from code import interact from contextlib import contextmanager import argparse import os import sys import textwrap import pkg_resources from pyramid.compat import exec_ from pyramid.util import DottedNameResolver from pyramid.util import make_contextmanager from pyramid.paster import bootstrap from pyramid.settings import aslist from pyramid.scripts.common import get_config_loader from pyramid.scripts.common import parse_vars def main(argv=sys.argv, quiet=False): command = PShellCommand(argv, quiet) return def python_shell_runner(env, help, interact=interact): cprt = 'Type "help" for more information.' banner = "Python %s on %s\n%s" % (sys.version, sys.platform, cprt) banner += '\n\n' + help + '\n' interact(banner, local=env) class PShellCommand(object): description = """\ Open an interactive shell with a Pyramid app loaded. This command accepts one positional argument named "config_uri" which specifies the PasteDeploy config file to use for the interactive shell. The format is "inifile#name". If the name is left off, the Pyramid default application will be assumed. Example: "pshell myapp.ini#main". If you do not point the loader directly at the section of the ini file containing your Pyramid application, the command will attempt to find the app for you. If you are loading a pipeline that contains more than one Pyramid application within it, the loader will use the last one. """ bootstrap = staticmethod(bootstrap) # for testing get_config_loader = staticmethod(get_config_loader) # for testing pkg_resources = pkg_resources # for testing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=textwrap.dedent(description), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--python-shell', action='store', dest='python_shell', default='', help=( 'Select the shell to use. A list of possible ' 'shells is available using the --list-shells ' 'option.' ), ) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--list-shells', dest='list', action='store_true', help='List all available shells.', ) parser.add_argument( '--setup', dest='setup', help=( "A callable that will be passed the environment " "before it is made available to the shell. This " "option will override the 'setup' key in the " "[pshell] ini section." ), ) parser.add_argument( 'config_uri', nargs='?', default=None, help='The URI to the configuration file.', ) parser.add_argument( 'config_vars', nargs='*', default=(), help="Variables required by the config file. For example, " "`http_port=%%(http_port)s` would expect `http_port=8080` to be " "passed here.", ) default_runner = python_shell_runner # testing loaded_objects = {} object_help = {} preferred_shells = [] setup = None pystartup = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP') resolver = DottedNameResolver(None) def __init__(self, argv, quiet=False): self.quiet = quiet self.args = self.parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) def pshell_file_config(self, loader, defaults): settings = loader.get_settings('pshell', defaults) self.loaded_objects = {} self.object_help = {} self.setup = None for k, v in settings.items(): if k == 'setup': self.setup = v elif k == 'default_shell': self.preferred_shells = [x.lower() for x in aslist(v)] else: self.loaded_objects[k] = self.resolver.maybe_resolve(v) self.object_help[k] = v def out(self, msg): # pragma: no cover if not self.quiet: print(msg) def run(self, shell=None): if self.args.list: return self.show_shells() if not self.args.config_uri: self.out('Requires a config file argument') return 2 config_uri = self.args.config_uri config_vars = parse_vars(self.args.config_vars) loader = self.get_config_loader(config_uri) loader.setup_logging(config_vars) self.pshell_file_config(loader, config_vars) self.env = self.bootstrap(config_uri, options=config_vars) # remove the closer from the env self.closer = self.env.pop('closer') try: if shell is None: try: shell = self.make_shell() except ValueError as e: self.out(str(e)) return 1 with self.setup_env(): shell(self.env, finally: self.closer() @contextmanager def setup_env(self): # setup help text for default environment env = self.env env_help = dict(env) env_help['app'] = 'The WSGI application.' env_help['root'] = 'Root of the default resource tree.' env_help['registry'] = 'Active Pyramid registry.' env_help['request'] = 'Active request object.' env_help[ 'root_factory' ] = 'Default root factory used to create `root`.' # load the pshell section of the ini file env.update(self.loaded_objects) # eliminate duplicates from env, allowing custom vars to override for k in self.loaded_objects: if k in env_help: del env_help[k] # override use_script with command-line options if self.args.setup: self.setup = self.args.setup if self.setup: # call the setup callable self.setup = self.resolver.maybe_resolve(self.setup) # store the env before muddling it with the script orig_env = env.copy() setup_manager = make_contextmanager(self.setup) with setup_manager(env): # remove any objects from default help that were overidden for k, v in env.items(): if k not in orig_env or v != orig_env[k]: if getattr(v, '__doc__', False): env_help[k] = v.__doc__.replace("\n", " ") else: env_help[k] = v del orig_env # generate help text help = '' if env_help: help += 'Environment:' for var in sorted(env_help.keys()): help += '\n %-12s %s' % (var, env_help[var]) if self.object_help: help += '\n\nCustom Variables:' for var in sorted(self.object_help.keys()): help += '\n %-12s %s' % (var, self.object_help[var]) if self.pystartup and os.path.isfile(self.pystartup): with open(self.pystartup, 'rb') as fp: exec_('utf-8'), env) if '__builtins__' in env: del env['__builtins__'] = help.strip() yield def show_shells(self): shells = self.find_all_shells() sorted_names = sorted(shells.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()) self.out('Available shells:') for name in sorted_names: self.out(' %s' % (name,)) return 0 def find_all_shells(self): pkg_resources = self.pkg_resources shells = {} for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('pyramid.pshell_runner'): name = shell_factory = ep.load() shells[name] = shell_factory return shells def make_shell(self): shells = self.find_all_shells() shell = None user_shell = self.args.python_shell.lower() if not user_shell: preferred_shells = self.preferred_shells if not preferred_shells: # by default prioritize all shells above python preferred_shells = [k for k in shells.keys() if k != 'python'] max_weight = len(preferred_shells) def order(x): # invert weight to reverse sort the list # (closer to the front is higher priority) try: return preferred_shells.index(x[0].lower()) - max_weight except ValueError: return 1 sorted_shells = sorted(shells.items(), key=order) if len(sorted_shells) > 0: shell = sorted_shells[0][1] else: runner = shells.get(user_shell) if runner is not None: shell = runner if shell is None: raise ValueError( 'could not find a shell named "%s"' % user_shell ) if shell is None: # should never happen, but just incase entry points are borked shell = self.default_runner return shell if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover sys.exit(main() or 0)