70-full-mysql ----- . (Optional) Instantiate a container directly from bpms7 kieserver image: + ----- $ oc new-app bpmsuite70-executionserver-openshift:1.0~https://github.com/gpe-mw-training/bxms_decision_mgmt_foundations_lab.git \ --context-dir=exec-server \ --name=exec-test ----- . (Optional) Build BCs in OpenShift namespace + ----- $ oc process \ -p RHT_IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=openshift \ -p APPLICATION_NAME=gpte \ -f resources/rhdm7-bc.yaml \ | oc create -f - -n openshift --as=system:admin $ oc create -f resources/rhdm7-no-bc-ng.yaml $ oc new-app --name=dm-demo --template=rhdm7-no-bc-ng \ -p RHT_IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=openshift \ -p GPTE_IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=openshift \ -p KIE_ADMIN_PWD=test1234! \ -p MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD=test1234! \ -p CLUSTER=apps.dev37.openshift.opentlc.com \ -p APPLICATION_NAME=gpte > /tmp/gpte-dm-demo.txt ----- === Deprecated . Create a keystore for execution server + ----- $ keytool -genkey \ -keyalg RSA \ -alias selfsigned \ -keystore /tmp/keystore.jks \ -validity 360 \ -keysize 2048 \ -alias jboss \ -storepass rhtgpte \ -keypass rhtgpte \ -dname "CN=mw,OU=gpte,O=redhat.com,L=Raleigh,S=NC,C=US" ----- . Configure a service account that is loaded with the previously created secret: + ----- $ oc create serviceaccount bpmsuite-service-account $ oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:jb-bpms7:bpmsuite-service-account $ oc secrets new bpmsuite-app-secret /tmp/keystore.jks $ oc secrets link bpmsuite-service-account bpmsuite-app-secret ----- . Create a configmap from the JBoss CLI that enables the undertow component of the execution server with CORS: The project template mounts a volume from this configmap to the execution server. + ----- $ oc create configmap undertow-cors --from-file=resources/undertow-cors.cli -----